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Everything posted by mint

  1. Norman, please make Pat's link live so that I can listen too! You don't need me to tell you that if there is anything I can do, you only need to ask!  Sorry, I am not within any sort of striking physical distance[:)]
  2. You've found it, Norman! Isn't it exquisite?
  3. Now that we have been talking about songs, I have just bought a CD of Arleen Auger singing Love Songs. So, I was just flicking through the different tracks when it was I who was stopped in my tracks by her rendition of O del mio amato ben.  Her perfect diction of the Italian and her sheer musicality are compelling. I have only ever heard this song sung by a tenor so this was a serendipitous discovery.  If you do listen to it, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did[:)]
  4. The encore brought a big smile to my lips [:D]
  5. Norman, were you ever once young and foolish? Now, you might wonder at my audacity at asking you such a personal question.  All will be explained. We had a very musical house guest last week and the main topic of conversation at most meals was naturally music.  Which made me think of you and what you might like............ So OH, whose musical experience is probably years longer than most of ours (on account of his age!), brought up the subject of "Down by the Sally Gardens".  And now I can't get the tune out of my head and haven't yet succeeded in playing it complete on the piano without the music in front of me. Anyway, this is just to say that you might like to know that my favourite version is that of Alfred Deller and that you might like to download it on your new tablette.  To my chagrin, I fail to get a link to it for you here. And if you WERE reflecting on when you were young and foolish, you might like to remember that you were in very good company [:D] bonne journée PS will be thinking of you on the 12th and wishing you well[:)]
  6. They have now chosen the 20 singers and the jury for Cardiff Singer. Sorry, can't do links but you will find all the info on the BBC website. Intriguingly, singers for the first time from some unexpected countries.
  7. Norman, I have managed to watch your link at last and, yes, I agree, a lovely treatment. And, of course, Mozart................how the heart lifts just with the first few notes[:)]  
  8. There was a programme on this evening called "Written by Mrs Bach?" BBC TV 4. Alas, I only saw a few seconds even as the credits were rolling.  OH said it was quite in-depth so you might be interested.
  9. Norman, I know, and I will do as you have indeed suggested. Arte does have such wonderful programmes.
  10. Apologies, Norman, for not responding to your post.  Alas, we have not been able to get Arte since we moved from our previous house so your post is very much appreciated. Gluey, yes, we are admirers of Elin Manahan Thomas, and not just because she happens to be Welsh[:P] It was Norman, BTW, who introduced me to Victoria and now I am really "getting" his music and find it very moving. However, can't agree about SRB...................I am no fan.
  11. BBCTV3 tonight 9.00 French time, lovely BBC archival material of Placido Domingo throughout all the decades he's appeared on BBC programmes. Lovely trip through memory lane, as it were, and fascinating to see how music presentation and representation have changed through the years.  And, my goodness, you just couldn't begin to compare the presenters!!! You had the likes of Richard Baker who could sit down at a piano and accompany PD...............[:D]
  12. Norman, tu es là? Quick, put on France Musique, lovely singing and might be finishing soon but I know you can listen later on your computer. Not "serious" singing but joyous and good singing nonethe less!
  13. Tavener tomorrow, live from the Barbican on R3 19.30 UK time, long concert called Flood of Beauty. Don't know the work but I thought there might be something for everybody: choir, cello soloist, Indian musicians, etc.
  14. Please try and catch Beethoven's Missa Solemnis. Not your usual interpretation with a massive choir, etc. I found it completely mesmerising and there was never a quaver in the solos' singing[:D] Can you also look in your PM box, stp? Now knowing that we both loathe the telephone, I hesitate to ring the barrel?
  15. Please try and catch Beethoven's Missa Solemnis. Not your usual interpretation with a massive choir, etc. I found it completely mesmerising and there was never a quaver in the solos' singing[:D] Can you also look in your PM box, stp? Now knowing that we both loathe the telephone, I hesitate to ring the barrel?
  16. Barenboim and his Divan orchestra on the TV tonight. I never say "no" to some foot-tapping Bizet and actually, none of it sounds clichéd (urggghh...........is that a proper word?) Barenboim is just the consummate showman, communicator and musical genius.
  17. Really enjoyed "first night" last night (sorry, I'm always playing these word games [:$]) The choir was great and the soloists were excellent. I'm going to read the reviews later but I'd love to have your opinion?[:)] I could only gape in wonder at the intricate and beautiful singing and, as you can probably tell, I don't know this piece at all well and it was a bit of an eye-opener for me.
  18. You might like this morning's Building a Library so do listen if you can. I also see from my mail box last night that they have extended the deadline for submissions for Cardiff Singer and I am wondering whether they are not receiving entrants of quality in sufficient numbers?[:-))]
  19. [quote user="NormanH"]Yes heard it:)  didn't much like the Cole piece though.. [/quote] Me neither.  But some lovely Richard Strauss, don't you think?
  20. Lovely rendition of the Beethoven septet on BBC radio 3 lunch-time concert today.  Sorry, not yet found out how to do links with Firefox.
  21. [quote user="chrishead"]The fit wenches all left the forum...no reason to stay. And in the bad old days the mods ran amok and sorta cramped the fun...anyway, nice work JJ, keep on learning and growing. Just a small example of current work.. http://www.leboncoin.fr/services/658893217.htm?ca=14_s Ciouciou [/quote] Chris, where on earth have you sprung from? Are you well?  Are you busy? If you are reluctant to say anything on the forum, please send me a short PM, no need for details, just so that I know that you still ticking along?
  22. [quote user="suein56"][quote user="Patf"]SW17 and Norman - I thought you would like this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFzjIe14SoA How do they train a child to sing so beautifully? [/quote] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFzjIe14SoA Just for you Sweet as Norman seems to be otherwise occupied. Sue [/quote] Merci, ma chère Sue............[:)].
  23. Pat, I am sitting tight until Norman makes your link clickable[:D] I am exhausted, visitors, etc.  I do wish people would only come if they could drive themselves around.  Anyway, tonight, at dinner, we had some Offenbach, visitors with little musical knowledge, so one has to adjust, non? Having said that I do love many of Offenbach's lovely, lyrical tunes.  Do you know "la Pericole"?  Lovely on stage though, when we saw it, we had very little French and there WAS a lot of dialogue[:'(] I like "la belle Hélène" and play it on the piano as it's really easy which even I could manage (at least the arrangement for children learning the piano)!
  24. [quote user="Cendrillon"]I watched this week's woodwind section. They were all brilliant and hard to choose between them. I rather thought the Chinese boy who played last would win but no it was the girl with the recorder. [/quote] Yes, I thought it would be the Chinese boy as he was technically excellent.  However, the winner had that je ne sais quoi and I found her totally mesmerising. Also, as I don't rate the saxophone, I'd eliminated the two saxophonists in my own mind!
  25. [quote user="sweet 17"][quote user="NormanH"]Thank you for that...I thoroughly enjoyed it and it was for me too just what was needed.. [/quote] Are you catching the BBC Young Musicians? I swear standards are going up all the time. [/quote] Norman, you might like to hear this week's woodwind section.  No, NOT the 2 saxophones but the girl who won playing the recorder; quite enchanting.
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