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Everything posted by mint

  1. [url]https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7490025/BILL-BRYSON-8-000-different-things-kill-one-succeed.html[/url] This article made me smile[:)]  Please persevere beyond the first few paragraphs as you will be well rewarded. You will realise that, in fact, you have a lot in common with Jeff Bezos, for example!  That is, except for his billions[:P] 
  2. Yes, I think France got lucky towards the end. NZ still the team to beat. Fiji looked to be very strong first half but the Ossies got a grip of the game and started imposing themselves. I told OH that the Fijians didn't win because, and I truly felt this, they were enjoying the game too much to concentrate on discipline!  But what an exciting game they play, lots of flair and great to watch.
  3. Great first Saturday game:  first half rivetting but, in this case, the underdog Fijians remain.....underdogs.....les pauvres!
  4. Or summat on the brain?[:P] Anyway, bravo Japanese or perhaps bravo Japanese AND Fijians?[;-)] 6 o'clock tomorrow morning, anyone?
  5. Someone who has been suffering from intractable insomnia?[:(]
  6. Apparently, the French think that yellowhammer is un marteau jaune (I saw a cartoon showing a yellow coloured hammer hitting someone on the head!) So do we use this hammer to hit remainers or to hit brexiteers?  Some guidance would be helpful at this critical stage of the negotiations?
  7. [quote user="richard51"]  "All-blacks slippery slid to oblivion" or is that another fairytale.[/quote] Deffo a fairy tale; I have heard commentators say that the All Blacks are still going to be the team to beat[:P] I am a bit concerned about the TV coverage as Japan is on the other side of the world so I don't know how the schedules will look and whether there will be games when we are all in bed fast asleep?[:-))]
  8. Ah yes, good description in Tom Brown's School Days!  Still, you can never accuse rugby players of being effete namby-pambies, can you? I'm glad you didn't think I was accusing you of having no sense of humour.  Actually the B******s to Brexit slogan was a Lib Dem one and the B******s to Boris one was on a placard held by a demonstrator outside parliament. I only meant to point out that we are all pretty weary of Brexit and so thank goodness for RWC which might, even if only temporarily, take our minds of the wretched thing!
  9. Alas, always people around who can't see a jokey remark for what it is!  Oh well, your loss.... Rugby, TORY sport???  You can't be serious, as a  well-known tennis player might say!  Now THAT is a snobby sport, at least when I was young! Where I lived (not far from Gareth Thomas, incidentally), rugby is anything but tory in any shape or form. I can't wait and the Japanese made me laugh, seeing them all kitted out in Welsh colours[:D]
  10. See, you don't have to be stuck with Brexit![url]https://www.telegraph.co.uk/rugby-world-cup/2019/09/18/rugby-world-cup-2019-fixtures-when-start-date-match-schedule/[/url]  So, it's B******s to Brexit and B******s to Boris!
  11. [quote user="BritinBretagne"][quote user="woolybanana"]Great Bobo, no, just wat ah iz tol’ bye de maasterz![/quote] Is that a coded reply to my request?[/quote][:D]
  12. Thank you for letting us know.  I will forthwith send them another email and, if still ignored, will go in person. Even though it's you who will be in funds, please have one of these on me[:)][B]
  13. Oh, Wools, I did enjoy those; vraiment de très belles expressions! I hope that if Patf continues to read the forum, she'll come across these as well.
  14. Thank you, bananaman, very interesting and informative.  Mais c'est un truc très avancé[:-))]
  15. I think that you will find much to enjoy here: [url]https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/086913-000-A/500-ans-de-musique-au-chateau-de-chambord/[/url]
  16. But, Wools, looking on the bright side (with my new specs[:)]), I won't be going deaf until 2021 when hearing-aids will also be prise en charge?[:P]
  17. Thank you very much; your second link gives the details necessary for understanding how it will work. It is a brave move, so well done M le Président[:)]  I can imagine it will be of tremendous help to many people that I know because I see many neighbours and friends struggle with bills for teeth and glasses. My worry is that we won't have enough ophthalmologues (is that the right word?) and dentistes to cope with expected uptake in demand. I will now be able to look with confidence at the offers available and be able to choose appropriately.  I will look with interest at modular offers like the Swiss Life one you have talked about on here.
  18. Went to an Axa presentation yesterday and also received a letter from my present mutuelle. As I understand it, it's not going to make very much difference unless you opt for the most basic glasses, teeth prosthesis and hearing aids. I am no clearer whether this new régime will have any implications for cost of mutuelles.  Has anyone had a quote or recently renewed their mutuelle and can give some examples of  (hopefully downward) costs?
  19. LOL, Angela, you are as bad as I am!  That's what I do when I get hold of a good book; I rush through it all and then have to re-read! However, re-reading is no hardship and, at least with French books, re-reading usually rewards me with better understanding the second time around (or even the third time) and I can also pause to look up unfamiliar words or turns of phrase. bonne lecture[:)]
  20. I think you might have something about the latest version of FF.  I had the problem repeatedly though it seems to have disappeared. OTOH, I have tremendous problems getting live scores of the tennis from Flushing Meadows using FF but the official site seems OK with other browsers.
  21. nm, I ain't got no approach of my own so I am happy to adopt yours!
  22. Well, I haven't had any année blanche.  Prélèvement taken out every month as they have done for 2 years now.
  23. Angela, j'en suis ravie[:D]
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