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Everything posted by mint

  1. Norman, this evening, TV, BBC 4, a gala concert with some remarkable performances; singing to give you goose bumps....
  2. The days might theoretically be longer but my days aren't nearly long enough[8-)] However, I just HAVE to take a couple of minutes to tell you about the marvellous programme on BBC 2 last night on Bach (varying times with different regions).  I think it was called A Passionate Life or something like that (I didn't catch it all but I think the "Passionate" was a word play to do with the St John and the St Matthew).  With John Eliot Gardiner and all the period instruments you could care to name.... Norman, don't miss it (if you haven't seen it already) and Pat, if you aren't able to watch, then please accept my apologies for this tantalising post. à bientôt!  
  3. Back to winter here today so one's thoughts drift to Berlioz and les nuits d'été and this wonderful mezzo was on the radio this morning. So, Berlioz plus summer nights plus Bernarda Fink give us this: http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=bernarda%20fink%20youtube&source=web&cd=5&cad=rja&sqi=2&ved=0CEEQtwIwBA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DXmehRx0mUK8&ei=0ko_Ua2bKMS7hAfc_YCgBg&usg=AFQjCNF6M6LOcub0rHPFoJfqnJy0_Jyttg&bvm=bv.43287494,d.d2k Hope you enjoy it.
  4. Goodall was unbelievably smug and quite horrible. But Beethoven was showcased so that was exciting. Then, when he compared Adele singing one of her own compostions (I believe) to Schumann's songs, I just had to "grincer les dents", as you might have put it, Norman. Pat, I hope you are catching the programme; plenty to enjoy despite the odious Goodall.
  5. Hi, guys, don't forget extra musical treats from the BBC this year. Cardiff Singer of the World, so get geared up, won't you?[:D] Just thought I'd give you plenty of notice so if you want to buy new speakers, TV, whatever.....
  6. I know he emphasised that it was HIS story of music, even so, I'd have liked more on the Neapolitan influence.  It lacked crucial emphasis on Monteverdi, for example, Scarlatti (père et fils), even Porpora (though he was later). I don't want to nitpick, only grateful that they are still making these sorts of programmes at all.
  7. OH likes to tell the story of how he bought Ted Heath an ice-cream once at La Scala when OH was on some trip there and TH was there conducting a youth orchestra.
  8. I suppose you could be called far worse things than "homosexual". Thought this might be mildly amusing on a wet afternoon? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2273127/Italian-opera-critic-savages-British-conductor-took-helm-Milans-legendary-La-Scala.html#axzz2JrCVxuTL
  9. [quote user="Patf"]I missed it too - we were watching recorded rugby. I looked up Howard Goodall and he looks like a younger version of Piers Morgan - is he just as smug? I would have loved to have heard the music though. [/quote] A hell of a lot smugger and even more irritating [6]  
  10. But I understand entirely.  I avoid lots of programmes, not just music ones, because I can't stand the bloody presenters. However, it was huge compensation to watch and listen to many of  my much-loved and favourite pieces of music and, more importantly, to re-live the occasions when I first heard them and fell completely under their spell.
  11. Norman, I see you are still up so I want to ask you:  have you been catching Howard Goodall on the BBC in "The Story of Music"? I personally find Goodall an irritating man and I don't always like his commentary but the music is worth putting up with him.
  12. YES!  Just absolutely beautiful....such a pure, clear voice but also with great versatility.  I adore her high notes.  
  13. Hey, guys, my Simone Kermes CD has arrived. Hope this link works: http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=simone+kermes+youtube&source=web&cd=8&cad=rja&ved=0CEgQtwIwBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DVxCAnmGRqUk&ei=OBsBUfuaA_K00QXXgoDoDA&usg=AFQjCNFelHQGHXJMfePXXTo1NiRDvrOYOA&bvm=bv.41248874,d.d2k Just something for now.  I'm in a dash, making fishcakes for lunch so will be up to my elbows in flour, egg, mashed pots, etc. Haven't listened to your links yet, Norman, but à bientôt...
  14. Pat, the singing just cracks me up.  But he was always doing that, wasn't he? [:D] Anyway, an update on Simone Kermess.  A kind Forum member has tracked down the CD for me and I have bought it. Anyone want to know any details, please PM.
  15. [quote user="Patf"]Beautiful [:D] Bach always brings tears to my eyes, don't know why. I've just read some of this thread for the first time - didn't realise it was about music . You've pricked my conscience about the piano SW17 - I haven't played for ages, excuse of a poorly shoulder! [/quote] Well, Pat, this piece of Bach is GUARANTEED to get you back playing again [:D] http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=bach+jesu+joy+of+man%27s+desiring+piano&source=web&cd=3&cad=rja&ved=0CDQQtwIwAg&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DTlfPxh8O6TU&ei=WivwUMqECYWm0QWY1YCgBA&usg=AFQjCNHwsMt8SU8LGiZNjxZZ1lCd5qK5hg&bvm=bv.1357700187,d.d2k Also, if you look at the early posts (which I have just done after your post) you might realise that I was trying to cheer Norman up as he was very ill at the time and I used a title that I thought would make him sit up and take notice![:P]  Looks like it succeeded, wouldn't you say? Norman, the most marvellous thing, OH found a bit of connector that would link up the record deck with the Bose and, my goodness, all that music that has brought back memories is playing at all hours again![:D][:D][:D]  Good job we never got rid of the record deck or the records! There is an LP of Margaret Price singing Italian, German and Welsh songs. Then an LP from I don't know how long ago as it was under a fiver (the price is still on it!) full of Baroque music: Pachelbel, Vivaldi, Albinoni, Handel, Durante, Scarlatti, Pergolesi, etc etc. Back to the Vinci, Norman, what I would really like to hear more of is the soprano, Simone Kermes; a truly beautiful voice and wonderful singing.
  16. Norman, help needed please. This afternoon, France Musique about 4 pm, 2 arias from Leonardo Vinci's opera l'Artaserse sung by Simone Kermes. Could you a) please listen to it via réécoute and b) find out if there's been a CD made and where to get it? So far, I have tried Amazon but it seems to be only for MP3 players and I still have vinyl records, so not much good to me. Can't do much in the way of research en ce moment because the computer is sulking [:@] 
  17. Thank you, Chiefluvvie.  Strangely enough, I took 2 paracetamols last night and that seemed to have got rid of the pain.  To think I've had it for a fair few days and the remedy was so simple......[:-))]
  18. Today, Radio 3 "In Tune" 16.30 GMT.  Elin Manahan Thomas singing beautifully.  The sort of voice for early Baroque....enjoy!  
  19. Apologies for the belated reply.  Have had much to do (and contend with as well). I enjoyed the clips and the songs are totally lovely. Having lost Radio 3 for just over a week (not sure where the signal went), I was so thrilled to eventually rediscover it and Saturday mornings are now back to normal.
  20. Norman, if you can, do watch the interview with Fanny Waterman (BBC TV 4 last night); such an inspiring and lively person! Great final but I haven't watched all of it so don't know if the winner was the "right" one but I do believe he can fill concert halls [:D] 
  21. Not sure if you can still catch this, Norman. BBC Radio 3 (I heard it live last Monday afternoon) Kalinnikov Symphony No 1 with the BBC Welsh. I hadn't heard of this composer before but I do know many of the players. It's always nice to find "new" music that intrigue.  And OH found it to be quite a revelation.
  22. No, I didn't find the review amusing!  In fact, the whole of what was described filled me with horror, incredulity and a feeling of being utterly doomed. As for the Monteverdi, the singing did me very well, without any of the er...setting [:(]
  23. OK, here we go, Tureck en fin..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2MfdZCais0
  24. I normally play Tureck's version. Sorry, can't seem to provide a link and don't know where the toolbar and half the "stuff" have gone. But I do think I prefer your pianist who is not, however, known to me[:(] Edit:  don't know how I've got the sad look on the title bar.  Emphasise NOT sad but a bit flummoxed by the strange way the computer is operating at the mo!
  25. Are you following the Leeds Piano Competition on BBC TV? Pumped full of steriods, antibiotics, probiotics and all the usual asthma médicaments, I've only just remembered to mention this to you... BTW, do you still keep your piano in the barrel? OK, back to piano practice, I think, better way of spending my time than sodoku-ing. I see the English Chamber Orchestra have just given a celebratory 50th anniversary concert.  But, apart from knowing that Vengerov and Kiri te Kanawa (what, is she still working?) took part, I have heard very little about it.  
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