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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Lori

    consultation vidéo

    My doctor suggested this for me.  We had an appt. scheduled for 26 March.  She called me to ask if it was urgent.  It wasn't, but it is important.  We discussed the issue at hand.  She asked me to mail her some lab results with the expectation that we could do a tele-service appointment and she could prescribe the necessary treatment.  I sent her the documentation. We rescheduled the appt. for 20 April.  So, I expect I will likely hear from her before that or on that day for a tele-service appt. Don't know exactly what it requires.  Possibly an app on my phone, possibly by Skype.  I guess I'll find out.  I'll let you know if I get any further details in the meantime.
  2. I find it very hard to understand how people can be this stupid.  What will they say when members of their 'flock' get the virus and die?  It will be the non members of the parish that caused it?  But, I thought they said they were immune? Similar headlines today regarding Muslim Friday prayers.  The 'flock' refused to distance and insisted on attending as normal....
  3. Typical. The world is filled with idiots. 
  4. Lori


    From my experience SR flour is never used for proper bread making.  Cakes, cookies, American style biscuits, even pancakes, but not bread.
  5. [quote user="NormanH"]But the joke works better withBiterrois = Bite est Roi [/quote] Got it Norman.  I still think the term could work for Paris - without the correlation.
  6. [quote user="NormanH"]I rather vulgar joke is that Béziers is the town where  "La Bite est Roi"I won't go into details if that mystifies [:)] [/quote] I thought that was Paris.
  7. I guess like most folks, we are coping.  What can you do?  We have not been out in many days.  I mark the calendar each day to note that we did not delve out.  It does grow old of course and I do envy anyone with a balcony or terrace.  Can't even fathom the luxury of a private garden.  It seems pretty much the same process each day.  Sleep as late as possible to shorten the length of the day; get up, have coffee, read the news, read other stuff., do some exercises (as best we can), have a snack, read some more, prepare dinner, watch TV, go to sleep.  And do it again each day !!   Yikes.   Going down to take the trash to the bin or check the mailbox is a treat.  Actually got a letter in the box today.  First time since the confinement..  Oh and today is laundry, what a delight.  And, I won't go to the laverie to use the dryer.  I just dry things on the radiators.  Not the best economical choice, but my last visit to the laverie had me fuming.  So, here we are. I would add that not everyone is finding little to do while cooped inside.  Based on my neighbors habits, my prediction of a baby boom will be right...
  8. [quote user="NormanH"]If you can bear to read it I found it clear and informative https://www.newyorker.com/science/elements/from-bats-to-human-lungs-the-evolution-of-a-coronavirus [/quote] That is a fascinating article Norman.  And I didn't have to pay to read it.  Thank you for posting it.  I've shared it with a handful of other people. I even found it a bit hopeful.
  9. [quote user="NormanH"]I think that  France is a bit further along the curve...it starts slowly and rapidly picks up speed. The Uk is getting to the faster part now. The effects of a lockdown may well not be seen until at least 3 weeks in and we are just starting the third week... Another factor is a possible difference in the number of people being tested. The figures can only show those who have tested positive but if a larger percentage are tested in one country than another then that means that comparisons  aren't on an equal basis. I suspect that is the reason that Germany has so many cases but relatively few deaths; more people are tested... I'm not sure that  the explosion of cases in the USA can be put down to cheek kissing.. [/quote] I tend to agree with this.  And yes, I guess we will have a better indication of whether we are right in about a week or so. I think the U.S. is going to have a huge number of deaths.  It is a huge country, but it will be very very hard to keep Americans in their houses.  I don't believe they think like Europeans do in a crisis.
  10. Agree, but I must stop in the Franprix grocery store.  Most folks are good about distance, but it is next to impossible to completely avoid being anywhere near a human. No avoiding it.  And, I'm too nervous to go out 'just' to walk. 
  11. Lori


    Glad your shops are still looking fairly normal Idun.  I hope that doesn't change. I will find out tomorrow what our shops on the streets look like.  Last time I was out, they were fully stocked, short of a few things (the obvious).  I have no idea what I will find tomorrow; hopefully the same. Our freezer here just isn't big enough to hold very much.  I have put as much proteins and veggies as it will hold.  We also keep a section of it free to hold several baguettes and some sliced sandwich bread that we get on the rare occasion we go out.  They freeze well enough. I do look forward to moving as there is plenty of space for good sized appliances, etc.  No need to live in such a small set up - which really did not bother us under normal circumstances.  These days, of course, are anything but normal.
  12. What a great story Idun. Yes, it is so strange to see the aerial photos of all the cities empty of people and cars. I have not been out in many days, but will need to go out tomorrow to replenish a few things.  Especially since our food delivery had no fresh items (sauf potatoes) in it. I won't go far.  Such a bitter sweet thing.  I just love to go out and walk and walk and walk.  So, going out sound like such a treat now, yet with a dangerous side effect lingering.
  13. Lori


    Our food delivery from Carrefour this morning included only a package of potatoes as far as fresh items.  We made the order a week ago and included several fresh food items; potimaron, butternut squash, cauliflower, clementines, etc.  Delivery guy said that there is a near total rupture of fresh fruits and vegetables. We were told what we didn't get would be delivered once their stock had been replenished...
  14. Lori


    I'm afraid to make even a small batch of home baked cookies.  Fear of using my precious ingredients for something not essential.  The talk now is of food shortages.  So, I am being very careful how I use or don't use what we have.
  15. It certainly won't be easy for us, but we will do our best.  Most people in our building seem to come and go frequently.  I'd like to avoid getting sick, so I stay inside.
  16. [quote user="idun"]Would Trump even admit to it if he had it?   [/quote] Only if he felt it would somehow work in his favor. But then, he could see that working either way; saying he had it when he didn't and how much of nothing the sickness is; or saying he doesn't have it (test or no test) proving that only compromised, unhygienic people get it. I would not believe anything that comes out of his mouth.
  17. Lori

    Bin Day

    [quote user="NormanH"]Lori..perhaps he would prefer you without make-up and without clothes [6] [/quote] Ha Ha Ha Norman!  I'll have to ask him.
  18. We did discuss that last week.  She wanted the documents (there are several) to review in advance of a tele-service RDV to discuss phoning in pharmacy prescriptions.  Then, to have them on record in my file. I will ask her if the scans will do when I call her next week - assuming my mail never gets to her. Frustrating, as she is an easy walk from this apartment.
  19. I too have done what Idun does with success. However, Sue, if you are talking about buying the pre-baked puff pastries that are ready to be filled, etc., the ones typically found near the bread/cracker aisles, I have not had luck freezing those. They tend to take on too much moisture in the freezer and when defrosted are mushy and won't recover when baked.
  20. Lori

    Bin Day

    I've begun wearing the same clothes over and over and over again to avoid having to go to the laverie !!!  I suggested husband let me know when I am no longer tolerable to be around in the same room... Contemplating going without make-up each day to lengthen my supply.  I've delayed that idea out of respect for my husband who has to look at me every minute of every day..
  21. Thanks for that Nomoss. I presume that since nurses aren't able to secure face masks, neither is La Poste.  So, based on that reply, they will not be working until they can get the masks and gel.  So, the mail in the mailboxes will remain uncollected.  I feel for them, but their website said otherwise and I took them at that word.  I will have to walk my medical docs to my doctor, assuming she hasn't fallen sick herself.  I'll call her next week, just in case someone decides to deliver the mail.
  22. On a very rare outing last Monday (at the request of my doctor), I walked to my nearest La Poste (which is closed, but has an outdoor letter box) to mail some medical documents to my doctor. La Poste website suggests that since many of their satellite post offices are closed for business due to the virus, that people should deposit their outgoing mail in the La Poste mailboxes on the streets of Paris.  So, that is what I did.  The box was chock full of letters.  Clearly it had not been emptied in - who knows how long.  I also have no way of knowing IF it will ever be emptied.  I'll have to follow up with my doctor next week to see if she ever got the documents.  She is literally less than 1km walk from my apt.  But, she wanted to limit patients coming into the office when ever possible.  Hence asking me to mail the documents.  I have my doubts she will ever get them. I could have walked another 10 minutes and left them in her letter box at her building.   Likely what I will have to do next week....  If La Poste is not going to pick up the mail in their boxes, they should not tell people they are picking them up.
  23. Lori


    Yes, noticeably slower.  And yes, expected.  I anticipate some crashing to take place. Not much to do when you are stuck inside.  Watch TV, surf the internet, stand in place exercises... I hope the news about the blood test being used to test the masses and get people back outside will actually happen.
  24. Ah, nice.  I have never been to Tours.  There are many places in France I have never visited.  I hope I'll be able to do so in the coming years. Having our daughter here living in Issy-les-Moulineaux is also a big plus.
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