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Everything posted by mint

  1. Help, please! I need to sign a couple of documents online for car insurance.  Which of the numerous sites do I need?  Must be quick, easy and free?[:)] Thanks
  2. BinB, I followed your advice back in January (or whenever it was) and filled in my form on the then current site.  I just couldn't bear the uncertainty any longer, especially as I have some pretty big things to do this year. I am very glad that I did because now I know the application is in, it's taken a load off my mind.  This was something that nagged and nagged at me.  Just come on here to say thanks again[:)]
  3. Pomme, I am delighted to see that the whole process ought to be simpler, as I had hoped. The last time I was getting stuff ready, it took me days!  Then, just when I'd got every bit of paper sorted and filed and tabulated, they were no longer giving RVs!  I am really fed up now and just want it all to be over and done with.
  4. I can see I am talking to an expert[:)] Hey, your full name is not Pippa Greenwood, is it?
  5. Actually bombay duck is surprisingly tasty. Don't like ikan bilis though because they are like whitebait and I don't eat things whole with all their guts still inside!
  6. I watch mainly to see the places where they are buying and setting up their businesses.  As I know many parts of Spain and France, I like to see what I am missing! Fortunately, I haven't seen anywhere else I'd rather be than my own village.  That is anywhere practical for us.  If I could move, I must admit I'd like to be somewhere with mountains.  Still our area is assez valloné and that suits me well enough as I don't think I have the confidence to climb mountains anymore.
  7. At last, no rain and no sombre skies, at least for now. Was delighted to see daffodils, crocuses, anemonies and violets out enjoying the sunshine. Pip24, if you are reading this, I want to tell you I haven't forgotten your advice about pruning roses:  I have my gloves and secateurs at the ready[:)]
  8. LOL nomoss, perhaps I should have done that when the Périgueux préfecture closed their doors to all first time applications from about Oct 2018! Maybe they'd even have accepted notes in sterling?
  9. ALBF, the new website IS open and has been for several weeks[:P] Once you have filled in the form, you get an automated reply from them with a unique number for your case. Edit:  CORRECTION.  Apologies, I was getting mixed up with my websites![8-)]  ALBF is right in that yet another website will be open in July.  To clear up any misunderstanding, I used the website that was opened, assuming no-deal.  However, nomoss' link did say that if you have applied under that earlier website, you have NO NEED to re-submit another application because your previous one has been taken into account and your préfecture will be contacting you "in due course" ......whenever that might be!
  10. Start by looking at nomoss' link.  Then go on the website, now active, and follow the instructions. It might well be that you will need all the evidence others on this thread have quoted.  To fill in the online form, however, you get specific instructions on the documents you need.  I get the feeling that they are going to need more documents at the time of your RV at the préfecture. For the online application, you only need to upload (from memory, 4 bits of evidence), indeed there is no provision to download anymore.  Once you have filled it in, you just sit back, as discussed elsewhere on the forum, until you get a communication from your own préfecture telling you what else, if anything, you need to produce.  For certain, you will need photos and they will take your finger prints. I think the procedure will be simplified from how things were in the past.  I think this because the sheer weight of numbers and deadlines will come into play.  But don't rely on what "I think", the French and their bureaucracy do not always follow the most logical paths[:)]
  11. That does explain, kong, why they were pieces of paper, albeit with their mugshots on them.  I knew that the CdS is actually in the form of a card rather like a credit card.
  12. Id, thank you for your PM and I have replied. CT, come to think of it, they did say they were going to Carcassone to see about their CdS. There is definitely some dishonesty about the programme or at least some very elastic stretching of the truth.  These programmes could actually cause harm to people who are genuinely thinking of earning a living like the people on the TV.  I just hope people seriously thinking of doing this kind of life change have the common sense to check everything out before they commit. BTW, they definitely said it was their cartes de séjour and that the files they were carrying had virtually "all their lives" contained therein.
  13. I saw a puzzling incident on "New Life in the Sun".  Puzzling because a couple new to France had bought a house in Quillan and wanted to convert part of it into a gite and managed to sort out their CdS as simply as falling off a log! The couple (only been in France a matter of weeks) were shown going to their préfecture with the wife carrying a bagful of files.  Then they emerged waving their CdS.  I believe that the programme was made in 2019. So, how come they could swan in and swan out within the hour with their cartes?  Do they not have to show Avis d'impots for 5 years, 6-monthly bank statements for 5 years, etc etc etc? Are they really such a pushover in Quillan préfecture? PS for Norman and those who do not know the programme, it's a step up from buying houses in the sun type of thing;  they show couples in France and Spain setting up businesses with great success, having overcome ALL obstacles; the theme being just look at these plucky Brits! Nobody actually fails and goes off back to Blighty.
  14. Come on, let's have some thoughts and discussions!  Gardian....? Ok then, what do you think of France thumping England? I didn't bother watching, thinking I knew who'd win.  Switched on at half time and, holy Moses, France 17, England 0! The final score wasn't quite that bad for England but, even so, who'd have thought....?
  15. Just sit tight and wait then? Suits me as I don't feel ready for all the inevitable faff........I feel that I need time to adjust my thinking before I can make any proper decision.
  16. Have made a note of the pantoprazole and wishing you all the best and thank you bundles. Sorry folk, will no longer disrupt your conversation.  Persevere with your claims and I wish everyone still waiting every success[:)]
  17. [quote user="suein56"]pomme wrote : Sue, did you try chasing the conciliator fiscale as you said you were going to do in early December in the other thread? https://tinyurl.com/wpybhae No pomme not yet. In December I was not well at all .. then on Boxing Day I came down with a nasty gastro .. the residues of which are still hanging about. In the interim I emailed dgfip but have not yet had a reply .. I will give them a bit longer then I will contact the conciliator. Thank you so much for your help and your concern .. I am a lot better but not yet 100% so I will get round to it v soon.[/quote] Sorry folk, just GOT to chip in here and go right off topic for a moment! Sue, thank you for saying that you are still not better from gastro symptoms.  I can't tell you what a tremendous load you have taken off my mind.....really!  I had gastro symptoms on the 23 rd of December (I know the exact date because I had to put the nurse off from giving me my pneumonia jab) and I have been really off colour ever since.  Can't eat anything (really nothing at all) without my stomach rumbling and blowing up hard as a football. In fact, in the last few minutes, I was discussing this with my OH and telling him that I am getting quite frightened by these symptoms persisting for so long.  So it is a great relief to me that you, who have not had cancer or chemo, are also suffering!!! Now I am sorry for both of us but no longer thinking the worst for myself.  There was so much gastro about that I took to greeting my friends with bonne année, bonne santé, bonne gastro. Sue, hope you (me too) get better soon and, for you, that's your good deed for the YEAR!  [:D][kiss][kiss]  
  18. Talk about dried eggs reminds me of the time years ago, when OH kept on and on about the lovely powdered eggs they used to have during the war (second one, I hasten to add![:D]) I found some in, I think, Inter, so I bought it and cooked him some scrambled eggs.  It was seriously horrible and he's stopped going on about the "lovely powdered eggs we used to eat". But, unlike you, id, I love omelettes and eggs generally, however cooked.  Mind you, at the end of weeks of Spanish tortillas and huevos fritos during the compostelle, I stopped eating eggs for a very long time. Eggs feature in most cuisine, from the Far East to Europe to the Americas, because it is a relatively cheap source of protein and there are numerous ways of cooking it.
  19. [quote user="Loiseau"]I think maybe mijoter means more of a simmer than a boiling.[/quote] Yes, Loiseau, you cook it for hours, maybe even overnight, depending on what fuel you use.  Although I hardly eat any meat these days, all this talk about mijoteuse, makes me long for a daub!
  20. Oops, you are right right, Id.  I don't know why but I was thinking of a pressure cooker.  Slow cooker must be mijoteuse because to mijoter something means that you boil it for hours. I don't have much use for either of those things.
  21. Have you had soya or any other type of foods containing soya, such as soya sauce or tofu? I understand that it is a food that very rarely causes allergies. As for eggs, they rarely cause allergies if they are well-cooked, that is, hard-boiled or in cakes, etc.  Scrambled eggs could be a bit runny and so can omelettes so not really "cooked to death"[:)] Hope you do find out what it is that you are allergic to......bon courage!
  22. Would this throw light on the discussion here? [url]https://www.ecologique-solidaire.gouv.fr/sites/default/files/Guide-methodologique-obligation-reelle-environnementale.pdf[/url]
  23. isitlunchtime, I thought everything remains the same for this year during the transition period? After that, everything hangs on what sort of trade deal?
  24. Nostalgia alone prompts me to post this[:P] [url]https://www.monologues.co.uk/Childrens_Favourites/Night_Mail.htm[/url] Norman could you believe that this is from the same pen as The Age of Anxiety?
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