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Complete France Forum


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Everything posted by mint

  1. The times I've said to OH, dont worry, I'll ask on the forum and someone is BOUND to know.  Indeed that has always been the case. I don't think I'd make a purchase, change a supplier, go on a break, plan a journey, find a mutuelle, a hotel, anything really without running it past the forum.  Good advice and recommendations always readily given, any amount of help and explanation of anything imaginable and unimaginable. I too miss the old days when we'd tell jokes, play word games, write stories, and make each other laugh.  I seemed to have been at my most carefree when I was on here, arguing or disagreeing or sometimes just exchanging banter. As with everything else, the forum has changed with the times and that is not always a bad thing.  Plus ça change ........ as the French say.  But I don't think I can agree that plus c'est la même chose (Sue, look at my ê!!!!!)
  2. Yes, French tv news is filled with this.  It's already heavily criticised even though it hasn't even be launched yet. I don't think the 100 million mentioned is enough money[:-))]
  3. Thank you for your help, Sue.  But don't spend too much time on this.  I can always revert to the programme I referred to.  With that I only need to drag it to where I want the letter to go and, miraculously, it seems to come in the right typeface!  
  4. Sue, what about the oe together as in coeur?  And the 2 dots as in Citroen? Thank you for your patience, I have all the others now[:D]
  5. [quote user="suein56"]mint wrote the following post at 01 Sep 2020 18:10: Wooly, don't be cruel; I don't know how to put a circumflex on the "a". Now's the time to learn .. what are you using to access the forum .. tablet/laptop/pc ?[/quote] Hi, Sue Using a laptop but I do know how to do accents on a tablet.  You just hold the letter down until you see all the accents and you choose the one you want to use. Years ago, I used a programme recommended to me by someone here, I think it was called Avisoft Accent or something similar.  I use it if I am writing something "official" or I am trying to impress somebody! Otherwise unless it's an accent already on my AZERTY keyboard, I carry on merrily without!  But then I have to contend with Wooly who has pretended he doesn't understand what I have written! I know you can get accents using key commands but I don't think I can remember the commands[:-))]
  6. Wooly, don't be cruel; I don't know how to put a circumflex on the "a"[:(]
  7. YES!!!  My very spirit skipped along, with light little steps (very much a case of the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak)[:D]
  8. A call to arms then, ET?  Well done, bravo! Come on, all you grateful and appreciative folk, if you have benefited from advice given freely by members, if you have ever felt uplifted, supported in times of difficulty, if you have enjoyed sharing the joys and contentment of life, PLEASE now is the time for you to POST somthing[:D] Go on, now is the time to mettre la main à la pate[:D]
  9. Oh, Norman, if the subject wasn't so essentially depressing, I would say that I have "enjoyed" both your translation and your reading.  But, I find this particular poem frightening and not something to be read when you are feeling vulnerable. I hear both the matter-of-factness and the echoes of inevitability in your voice.  I am a coward; I cannot face all this just yet.
  10. Yes, GG, pomme's link does work.  I looked at it and y avait pas de problème[:)]
  11. She might remember "sweet 17"?  And tell her that every time I make her spiced vin chaud, I think of her[:D]  That is, I think of her BEFORE I have drunk the wine!  After that, I don't think I remember much to think about[:-))]
  12. So, ALBF, when will your forum be up and running? Just think you can say as many silly things as you like and nobody will be able to slap your wrist?
  13. Noisette, you've got it in one.  It pains me to see it all going down the tube and at such a rate of knots[:'(] Really a terrible shame.....
  14. I didn't know about this unusual reason for drinking wine, noisette.  So, you could even say, as the British government keeps claiming, you are just "following the science"?[:D][:P]
  15. I didn't know about this unusual reason for drinking wine, noisette.  So, you could even say, as the British government keeps claiming, you are just "following the science"?[:D][:P]
  16. Thanks for all the suggestions, everybody.  I appreciate them all[:)] I sliced one up and put it in the pan with our home-grown tomatoes, shallots, garlic, herbes de Province (the usual stuff) and put them all in to roast in olive oil.  But, I can tell you that they are hhhhhooottt!!! I thought my tongue was on fire but, help was at hand.  I got a fig out of the frigo (figs aplenty as the figuier seems to have gone crazy this year) and ate it quickly.  Fire died down and I have learned some respect for the peppers[:)] Then I thought of nettles and dock leaves:  you know how dock leaves always grow near nettles so that, after you have been stung, you could soothe your skin by rubbing it with dock leaves?  Well, I think nature has ripened and sweetened figs at the same time as the piments are ready for eating so that you have a remedy if you burn your tongue with the peppers!
  17. Just for once, ALBF, HOLD YOUR TONGUE!  Unless it is to give a fulsome apology as Cajal has done. You are supposed to be a responsible adult person and a father of 3 young children.  I would have thought that you wouldn't need to be told numerous times not to transgress Forum rules.  What is it about them that you don't understand?
  18. Can anyone please advise me what I should do with these? We have quite a good crop from 2 plants that we planted at the same time as the tomatoes.  They are more chilli shaped and taste more like chillies than bell peppers.  So really quite hot and could not be eaten simply roasted in olive oil. Ought I to dry them and pound them into something like they do espelette? Could I put them in olive oil to flavour the oil?  If I do this, do I have to cook the peppers first?
  19. That's a handsome apology, cajal. Don't worry, even if you have flouted the rules, Hoddy, being of a forgiving nature, will let you off this time[:D]
  20. If memsahib is Mrs Bluecat, say hello from me[:)]
  21. Yes, I did laugh though, to begin with, I thought you were talking about David Beckham (le footballer).  Apparently, that is the pet name his wife calls him by!
  22. Thank you Beckett, Norman and Sue for your VERY useful replies.  My query now completely answered and I can make a decision with confidence. All I need to do is to follow up on your replies and do the usual weighing up of pros and cons[:)]
  23. Sorry, Sue.  I see that even someone as knowledgeable and capable as you would have trouble when people do not define what exactly they want to know! Ok, I need a second sim which will also be infrequently used.  I already have the second phone. Thank you BTW for your prompt appearance to help[:)]
  24. I have a Sosh contract which includes one mobile phone with plenty enough bytes, etc for my purposes. Does anyone know if it is possible to add another mobile and how much extra it would cost? I daresay there is a part on their website which would have this information but I have to confess I have been unable to locate it. Many grateful thanks....[:)]
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