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Everything posted by mint

  1. I think that, here in the SW, there has always been an undercurrent of RNisme that is not far below the surface.
  2. There is a mangy tom cat, semi feral, who visits us and OH, in his soft-hearted ways, feeds him.  We call him Omar because of his long, unkempt hair.  He is none too bright though harmless so do you think that HE might be Dr Omar?
  3. Yes, sets out the position alas only too well from Macron's point of view. THIS was the sentence that interested me the most from the article: "Le scrutin de dimanche est une véritable bérézina pour La République en marche, qui ne conquiert aucune grande ville." Immediately, I thought, now what exactly does that word mean?  For those thinking the same, here is the definition [:D]  It is from Larousse. Définitions de bérézina. Familier Échec complet de quelque chose ; défaite catastrophique de quelqu'un : Une bérézina électorale It dated back to when Napoleon lost a battle at that river in Belarusse.
  4. So, the exit polls were accurate!  With such a low turnout, I am not sure how the results can best be interpreted. But I am really pleased that Eduoard Philippe has kept his position as mayor of le Havre.  Norman, would you know whether that could make it more likely that Macron would have to keep him as PM? I am not sure whether there are problems between the 2 men but I do know that Philippe is more popular than Macron with the public.  OTOH, it won't be the first time that the PM is more popular (or indeed more able) than the President.
  5. Thank you so much, pomme.  On the ball as usual[:)]
  6. Something to brighten your evening [url]https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/091445-000-A/aida-garifullina-un-reve-argentin/[/url]
  7. mint

    Air Bridges

    Lori, I don't know about the rest of France.  Here in NOA, they told us last week that, as the numbers are so low with little change, they are only going to publish figures twice a week.
  8. [quote user="Alan Zoff"]Maybe he is just glad he doesn't live in the Dordogne, regardless of Covid. Maybe Dordogners are equally glad. :)[/quote] AZ, never a truer word..........[:D]
  9. [quote user="alittlebitfrench"] Lastly, I am glad I don't live in the Dordogne.[/quote] Er.....I don't understand this remark, ALBF[8-)] The figures from la Dordogne, latest ones, published yesterday are as follows: Total deaths since the beginning of the pandemic 13Total people in hospital 12Total en réanimation 0Number of clusters (in NOA, not only Dordogne) 0 I think those numbers are pretty damn good[:)]
  10. Whilst we're here, can I ask one quick question, svp?  Am I correct in thinking that Parsnips did say we were to claim for 2017?
  11. I so agree about checking your speed limit.  Most mid range modern cars are so quiet that you do have to keep looking at the speedo to see how fast you are going. On an open road in good weather, it's actually quite difficult to keep to arbitrarily imposed limits.
  12. Thank you, Norman.  Yes, a great site, even for armchair travellers like myself[:D]
  13. I understand that one change of trains will be necessary.  Does anyone know where the change is, please?
  14. YES!  Watching some of it yesterday.  250e anniversaire de la naissance de Beethoven[:D]
  15. Seeing as I have yet to meet anyone driving at 80 kph on départemental roads, I don't see anyone obeying 110, whatever the actual regulation is.
  16. [quote user="PaulT"] Mint - school bells: Brought back memories of my school days. The bell would sound for the end of lesson and if anyone moved the master would say 'the bell is for my convenience not yours'. [/quote] Ha! Ha! Did the boys (were they all boys?) love that teacher nontheless?  I thought back to my school days and, strangely, sometimes the most sarcastic and tyrants of teachers were also the most loved.  Mainly, I think it's because children love to have rules to follow (make things clearer if you know where the line is) and sometimes it's because they also happen to be the best teachers.
  17. [quote user="woolybanana"]If you really wanna piss off your neighbours get peacocks. Better than cockerels or church bells.[/quote] I disagree about church bells.  One of the main attractions for me about our house location is that we can both see the clocher and hear the bells. Bells make the silence somehow more profound and make you feel peace and serenity in your heart.  There's something about bells, I don't know what it is.  We have une petite méditation after our pilates class and there is a little tinkly bell to start off the session and another little tinkly note to finish it off. Admittedly there are bells and there are bells.  The school bell that called us from the playground wasn't too popular but, at the first ding for end of lessons, everybody downed pens, packed up and rushed out! I think dogs barking endlessly and apparently without cause are about the worst sounds you could be plagued with.  The worst barks are from those snappy small dogs whose decibels make you jump and threaten to pop your ear drums.
  18. If you order on Amazon UK for delivery to France the price will change to account for the different VAT rates. Pomme, I thought UK and France VAT rates are identical on 20%?
  19. [quote user="idun"]Prices vary all over the EU, not just between France and the UK. A friend of ours still recounts when they had bought an article of clothing for their spouse's  xmas present. The label from one of the big brand and very nice clothing companies had a 20€ difference between France and German on it. Germany being cheaper. Our friends live in France, they were not impressed. [/quote] I buy a fair few things from Germany.  Shops which sell online or Amazon.de or just once from ebay.fr but a German seller. I bought a stainless steel kettle made in Germany and not the Far East and decided on it against a French similar item but about 30% dearer. We have German cutlery, solid and lovely to look at. I have bought German clothes on line; great quality and fantastic customer service. Would you believe, I now read and write German?  Yes, of course, sometimes these internet translators have their uses[:D]
  20. Nice to find another obsessive walker on the forum![:D] Today, I went to my Pilates class (only my second week) and did some work at the barre.  Yes, it is a real barre fixed to the walk.  The legs had a good old workout. Came home to cook the lunch/dinner that I couldn't eat before the class as the class was at 14.00.  Then, as the rain had stopped for a bit, I just HAD to get my walking shoes on, pick up my sticks and go.  For the first 10 minutes or so, I could feel that my legs had been thoroughly "worked" already.  Still, just carried on and eventually walked off the wobbliness. Sun came out and I felt on top of the world.  Took more like an hour and 10 minutes to do a walk that would normally take no more than an hour.  But, like you Lori, I never feel like not fancying a walk!  
  21. Replying to Judith: Unless I am in a tearing hurry, I seldom make "standard" omelettes, as they never do look right.  I tend to make Spanish type omelettes (but with different fillings and not just potatoes) using 8 eggs with our saucepan and finish off the top under the grill. No longer cook salmon on the hob, cook it in my microwave en papillote with some flavourings such as honey and orange, etc.
  22. I was very interested to hear that you like your induction hob.  I am not so keen on mine. I bought it when we installed our new kitchen because with OH getting on a bit and finding gas cylinders difficult to manage, not to mention fitting in the plastic tube in winter, I thought it was a good opportunity to get shot of the gas range that was left in the house. Then I found I only had a couple of le Creuset pans that would work on the hob.  So, it was off to buy new pots and pans that would work with induction.  I could have cried getting rid of all my beautiful Meyers pans that had performed such stirling service over the years. Now, over 3 years later, I still don't get on that well with the hob.  Never do know when the rice is just right, not watery, not burnt at the bottom of the pan.  Then omelettes, can't seem to get them nice and fluffly.  As for sauté potatoes, either not brown or over brown and hard. Wish we had town gas; now THAT would truly gladden my heart.
  23. Démenagement day?  Is calling it D Day overstating the case? Hope you and M Lori have survived and have cracked open that bottle of bubbly?
  24. Pomme, interesting as all that is, I can't see myself measuring the temperature of the water and waiting over an hour (or whatever time the article says) before preparing my toast soldiers and finally sitting down for breakfast.
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