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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Living in a Red Zone, I don't see lockdown happening anytime soon.  The case numbers are skyrocketing, but the hospitalisations are not (yet).  Give it another 2 weeks and we'll see. However, I have to say that if no one is going to enforce the mask zones, the powers that be are not taking this seriously at all.  A lot of loud talking with no action. Where I live, some days I can see about 50% of people with no mask at all (all ages) - and they are in mask required zones.  Some days it is around 30% of the people I pass.  I've not seen a single sign reminding people they are in a mask required zone and I've not seen one single person verbalising or writing fines to anyone.  So, there you have it.  Kinda like setting a speed limit with  no enforcement.  We all know how that goes.
  2. Lori


    Started with a fairly heavy rain this morning, but turned into a lovely, cooler day.  Managed to get in a 4 mile walk in areas of the town and parc we had never been in.  Gorgeous all the way around.  There are clearly a lot of rich people living in this town.  So many really big, beautiful homes.  We took a lot of city streets today to avoid crowds in the parc (which turned out to be unnecessary as I think most everyone is out of town). Much nicer weather.  Even turned on the oven yesterday for the first time in more than a week...
  3. Out again today, same story.  Dozens in mask zone unmasked (totally, not even one sitting on their necks).  And, again, Auchan employees and able bodied (at least they look very healthy) customers with masks sitting below their noses. Maybe these people have some health condition that exempts them from covering their noses. Though I have serious doubts about that. I still say, if that is the case, they should not be operating the caisse in Auchan !!  Very clearly far too many people just don't give a cra*.  I don't like these people.
  4. Yes Mint, husband said he figured they were giving people a few days to comply.....  I'm fairly confident 90% of them watch, listen to or read the news - especially in this day and age. They know the rule and they know today is Monday.. Next week, if I see the same disregard of rule, I'm writing to the Mayor and to my local Auchan, which I'm sure will have no impact whatsoever, except to give me a small sense of satisfaction.. sad I know).  If the Auchan employees cannot learn how to properly mask, they should not be employed in a mask required environment.  If the town refuses to even attempt to enforce the mask rule, then they should not have the rule plastered on main page of their website. Maybe it's the heat.  Sick of people with no respect for anything or anyone except themselves.
  5. Yep, Betise, you are totally right.  Here, in Sceaux, the entire centre ville is now mask required. We live in the centre ville.  Yet, when we left out house to go to the grocery store this morning, 50% of adults were not wearing masks at all (all adult ages) outside on the streets.  Most people in Auchan were wearing masks, but 50% of them had their noses uncovered (this includes 2 AUCHAN EMPLOYEES).  Seriously, what is wrong with people? There was no evidence of anyone enforcing the rule or even advising the 'uneducated' (kindest word I could come up with) that the rule is in place.  If there is going to be a damn rule, flippin' enforce it or forget it.  And yes, I realize enforcing it will be very difficult.  However, in a small town like mine, it really couldn't be that hard.  There are far too many people who feel the rules don't apply to them.  I'm really sick of these people and the towns that are all hot air about masks now being required and yet having no interest whatsoever in enforcing the rule is met. Livid !!!!!!
  6. Thanks Mint.  I feel very fortunate in so many ways. We set out this morning later than normal (10h00).  The temp sign on the pharmacy said 30 degrees already !  We decided to walk the CoulĂ©e Verte this morning.  Bit of a mistake as we learned that it doesn't have enough shade at that time of day.  There are lots of trees, but they don't provide as much shade as the Parc de Sceaux.  So, we will go back to our regular Parc walks until the heat subsides. We normally walk 7 or 8 kilometers and, in the Parc, we can manage all that distance in shade.  I agree with you Mint.  Walking is such a joy.  I have always enjoyed it.  I've walked everywhere we have lived.  Mostly alone as husband worked and daughter was normally in school.  It has always been such a pleasure.  I feel bad for those with mobility issues.  Makes me that much more aware of how lucky I am.
  7. Thank you Sue and Norman.  It was an odd experience.  The fever days had me quite worried, but it was the breathing difficulty that scared me the most.  I could barely swallow a sip of water without gasping for breath. Now, onward to the heat wave... Yes Sue, we are thrilled with our new GP, who was recommended to us by our landlord, who by the way, translated all the articles Dr. RAYBAUD published about the COVID.
  8. Glad to hear everyone's reports.  We are still enjoying our new home / town.  It has been warm a few days.  That one day when it was 40 (just a few days ago) was definitely unpleasant.  The next few days will find us with mid 30's temps and that is never very fun, but hey, it is Summer.  We take our walks in the earlier morning hours before the heat gets too bad. I did fall ill the first week of July.  We moved to the new house on 15 June, so we had all kinds of errands and places we had to go get settled in here.  So, I came across a lot of different people.  It was a very strange illness, like nothing I have ever experienced before, but then, I am very rarely ever ill.  Started with body aches, a very very hard time breathing and fatigue, then it got worse.  I'll spare you all the details.  I stayed home and tried to stay as far from my husband as possible.  A fever lasted only 2 days (thank God).  After 21 days, I saw my new GP (here in Sceaux).  He is more than your average GP.  He has published several articles on COVID (in Lancet, etc.) internationally.  He has spoken with Dr. FAUCI in the USA, French govt / health officials and other govt health officials from various other countries.  He began seriously studying the virus along with a few of his colleagues back in January.  I felt he really knew what he was talking about.  He diagnosed me with COVID and prescribed anti-virals and a cortizone treatment.  He spent a LOT of time talking with me about the various testing methods, results or lack there.  He has treated more than 400 COVID patients this year. I have now finished my drugs and my breathing is pretty much normal now.  I don't know how my husband did not get it.  He felt funny for 2 days, but never really got sick like I did. I am now able to take my walks outside like I had been before.  I always wear a mask the minute I walk out the front door.  Our daughter is planning to visit us this month for a couple of weeks.  So, we are looking forward to seeing her.  She has a RDV for a nasal test to make sure she does not have the virus this Friday.  Once she gets a negative result, she'll visit us.  Though, I must say that my doctor had quite a bit to say about the reliability of the various tests people are getting.  He had a lot to say about antibodies and T-cells also.  I had read some of this, but it was very interesting to hear him explain his experiences up to this point. There's my update.  Have been 'convoqued' to pick up my new titre de sejour showing my new address.  Progress.
  9. Mint - I used to love watching them come around the house in BĂ©doin.  They would drive the dog crazy (we do miss our doggie so much - he passed away in 2012).  Glad your visitor survived.  The heat is pretty bad.  Calling for 40 here in Sceaux today.  Also waiting for 80 to 90 km gusts and an orage with grel this evening !
  10. Aww, sweet story Mint.  I love those little creatures.
  11. Imagine the story that car could tell, if it could talk. Glad you got a good settlement.  Hopefully, the odds will be in your favor for never having this happen to you again.
  12. Johnadam - I'm not sure if you are referring to the apartment we moved out of.  If you are, the owner has decided to sell it.
  13. Such sad news.  I remember her posts about her 'gigs.'  May she rest in peace.
  14. Congrats Norman !! These things are major life events !! I just got my carte vitale and I jumped with joy.  I can't even imagine the hoops you've had to go through for your documents. If there is one thing I've learned when dealing with French paperwork and bureaucracy it is to never give up.  Good for you !
  15. Lori

    Air Bridges

    Maybe they have moved to not reporting over the weekends, but they always did before. I can't imagine the Paris region has had no cases to report !  I'll keep an eye on it each day as always.
  16. [quote user="chanteur"]Overall, American death rates from COVID-19 data (aggregated across all states with available data and the District of Columbia) have reached new highs for all race groups: 1 in 1,500 Black Americans has died (or 65.8 deaths per 100,000) 1 in 2,300 Indigenous Americans has died (or 43.2 deaths per 100,000) 1 in 3,100 Pacific Islander Americans has died (or 32.7 deaths per 100,000) 1 in 3,200 Latino Americans has died (or 31.1 deaths per 100,000) 1 in 3,600 White Americans has died (or 28.5 deaths per 100,000) 1 in 3,700 Asian Americans has died (or 27.7 deaths per 100,000)[/quote] I don't believe the true U.S. numbers are being released.  Mr. Trump said he was advising 'his people' to stop releasing the number of deaths by COVID.  With daily case numbers now in the 40,000 range (nationwide), it is very hard to believe the 400 or 500 daily national death rates.
  17. Lori

    Air Bridges

    [quote user="woolybanana"]Judging by the behaviour of the shoppers in my local Leclerc the French will do it all by themselves[/quote] Yep, same here in Sceaux. And why is the gouv. website that gives the daily count of new cases not working?  Today and yesterday, there were no clear numbers noted of new cases.  Last I saw was a 1588 number that supposedly took into account missing data going back to 23 june.  Still this morning, there is no daily number from yesterday. Anyone know? And I agree, letting people in from high case countries, such as the UK and the USA is insane.  Everyone I talk with round here (French or otherwise) feels the same way.
  18. Yes Mint, I can't stand to let a day pass without a good walk (6 to 9 kms).  I'm so tired now, I won't be able to stay awake much longer.   It is only 21h00, but I am exhausted.  The plumber  is due back tomorrow at 8h30, so I will need to be up and ready to receive by 8h00. Must sleep.
  19. Oh wow Lehaut, you can use a cast iron skillet on an induction cooktop?? I never would have guessed that.  Thought they'd be too heavy for the glass. I love those and planned to buy one even if it couldn't be used on the cooktop as I use it often in the oven. We walked today to the nearest Leader Price.  I admit I am a discount shopper, whenever I can be.  Won't sacrifice quality, but find several of the discount supermarkets have some really good quality products so much cheaper than the main, bug supermarkets.  Was a 25 minute walk and a lovely one at that.  Bought some fruits and veggies and back we went. Washing machine and office chair have arrived.  The plumber is in the basement now installing the branchment for the lave-linge.  There was one already down there, but the owner wanted another one installed next to where the evacuation dryer sits.  The old lave-linge connection is being used to install a basement sink and counter.  Nice. Finished cleaning the rest of the windows....  Cleaned the main bathroom... Ugghh.  Someone smoked in that bathroom and it really smelled of smoke.  I had to clean all the tiles on the walls in addition to the pare-douche, sink, tub, windows, window frame, door (inside and out), toilet and floor.  Took me a LONG time..  I've left the window open to keep it aired out. Does anyone know what I can use to clean real hard wood floors?  I used one of those mops with the lingettes attached to it and that certainly helped, but I need to REALLY clean the floors; with a mop and whatever the right product is.  Any ideas?  Thank you ! Similar dinner tonight.  Salad with cubes of boneless chicken breast sauteed, tomato, cucumber and the big splurge .... a baguette !  Oh and of course, another bottle of wine. So happy to be here.  Will have to delve out to return the old FREE equipment.  There is supposed to be a UPS drop (approved by FREE) about 20 minutes walk from the house.  We'll probably try that tomorrow or Friday. May go now for a walk in the park.  Tired, but would like to get another walk in for the day.
  20. Thanks to all of you again. I'm exhausted.  It has been a long cleaning day.  I've been called a clean freak.  I don't really think of myself that way, but I've been called worse. We've had our sommiers delivered and a desk.  We use the desk for a dining table as we don't have one yet.  A desk chair and a lave-linge are scheduled to be delivered tomorow.  It is just beginning. Love the house.  Even if I have to spend hours cleaning it. Hope you are all doing well.  We are living as if there is likely to be a second wave.  Trying to get as much done now as we can. We had lovely salads with lardons and roasted potatoes for dinner, with a nice bottle of red wine.  I do love to cook.  I had my first try with a Induction cook top.  I liked it.  Spoiled I guess..
  21. You all are so sweet to think of us. YES, we moved !!  All went very smoothly.  Van got held up on the A86 due to being stuck behind an accident, but he arrived 30 minutes later than anticipated (not bad).  He was such a nice guy, from Senegal.  It was the owner of the house that hooked us up with him.  80 euros to move a van full of 'stuff" and us. Arrived to house to find owner and his son cleaning.  There have been a number of contractors doing lots of work in and around the house, so it was dirty the last time we were here to visit.  Some of the contract work has not finished, so they will still be coming and going.  So, I do have a good bit of cleaning to do - I'm a bit of a clean freak.  I expected this, based on the situation during our last visit. Still, we love the house more and more. The unpacking and cleaning began upon arrival.  The kitchen is now clean.  I'll take one room at a time from today forward. We've ordered a bunch of 'stuff.'  The sommiers arrive this morning.  The lave-linge tomorrow afternoon.  So, we are thrilled to be here.  And thank you all so much for asking.  I'll keep you posted.
  22. Lovely Mint. Idun, I guess your rain eventually progressed to arrive here.  Just after dinner time, a huge rain storm came round.  I'm sure we needed it as I don't think it has rained here in weeks.  Everyone was perched by their windows to watch the rain fall ! Much cooler today.  That's nice.
  23. What a great menu Norman.  I would try each thing on the menu if I was there.  Quite reasonable too. Restos around here do seem to be doing a brisk business.  Many have placed multiple tables on the streets !  Looked a little dangerous to me, but hey.
  24. Idun your pizza process sounds very interesting.  I think it would work well in a cast iron skillet.  I will definitely give it a try. The pizza stone idea I have also considered.  Just never go around to buying one.  I don't like to have too much 'extra' stuff in my kitchen.  So, I'm hesitant to buy anything I think I might not like/use.  And, I've never known anyone who has one, so I can't 'borrow' one to try.
  25. Idun, what have you done !!  I will check it out and I'm sure will give it a try.  My hips will not be thanking you. We haven't had pizza in six months.  And, I love making it at home, always have.  French pizza's seem to be so soggy to me.  I must have a pizza that, when sliced, can support the toppings without flopping over and spilling onto the plate.  This seems to require me making it myself.
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