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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Lori


    [quote user="idun"] I was wondering how much dried yeast you use for say 1kg of flour? [/quote] Yes, I would like to know that too.  And can someone remind me if dry bread yeast is called Levure du pain or something like that?  In the U.S. there is dry fast rising yeast and dry regular rise yeast.  I always used the fast rise for pizza dough.  The regular for bread.
  2. We had that when we lived in Provence.  And we actually got fairly good reception, except during storms. I don't know if we can have one installed at the new address.  The owner is actually Irish (having lived in France for 27 years), so it is remotely possible he already has one.  Not sure.
  3. I presume this is only available on UK channels? We have netflix and amazon prime here, but obviously no UK channels.
  4. Same as Alan.  We will often use one single sheet several times before it begins to brown.
  5. Lori

    consultation vidéo

    Of course, I have no idea how many people will die in the U.S. OF Coronavirus.  It is obviously going to be a huge number.  I think it will also depend on when Mr. Trump insists on 'reopening the country."  Ignoring all the Scientific advice on the subject would almost certainly cost more lives. Also, as far as I can tell, the numbers of people dying of other illnesses simply because the hospitals/doctors/surgeons are all so overwhelmed and unavailable to help, are not being counted.  I suspect, in the end, these numbers will be very large; particularly in the U.S. It is looking more and more likely that some sort of confinement will be needed until a vaccine or proved treatment is developed.  Considering getting tested, even in France, seems to be very difficult to accomplish, unless you're half dead, I don't see how rolling out blood tests to check for antibodies to determine if you have HAD the virus is remotely possible.  I hope I'm wrong as it seems both tests are an integral part of trying to return to any form of 'normal.' I don't believe we will ever be the same again.
  6. Lori

    consultation vidéo

    Sadly Mint, the American woman's post comes as no surprise to me at all.  There are literally thousands and thousands of people under similar circumstances in the U.S.  Few politicians could give a cr*p.  Look at all of those that want to block / destroy the basic care coverage created under Pres. Obama.  It is unfathomable. During my video consultation this evening, my doctor related a story of her going to a pharmacy in the U.S. while visiting her daughter, to pick up a basic medication for her grandchild.  It normally cost 15 euros in France (which she considered on the expensive side).  She said it was $98 in the U.S.  I considered that on the low side for the U.S. She recommended a medication here that is not yet covered by the French system as it is not yet approved in France (but approved in northern Europe).  But, she said it was quite expensive - 30 euros per month.  I had to laugh as a similar medication I was prescribed in the U.S. was $200 per month.... So sad and not likely to change as long as the current administration remains.  Costs so many lives each day/year..  People simply cannot afford health insurance and / or the drugs to treat whatever health issue they might have.  So, they die.
  7. Lori

    consultation vidéo

    Yes, Mint, you are right.  Though, as long as Mr. Trump is in power, I will not step foot in America and will feel safer for it. Doctor was quite sweet and wanted to hear why I moved to France, in addition to asking all the required health questions.  She, of course, did not know that I had lived here previously.  But, she wanted to hear all about it.  Her daughter lives in Washington, DC and she related her concerns about that.  She really spent a lot of time with me.  I like her very much.  She offered an enormous amount of treatment options and explained each one in detail. I hope if you have a video conference, yours goes as well as mine did.
  8. Lori

    consultation vidéo

    Hi Mint:  I had my video consultation today.  It was very simple.  I just signed on to my Doctolib account and connected to my set video appointment.  I opened the video and waited for the doctor to join.  She did.  Lovely she was.  All went well.  We were disconnected briefly and she called me on my cell phone, but we were then reconnected online.  All worked well.  She then sent me my prescriptions via the Doctolib site.  Excellent.  Couldn't be happier.
  9. I wondered the very same thing Idun.  I have washed the gloves (while on my hands) in the past.  I have no idea how effective it might be in washing away the virus. Can't imagine it would be much different than washing it away from your hands.
  10. Yes, NM, we are careful how we use those rubber gloves.  I used a pair when I went out yesterday to Franprix.  Once I got back to the apartment, I took them off and used a second fresh pair to take my items out of my trolley to wipe them down before putting them away. I know it may not make any difference, but I have them (a LOT of them), so I'll give them a try.  I know they are just as capable of receiving the virus as un-gloved hands.  I try to use them carefully being fully aware of the issues you described.
  11. Yes, Wooly, that is what we do too.  Granted, we've only received one piece of mail since the confinement started. We follow the same procedure after any delivery; food, amazon, etc.  We also have a big box of those thin rubber gloves we use too. Letter has been placed in the postal box.  It was still full from yesterday, but managed to get the envelope in.  At least that means that I didn't miss a pick up from yesterday; wasn't one.  Of course, I have no idea when there will be one.  When it goes, it goes.
  12. Thank you Mint and all of you !!  Success, yeah !!  Printed my stamp directly on my C5 envelope.  Brilliant !!  And it even lets you print a sample to make sure you don't make a mistake. Now, I'll just walk it to the letter box.  As of yesterday the letter box was full again.  However, I know La Poste is picking it up at some point as my doctor got the letter I mailed her on 23 march.  No idea when the mail gets picked up, but I presume it will at some point. You guys are the best !
  13. We both love the UHT milk.  Typically, we buy the Leader Price Bio Demi-ecreme in six packs.  I can't remember the last time I bought fresh milk in France. 
  14. Thank you all so much !!!  I will try to print the stamp onto an envelope in the morning.  I can't thank you enough.
  15. Thanks Mint.  Already looked into that.  Can't do it without the proper 'sticker' paper.  You can order the specialized paper (that is actually stickers) on Amazon, but they sell them by like 50 minimum stickers.  I don't think I could use that many in a decade of living here. I'll try to go to another La Poste tomorrow. 
  16. I agree with you Norman.  I think it will be very hard to keep people indoors when the weather is so nice.  May not be such an issue for those who have private gardens.  But, the plus part of Paris does not have such luxuries and we are ALWAYS outside, even in bad weather. We would always take a very long daily walk along the river before the confinement.  We miss that so much.  It will be one of the first things we do, when we get the right to.. My quest to mail my postal document (this time a requested form to Amelie) was a loss.  My local post office (the one I used 23 March using the self service machine) is now closed, even the self serve machines closed off from the main postal service aren't accessible.  !!  I presume they aren't maintaining those machines.  Stamp paper not reloaded into machine, etc.  Frustrating as this document cannot be uploaded online. I'll have to try to find where the nearest 'operating' La Poste is..  All I need is a stamp...  Self serve would be excellent...
  17. First time I've been out in 15 days.  Had planned to go out last week for provisions, but managed to get an online order placed for a few items. So, out today I went.  Oh the most wonderful weather.  Sunny and warm.  No jacket needed.  Wore my bandanna and a pair of those thin rubber gloves....  Felt so odd, but I wasn't the only one doing this.  Yet there were many others with no protective gear. You can see the top third of the Eiffel Tower when you walk out of this building and of course, all around the neighborhood.  We're 5 minutes walk from the Seine and 10 from the Eiffel Tour.  It was very hard to stick to shopping and not take a diversion to walk along the river. I didn't go out until 13h30 as I wanted to enjoy the warmest weather of the day (said to be 24 C today).  There were a fair amount of folks on the streets.  I was very pleased to find my local Franprix stocked top full of EVERYTHING you could think of - except rubbing alcohol.  We can't really order anything fresh online these days and a lot of non perishable items are not available either - not to our address that is.  I presume the online supermarkets are simply being very careful what they make available on their sites.  Otherwise, I presume people would hoard everything they can get their hands on and the bricks and mortar stores would suffer. I was pleased to fill my trolley with lots of fresh food and supplies and roll it back to the apartment. It will be hard to stay inside with such nice weather all week.
  18. Obviously, I am from a different part of the world, but I do hope he recovers.  I know little about him, but I hate to see all this death.
  19. I have a hand blender with chopper bowl attachment and a coffee grinder.  And a nice German coffee machine.  That's it.  I used to have all kinds of crazy kitchen stuff.  Got rid of it all. I'm really a basics kind of cook now.  Our waistlines are better for it.
  20. Understand.  You are not likely to get many positive stories out of me regarding Saudi.  Two and a half years there was far too long for me.  Husband continued working there for another 6 years, but he is fluent in Arabic and knew the system, etc. Yet, we had friends who absolutely loved living there.  We found them quite odd, but to each his own. Try living in the U.S. during our current regime and heaven forbid without any health insurance.  Of course, many people enjoy the 'rhetoric' and anger festering there.  We didn't.  These are my own experiences.  I understand that others might find my feelings hard to fathom.  I can't change who I am.
  21. [quote user="Lehaut"] The same mentality that gives them such massive support also put the current MAGA leader in charge, and he will probably be there after 2020 too.[/quote] Agree 1000%.  Though I hope you are wrong about 2020. It was what tipped us over the edge.  We couldn't stand living there any longer.  Even now, I hope I never have to return. I'd live in Saudi again before I live in the USA.  And I hated Saudi.
  22. GG that is great !  So funny.  We could use some more couldn't we. Thanks for posting it.
  23. [quote user="PaulT"]Of course they have to carry on with their services.....how else would these preachers get their millions.[/quote] Yep.  Maybe he'll foot the bill for the coffins.  Right,....  didn't think so.
  24. Lori

    consultation vidéo

    Yes, but that would be for an existing prescription.  If you need a new prescription you may need a new prescription.  I will.
  25. Got it Wooly.  Have replied.  No issues discussing my history on the forum or anywhere else.  It is no secret.
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