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Everything posted by mint

  1. Nomoss, that doesn't sound good at all[:(] This is the first time I have used the payment via the LBC site. Normally, I send a message and "speak" to the seller direct via email.  In years of transactions, I have only had one person who didn't send the goods, but I had the police onto him and he repaid every centime, although that was in 2 payments. Now, I am more wary and ask a lot more questions or I telephone.  Must have bought dozens and dozens of things through the years and one bad transaction hasn't put me off. Hope you get your money, nomoss[:)]
  2. At least you have an actual date, fittersmate.  Maybe a New Year present?[:)]
  3. But did you not like the mezzo? I find her always à la hauteur de la tache[:)] Here's something she did earlier [:D] [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-0mGyc278M[/url]
  4. A wonderful performance of Verdi's Requiem: [url]https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/087862-000-A/riccardo-muti-dirige-le-requiem-de-verdi/[/url] Beautifully trained choir and some sublime singing from the soloists.
  5. Do you think the England players should have worn their medals until at least the presentation ceremony was completed?
  6. Thank you, crabtree, I'd like that a lot.
  7. Oh dear but thank you for your post, Nell. Does anyone er.....have had a good experience or anything positive to say about this scheme?
  8. Anyone else been approached to have this done?  Apparently it is a programme being rolled out under loi Pope to help people insulate their roofs and sou sols. I have seen notices outside a number of houses when out on my walks advertising this service. Complete scam, too good to be true or a real money-saving offer? Any thoughts or, better still, any real experiences to recount?
  9. Your unique position of being the only person in France to be reimbursed might pass into legend or urban myth or whatever!  Doesn't seem like any of the rest of us is getting any joy at the moment[:D]
  10. Bravo, nomoss! I had to write to them on one single occasion but it was years ago and I couldn't remember which button I had to press[:-))] But I do remember that they replied pretty quickly.  They also had a useful suggestion on which I acted with excellent results.
  11. Bravo, isitlunchtime! I have emailed today, reminding them that they last wrote to me to say that they were awaiting the judgement of the CJUE. Then I pointed out that the judgement has been made and would they now proceed to reimburse me without further delay. More waiting but I will be back should there be any response! isitlunchtime, you have greatly encouraged me to get off my lazy behind and just keep chasing, so thanks again.
  12. nomoss, have you had a look at this? [url]http://comment-contacter.fr/comment-contacter-leboncoin[/url]
  13. Well, in the interest of checking things out (not to mention I really wanted to buy myself a Christmas present), I sent a message to a vendeur via the LBC messagerie. Had an immediate personal response from the vendeur together with the usual salutations. Then a "standard" message with the sum I needed to pay.  Seemed reasonable, so I paid, using my Nationwide credit card, which was accepted.  I gave them the address of the mondial relay that I like to use and it was job done. I suppose if you were the vendeur, they'd need your bank details to pay the money into your account. I also notice that nowadays, there is an icon to say livraison if you are willing to send.  As far as I can remember, this is new.  In the good old days, I had to send a message to ask if they would send and, if so, how much for the fdp.  I have recently sent 2 messages which did not receive any replies but also 2 messages for which I did receive replies.  So don't know what's up with you both as I have no reason to believe that my messages are not getting through.  Mind you, perhaps as a tried and trusted and VERY enthusiastic user of the site, perhaps they have given me special status!!!
  14. I agree totally with what has already been suggested. I was living in the Charente Maritime and had a neighbour who had a fosse, pas aux normes, and the effluent was killing our walnut trees. Firstly, I contacted SPANC who came out to make an inspection (FOC), then I talked to a councillor (conveniently a friend of a friend) and he also came out.  Result!  The councillor wrote to the neighbour, requesting him to put in a conforming fosse. We were in the process of selling the house and this was a bit of a sticking point but, literally at a stroke, the problem was solved and I smirked mightily as this was the original neighbour from hell![:D]
  15. isitlunchtime, that is immensely helpful, thanks again. So as not to  IMPLICATE you ([:D]), I will have a scout round the site you mention.  You are right in that it's better whenever and wherever possible to speak to the butcher and not the block! 
  16. Thank you, isitlunchtime[:)]  I should have known you were in Gard as you mentioned Nimes...I am just pushing this whole matter right to the back of my mind as it just seems so TEDIOUS[:'(]
  17. I am wondering whether it would be too much to ask juswundrin and isitlunchtime to say which département/s they live in? If I knew, I could say well the people living in départements X and Y have had their refunds and why is it I haven't had mine? Now I realise that you might think this kind of question is sensitive and you might not want to share that info on an open forum. It would be a help to me in that case if you could perhaps PM me? Thank you in advance and I do understand if you do not wish to take up my suggestion[:)]
  18. Fabulous match!  Now for Wales to beat SA for an All-British FINAL[:D]
  19. Wools, here come the Jumblies!  A prequel to the piece you gave a ink to: [url]https://poets.org/poem/jumblies[/url]
  20. mint


    [quote user="nomoss"]How about Royal Mint? [/quote] Ugh, don't even go there!  I lived not too far from the Royal Mint which is in Llantrisant.  They used to say Llantrisant was the "hole with the mint in it"[:P] Anyone like polo mints and remember the adverts?
  21. mint


    Hey, who are you calling Imperious? Mint who must be obeyed perhaps but imperious?  Never! Maybe I could learn to cast spells and extract obedience?  But, I'd probably end up as Mint the Teenage Witch (born-again teenager, of course!)
  22. An astute French walking friend recommended direct-assurance.fr.  I have an old car which is nevertheless too valuable to me to let go and I tried these people.  It's a much larger car (2 litre monospace) than the car you are proposing to buy. They actually advised me to have the basic policy but I opted for toutes risques and it's less than a couple of hundred euros, much cheaper than my previous insurer. Mind you, I don't know what they are like with claims.  I have been with them less than a year and, so far, have not had to make any claims[:)] You could look at their site and contact them by email.  They respond within a day or two and you can upload documents on their site and all could be done in the comfort of your own home. I am not ENTIRELY impartial as I could "parrainer" you but I am not desperate for 25 euros so this advice is given to you entirely without self-interest[:)] PS I have a much newer (2 year old) car which I am going to get a quote on from these same people and it would be interesting to compare premiums between an old car and a new one.
  23. I have just spoken on the phone to someone who is off to Japan tomorrow for the semis and the final. Like you, he thinks both matches can be won by either team.  I don't have his confidence in the Welsh though we both think NZ should beat England. I agree about the contentious scores and lucky last minute scores, like Wales against France.  TBH, I thought that overall the French played better and I blame the idiot who was sent off only a few minutes into the second half!  What a blithering idiot!
  24. First to your last post but one:  I love the Purcell and it was the same clip that was in the Guardian obit that I posted. I'd not heard the Carmen piece before so that was a lovely find. As to Leppard, I was interested to know he worked with the ECO because I have a close friend who has been with that orchestra for years but the 60s would have been before his time. Is this the time to confess to you that I nearly always prefer modern instruments to period ones?  There have been occasions this summer when I have really, really enjoyed a couple of concerts with period instruments but they were in small churches where the instruments were ideal for that authentic baroque sound.
  25. "share kids"?[8-)]  I thought mummies and daddies share their kids, don't they?[:P]
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