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Everything posted by mint

  1. Good old Wooly, is this your emperor-has-no-clothes moment?[:D]
  2. No, I haven't the Christmas bonus.  It's worth a whopping 11 euros 76! I need to go through all his bank statements and see if I can locate the missing pension[:(] Thank you everybody for so kindly pointing out the error of my ways.  I'll also compare the total figure with last year's to see if the difference equates to one payment.[I] Gardian, what about men suffering from hearing difficulties AND memory deficiencies? No I didn't hear you say that even once, nevermind 50 times.  
  3. Thank you, Kong.  That's answered my question completely.  So now I can go and have a cup of tea and maybe go for a walk[:D]
  4. Yes, you guess it, I'm in the middle of a lovely sunny afternoon and in the middle of my most disliked task called working out the impots declaration. Looking at all the bank statements for 2019, I find 13 payments for me and only 12 for OH.  Thinking it unlikely that they have erroneously overpaid me (chance would be a fine thing), would they perhaps have unwittingly (see, I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt) underpaid OH? Or, does it just work out that way, 13 payments for some and 12 for others?  Maybe 13 for ladies and the men have to be satisfied with 12? But if you absolutely need to tell me that I have made an error somewhere, please do it gently[:)]
  5. In short, what's the advantage to dealing in Bitcoin? And what's the disadvantage on top of the possible reluctance of the seller and the almost certain objection of the notaire?
  6. Yes, Judith, lots of us are "attacking" our tax form![:D] I am doing it on line this year, if it kills me.  But expect many pleas for help on here[I] Lori, be reassured about Chessie, she has posted on her own thread about lost car keys.  I am sure she is touched and grateful for your concern[:)] 
  7. Where I live, Wools, while cold in the mornings, there ain't no frosts.
  8. I, too, agree with Sue.  From time to time she feels the need to let off steam but I believe that she is resilient and copes very well. I understand you too, Lori.  It's just that you want to help but feel powerless to do so.  Alas, France is a very big country and most of us are hundreds of kilometres from each other.
  9. Id, this is what they look like:[url]https://www.gardeners.com/how-to/control-japanese-beetles/5163.html[/url] They are eating my rosebuds, even before they are fully open.  OK, I have rolled up my sleeves and doing hourly patrols of the garden and I have my jar ready primed with water and washing up liquid[:D] PS just made my link live. Apologies
  10. Yes, that is what I was alluding to.  Thanks for the links.  I hadn't actually READ about it although I had heard on the TV. Common to people who only understand a language superficially, it's easier to understand the written word than the spoken[:)] Which in itself is a bit of a nonsense because, with our native languages, we learn by hearing and repetition. As babies and children we had not yet learnt to read![:D]
  11. I know you are big on roses. Me too.  I have learnt about Japanese beetles recently and wonder if you have them in your garden. We have 2 rosiers that they are particularly keen on.  Both pink roses, one the usual bush and one en tige.  Since learning about them, I have now called time on them. Apparently, the best method of getting rid of them is to pick them off the plants and drown them in water and washing-up detergent.  I could go out, pluck off a handful and go out again another hour later and pluck off another handful. You could spray them with an insecticide that contains either Neem or Pyrethrin.  Anyone know of what spray is available in France and what name they go by? What is it about the Japanese and their threats to gardens?  In our previous house, I killed off all the Japanese knotweed and now I have to contend with their beetles?
  12. And what reasons would those be, Wools?  Go on, enlighten us[:D]
  13. Thought I'd post this for those interested.  It's a report on Macron's handling of the corona virus crisis.  20.50 on Fr 15 Monday evening but possibly on multiple channels. Would be even more interesting now as I understand that he has lost his majority in parliament.
  14. Paul, they don't need one.  But us non muslim women can always take up the burqa.    Just look at the advantages:  no need for a mask, no need to fret about lockdown hair, ditto make-up, etc, say good bye to sun screen (saving lots of dosh), no worries about whether your bum or anything else look big in your burqa, forget about your lockdown diet as you can get to be as big as a bus and no one would notice.  Mind you, as Boris has said, you might get letters posted into your mouth!
  15. The concessionaire will absolutely be able to get you keys.  I think I described in an earlier post that we lost our Mazda keys and nobody could help us but Chez Mazda.  But, as Napoleon has pointed out, it IS an expensive business. Like him, I also hope that your keys turn up.  Don't give up hope yet.  Ours were found half buried in the garden about 2 years later.
  16. Lori, I am just getting so stupid!  I had it in my mind that you were moving on 15 May....duh... You do sound excited to be moving to Sceaux.  I don't know the town but it amuses me that it makes me think of those bucket things that you fill with ice and put your champagne in to cool! Perhaps you and M Lori will be doing just that in your new home?  If so, you will be putting your champagne in the seau to toast your new home in Sceaux.
  17. Yes, Pip, I did exactly that once.  I was in a supermarket car park and looked around and found a kindly French couple to drive me home (I was on their way) to get the spares. It was in the early days when we were still waiting for France Télécom (as it was then called) to erect a poteau so that we could have a phone line. Chessie, it's worth a look and also, whilst you're at it, in the door pockets as well.  Or, have you done all that already?
  18. "But, we like it now." Except, Lori, you can't like it now because you are moving tomorrow, remember?[:P] I think you are incredibly brave moving now.  Even amongst all the nightmares I have had recently, moving house hasn't featured in any of them[:D] Chez nous, OH seems perfectly content but I am restless and agitated.  Haven't been able to walk for 3 days because of incessant rain and have had an infection to boot.  However, it looks fine now and I am going out and will be able to carry a backpack with water and an imperméable (hope I've got that right because we normally say imper and I am not sure whether people in other parts of France say that too). Footnote:  if we don't say imper, we say k-way.
  19. I was in the pharmacie in the little village where my doc is and I saw packets of 3 masks for 15 euros.  So, not bad for masks (made in the Dordogne!) so probably made by some little old person (notice I didn't say woman!) that look nice and sturdy and the label says 4 folds of material and are washable to 60°. But me, being a cheapskate, wouldn't buy the masks, settling for the one the mairie has provided and I am hopeful that they will give us a spare mask each because the maire said that they were waiting for more materials from the Conseil Départmental and he was asking for more bénévoles.  To my shame, I couldn't volunteer because I have trouble sewing on a button and certainly have never owned, or know how to use, a sewing machine.
  20. I have a hair appt next week, so I'll bear in mind your experience.  I have been told to wear a mask and to dress in light clothes. I agree about the poor people having to wear them all day long and bear in mind also that for medical personnel in hospitals, their masks are heavy duty.  Right at the beginning of the pandemic, I saw the face of an Italian nurse in a newspaper and her face was literally bruised from hours of wearing her mask.
  21. Can't imagine why anyone thinks that killing for sport is even remotely enjoyable
  22. [quote user="Lehaut"] Bear in mine if you make a mask out of an old bra, only use the left cup. You would not want to go out looking like a right t*t![/quote] Lehaut, I found that very funny so I had a guilty laugh because it was so naughty of you.
  23. I am as pleased as your BBF (I believe that that is the correct current expression) Woolybanana that all is fine with the check-up. These things don't half put you on edge until they tell you all is well. Coincidentally, I had to go to the MT's today.  It was urgent and I didn't want the téléconsultation slot that was available because it would have been late in the day and I would have missed the pharmacie. I wore my mask for the first time.  Only 2 or 3 people in the vast waiting room and everybody was wearing a mask.  When I went into the doctor's, he apologised for having his mask attached by its loop to a button on his shirt.  He said he couldn't wear it all the time because his glasses kept steaming up. OH had the same problem in a shop but I was OK with mine.  But no makeup and no lipstick as I didn't want the mask all stained.  So although, I was masked, I actually felt naked! In that village, there is a HUGE EHPAD and I felt my spirits lifting when the doctor said that they had had no cases of covid anywhere near there at all.  I can't bear to think of elderly, infirm people catching this.   
  24. Matching or not, I think they look like jockstraps.
  25. What d'ya mean, masks are boring? We are told they save lives![:P]
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