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Everything posted by mint

  1. This evening, Radio 3, live from Festival Hall, Renee Fleming singing 4 last songs.  Do NOT miss!  If you are not spellbound, I will manger mon chapeau.
  2. Something for Christmas, Norman http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izocuWYYxfk
  3. Something for Christams, Norman http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izocuWYYxfk
  4. I hadn't realised that when Clair hiccoughs, the Forum catches indigestion. But, I am glad that you got my message.  I was going to say that you have me converted to Victoria's music but, perhaps, it might be truer to say that Victoria (his having been a priest and all) has indeed converted me! Sublime and enduring............ A neighbour persuaded me to accompany her to an Advent carol service this evening but I must say that the music is entirely forgettable.  No wonder, stray as I might, I always do go back to Rome. If you get the chance, Norman, the Vatican is a MUST for any music lover. Regards [kiss] Edit:  Gemonimo, if you should chance to read this, I was told there was definitely NO carol service at the church.  This wasn't a Hark the Herald Angels Sing sort of service:  it was all informal and hymns that are obscure and not known to me.  So, in case you're wondering, you ain't missed nothin'.
  5. Norman, I'm really keen that you don't miss "God's Composer" because I believe you'd really enjoy it. Can you please come on and tell me if you have read my message or, alternatively, that you already know about the programme? Anyone else living near Norman, can you please bang on his barrel and tell him about this post?
  6. Norman, I couldn't send this post as the site was "down" but I have been meaning to tell you that yesterday evening, when I got home (late alas) from Keep Fit, there was a programme on BBC 4 about......VICTORIA! I caught the last parts of the programme and I thought how much you'd enjoy it.  So, here is my post to let you know to stand by your iPlayer! I could have sent you a PM but this is so brilliant that I thought other people on the Forum might also benefit. And to think that there was this massive gap in my musical knowledge that, but for you, I would not have plugged![:D] Happy Watching and Listening!
  7. I know it's not "listening" as such but I use this site to follow the concerts that people I know play in.  Thought you might find something interesting to read about.... http://www.classicalsource.com/db_control/db_viewall_concert.php  
  8. Norman, if you are there now, there's a programme on French radio on early music.  Victoria and Peslestrina's names have just been mentioned. Enjoy!
  9. Norman, thanks for the clip.  It's not a piece that I know. BTW, did you watch the Rostropovich programme?  It brought tears to my eyes. When I mangled the fourth finger of my right hand earlier this year, I played Bach for weeks, just the bottom line, until I got the dressing small enough to enable me to use both hands again. Actually, I got to quite like just playing with my left hand!  Then, after my finger healed, I found I really knew the music very well once I started using both hands again. It always fascinates to watch Brendel, with all his fingers taped.  Don't know how he could feel the keys, but he's one of my favourites and I have been to several of his concerts.  
  10. Yes, Jonz, don't it (look nice I mean)[:D]
  11. Came back from Keep Fit this evening and caught part of the most wonderful programme on the BBC about Rostropovich.  He was such a very brave and moral person besides being a wonderful musician.  It's a great pity you can't get BBC TV....[:(]
  12. Wonderful indeed, Norman.  Made the hairs stand at the back of my neck.  Have been reading about Victoria and found the Pelestrina connection exciting.
  13. Thank you for the links.  I have now caught up with them.  I am quite converted to Victoria and I must admit I'd never heard of him until you introduced us! The Vatican does have wonderful music and I have been lucky enough to have heard music there a couple of times.  I think that's one of the things that have ensured the survival of the Roman Church....if only IMHO![:$] I think the speakers are better because then I can discuss the music with OH or whoever else I might be listening with.  But thanks for the suggestion of the headphones.
  14. Back shortly to listen, Norman. Just been listening to Mahler's first with Rattle and the Berlin Phil playing in....Singapore!  The wonders of modern technology indeed, to bring us a concert half way round the world.  These people have Mahler in their blood I reckon.....a virtuoso performance. However, got to shower, etc, having had a steamy session at the gym...  
  15. Lovely singing indeed of Lully.  I thought he'd be a favourite of yours as he's suitably early! I am very fond of Fischer Dieskau and like him a lot in Arabella but then I like him whatever he sings. edit:  not sure if there is an r at the end of Fischer but I have added it.
  16. The Tarara, I'm Anthony clip is quite delightful. Talking about Christmas, we have a professional violinist friend who was in the Albert Hall the night after the Last Night who was doing some Christmas concert, no doubt for broadcast at the appropriate time.....complete with all the Christmassy decorations! As for me, I have dug out some of the music for Carols.  I always need to go through them weeks in advance as I play them only once a year......[:(] 
  17. Still not able to tune in to Arte yet, Pacha, but we will get someone to do it for us, I think. I was very glad that I'd been too busy to put on the Last Night of the Proms Party for a bit of silliness and fun that I'd been planning on doing. I was very disappointed in the Last Night as I would have loved more tried-and-tested favourites.  Yes, I know the Bartok piece is well-known but it's not my type of music.  Much too modern.....alas! What worries me a bit too is how quickly it's all over.  Where has all the time gone?  It seems like it was only yesterday that I posted this for Norman to cheer him up when he was poorly and now another Proms season has come and gone and it's autumn, well, as good as, and I have lived in my new house for three-quarters of a year! At this rate, I shall be as ancient as my OH sooner than I can blink![+o(]
  18. That is indeed very beautiful. But, I don't agree about the "dumb blonde" as I thought she was quite a good communicator with a pleasant and engaging delivery.  I don't think she was "talking over the music" as it wasn't that sort of programme. I mean, it was a programme about how choirs worked and the principal objective wasn't showing all the music but using passages to illustrate the points that the "talking heads" were highlighting. Yes, it was very frustrating as you just wish they'd let you hear the music without interruption! It's a bit like sports commentators, I often get very vexed that they WOULD keep talking instead of letting you get on watching the action!
  19. Norman, up to a few minutes ago, I thought of you whilst watching this programme: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00mqly3 It was very well presented and the choir was extremely well trained.  I especially thought you'd be interested in the Byrd mass for 3 voices. For me, there was no competition:  it had to be the Bach B Minor Mass. Unfortunately, we had visitors and I only caught part of the programme.
  20. I have just managed to catch up on all the links you have so kindly provided in the last few days, Norman. In particular, I enjoyed the Barenboim interview, but then I always do like to hear him (don't care whether speaking, playing or conducting!) But it makes me smile every time he says he is not a political person when practically everything he says is profoundly political![:D] BTW, I hadn't realised that Gil Shaham was playing the Bruckner last night.  I remember him as a young talent bursting onto the musical scene and the first time I saw him was in Cardiff and the last time wasn't too long before our move to France.  He was playing in the Barbican and I remember exchanging smiles with him in the bar before the concert. Happy Days!!!  
  21. Here's the Telegraph take on this: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/music/proms/8736402/BBC-Proms-radio-broadcast-pulled-after-Israel-protest.html Zubin Mehta is one of the composers that I have watched "live" in different cities in the world so I have great respect for him.
  22. How perfectly dreadful!  As it happens, we've had a visitor this evening and I haven't been able to listen. Barenboim, he is not only a genius but so humane and so intelligent.  Can't expect these bigots to understand him, that's for sure.
  23. Norman, I have only just seen your posts and I shall be away for a couple of days with no internet. But I shall look forward to watching your links on my return. BTW, I did like Victoria's music very much indeed and I shall look at getting a CD when I have a chance to look at what's available.  
  24. Norman, that is very wonderful music and very moving.  Will definitely be getting speakers! Thank you for the link.
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