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Everything posted by mint

  1. In an effort to prevent calls of me being "silly" or a snowflake or whatever other childish name might come to mind, I have taken a piece from the Daily Mail (yes, the unthinking man's bible) to introduce the subject of the government's U turn on A level exam grades. For a nice change this piece is actually entertaining to read besides being informative[:)] ANDREW PIERCE: From hubris to humiliation... an anatomy of a political shamblesSorry I didn't manage to do a live link to the piece so I have provided the headline to make it easier for you to find and read the article. Edit:  the article is now linkable[:)] [url]https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-8637027/ANDREW-PIERCE-hubris-humiliation-anatomy-political-shambles.html[/url]
  2. But AZ, don't you know that calling people "silly" is a convenient way of avoiding any constructive form of criticism and argument? Nothing new about name-calling when you run out of logical arguments; playground bullies have done it from time immemorial.
  3. mint


    Lehaut, I have to agree[:)]  Many of my French friends (and not only the compagnards but some "sophisticated" travelling types!) like to say that French people do not need to go to other countries because they have "everything" that you could want in France!  They say, if you want to ski, climb mountains, swim in the see, walk, cycle, velo, moto, sight see, visit historic buildings, visit vineyards, etc, why it's all here in France, non?[:D]
  4. Sid, please rant away[:)]  Sometimes someone needs to say the difficult things......
  5. OH says the UK government is now playing political games and I tend to agree with him.  er....trade deal, "oven-ready", so WHY?
  6. You have every justification for being cross, Lori.  It would make my blood boil too.  Just that we live in the countryside and the threat does not seem so great as in other places. But I do wish some people would get caught and get slapped with a big fine. PS very annoying, seem to be getting a message about duplicate posts even though this is my first post today!
  7. Have had to delete again as it was supposed to be a duplicate post.  Anyone else getting this nonsense about duplicate posts?
  8. If it's a vegetable store and you want to build a garage, would that not mean an application for "change of use"? After all, vegetables are not as valuable as a car or cars and suitable materials might need to be specified for safety reasons (combustions, theft, etc)  I don't know but I thought I'd put that point forward in case it comes up. Yes, definitely best to sound out the maire for starters[:)]
  9. Deleted.  Sorry, software kept insisting I was posting a duplicate and I couldn't persuade it otherwise so I thought I'd delete and start again.
  10. Deleted.  Now I am posting multiple times, it would appear.  No, not at all the case[:)]
  11. Lori, I did read that they are giving people a week or so to get used to wearing masks and that, after that, they will be enforcing and giving out fines. We'll have to wait and see if that actually happens!
  12. Thank you for a very useful post.  There IS a place near us but we are avoiding all crowded spaces indoors or out so not too important for us.  Still good to know so that I can inform others.
  13. Deleted, double post.  Oops, getting too enthusiastic!
  14. You can watch it now (Arte) or wait till tomorrow for a Sunday evening treat[:)] Schwarzkopf and Derosenkavalier.......can't resist?
  15. Kong, a really powerful experience for anyone of any age!
  16. [url]https://www.sudouest.fr/2020/08/06/les-nuits-des-etoiles-commencent-ce-week-end-et-les-conditions-seront-ideales-7724114-4725.php[/url] There are usually a couple of places near us where enthusiasts set up telescopes and are available to explain to the public what they are seeing and to point out the most interesting sights to be seen. Alas this year, covid has put paid to that.  So OH and I intend to drive somewhere, equipped with blankets and sleeping bags, without any lights to have a look.
  17. Weather vile......just too hot for doing anything too physically demanding.  Only so much lying about and reading that you can do.... No new topics on the Forum, so I am going to try and get some of us talking.  So how about talking about nostalgia?  Maybe, it isn't what it used to be but let's have a go anyway[:)] Please post something that you remember from the past whether it be with revulsion or regret, affection, pleasure or loathing.  I'd like to see whatever comes readily to your mind:  a snip of conversation, a piece of eloquent prose, a snatch of poetry, a song, a piece of music, a photo....anything goes... Here is my contribution [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rq0yhizu0y8[/url] Dates from the early 1960s.....hell, I was young then!
  18. Well, Lori, you couldn't have been in a better place to get covid, could you?[:D]  And to have the extreme good luck of finding that doctor.....!! I am delighted to hear that you are back on your walks.  I have this unshakeable belief that walking is the panacea for all ills.  Feeling depressed, lack energy, full of aches and pains?  Dr Mint's advice is, go for a walk everyday!  Yes naive and possibly dangerous in some circumstances but I am still fully convinced of the life-enhancing properties of a good daily walk.  I do realise that some of us have mobility problems and that as a consequence day-to-day activities must be so much harder[:(] The heat is definitely punishing and makes all physical activities seem a massive challenge.  I eat a lot of "cooling" foods with a high water content; so, fruits, especially melons and vegetables like lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers. Keep cool and keep well, everybody[:)] 
  19. If it's going to be a cheque and nothing sensible like a direct credit to your UK bank, then I think the best bet would be to pay the cheque into the UK bank. If you don't need the money immediately, you can then pick a day when the exchange rate is not too abysmal and change at your leisure.
  20. [quote user="NormanH"]https://youtu.be/3Xz1TUgdG6A?t=107 [/quote] She was always funny in that American way, feisty and unafraid. I see from the first comment that the show was in the Avery Fisher Hall.  I can't hear that name without blushing with shame.  We were listening to Brahms Requiem and it was our first full day in New York.  Alas, the jet lag got to me and I slept through most of the concert.......oh, the shame, I will never live that down[:$]
  21. Bonjour, idun.  It's good you have posted and given an update.  I am not sure whether nobody has anything new to say or everyone has become too apathetic or.....well, what is it?[8-)] Yes, been very warm last week but been a lot cooler the last 2 or 3 days.  The wind is wonderful and the evenings are perfect; nice temperature, beautiful sunsets and a glorious orangey moon in clear skies. I was going to post a topic to ask what people might have "taken away" from the experience of lockdown, the virus, food shortages, etc etc.  So, what you have said about appreciating "all the little things" would fall into that category. The only thing "new" in our neck of the woods is the compulsory wearing of masks in enclosed public spaces.  Didn't affect us much because we were already wearing masks in shops. I went for my first walk organised by the local sports assoc yesterday evening.  But I shan't go with them again, simply too many people.  I walked in the first (fastest) group, one of 3 groups, with 6 or 7 of my regular walking friends.  It wasn't a problem for us because we were all experienced hardened walkers so not many caught us up.  Then I left straight afterwards before a crowd gathered near their cars. Another good and positive thing is that I have lost a noticeable amount of weight, mainly because I have carried on my habit of walking for an hour everyday (a habit left over from the initial strict lockdown when we could only exercise for an hour outside our houses and gardens). Plus the Pilates I have learned during lockdown and since has had a positive effect on my sleep and energy levels so I do about an hour of that everyday.Then no alcohol because of the hot weather and eating lots of salads. The downside is that I have not been anywhere for any sort of social gathering so being able to get into any skirt, dress, pair of trousers taken out of the wardrobe in the certainty that it will fit nicely is nowhere near as gratifying!  That and no point wearing any make-up or lipstick as it will only stain the mask........No jewellery either, not even my favourite jewellery which are earrings.  They just look too busy what with spectacles and mask......sigh... OH is getting under my feet a bit now as he is too worried about the virus to go off for his table tennis and doesn't call on any friends. As you see, pluses and minuses but, on the whole, for me, it's been a good experience to have.  I have been reading a book about the plague in Northern Italy in the 16 century and, guess what, the attitudes of the population towards many, many aspects of THEIR social life is exactly like ours. They behaved alike and had much to reflect on about the bad things but also the good ones after it was all over[:D]   
  22. [url]https://www.sudouest.fr/2020/06/24/coronavirus-et-pic-de-chaleur-quels-gestes-adopter-pour-bien-se-proteger-7593582-6110.php[/url] Mostly commonsense but the section about aircon and fans might be worth bearing in mind. Lori, you might like to know that during late evening, hedgie came back for more drink and food!  I told my little story so that others, finding dead-looking hedgehogs, might want to try our revival techniques without going so far as giving mouth-to-mouth or external cardiac massage! Take great care, everyone......no good escaping the virus only to be knocked off by the heat[:-))]
  23. I have a nice little story to relate, about the heat.  Yes, there ARE happy stories even on this uncompromising subject. This afternoon, OH and I went to do the shopping but in a town about half an hour away as the car needed a good run.  I was in a happy mood having been able to get mature Cheddar and a few packets of bread flour. When we came home, I wanted to go straight down to the sous-sol to unload the shopping.  Got as far as the door and saw a hedgehog totally passed out in front of the wooden shutters. Eyes shut and completely inert.  OH said "I think the heat has got to it". On the off chance, we got some cold water and poured some over its nose and then over its back to cool it down.  After several minutes, it opened its eyes and got on its feet.  It ran to a dark corner of the shaded area by the side of the door. I went to get some of the food we'd bought for the homeless cats that visit us and put some cold water with the food.  Hedgie soon woke up and started to eat. So tout va bien qui finit bien[:D]  And I hope our little friend lives happily ever after.....
  24. If you have ever employed someone under the Cesu scheme,they seem to assume that you will keep on employing them! Last year, for example, I didn't employ anybody on Cesu but they actually gave me some money towards this year's employment!  I was flabberghasted...... Forunately, I did find a gardener (a very good one too) this year, so I wouldn't have to pay any money back[:)] Strange how you fret and get annoyed if they owe you (eg for social charges in the past) and complain about that but, if you had to pay something back to which you were not entitled anyway, you also don't much like it!  Nowt so queer as folk?
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