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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Thank you everyone.  Lots of wonderful advice.  Much appreciated. After having put my Madère Cruz in my Monoprix panier (for delivery), it dropped off as out of stock....  Good grief ! Amazon seems to have only nice (more than I want to pay) bottles of Sherry or light port. What a pain in the a**.  Yes, there are numerous wine shops in this town and I'm sure they would have something for me.  I'm fairly confident it would be at a price I am not willing to pay.  I just need 3 tablespoons. I will use the rice vinegar that I already have.
  2. Yes, Idun, I do have Rice wine.  I can use that.
  3. I'd like to see a management list from every business in France.  Can we also see a list of all French companies that were charged a similar fine?
  4. I just looked at the recipe again.  It calls for 3 T of dry sherry.  So, I'm not so sure the Madère Cruz stuff I found is dry.  Does anyone know?
  5. [quote user="JohnFB"]madeira or malaga, easily available at least here in Leclerc. I usually use malaga / xereres vinaigre blend to get what i want.JFB [/quote] This sounds like a good idea.  I found the small flask of Madeira Cruz and can add some xeres vinaigre to that. Thanks everyone for all the ideas.
  6. [quote user="betise"]Erm, Lori, I think the link you have just given is for something else entirely![/quote] That's too funny !  Sorry about that.  Daughter is coming to visit and asked for a certain supply of things.  Had to make sure I was getting one of them right...  Obviously a mistake. Let me try this again..  Here is what I found.  I have it in my panier to try.  Hopefully it won't ruin the meal.  The recipe does not specify what type of Sherry. https://courses.monoprix.fr/products/MPX_722117/details
  7. Thank you both.  This is for a recipe with fresh green beans with a girolles/cream sauce.  It is the sauce that calls for the sherry.  So, it is a savory recipe.  I found something from Portugal that might work, not sure.  This is it. I've bought the vinaigre before and I don't think it would work for this. https://courses.monoprix.fr/products/MPX_2601261/details
  8. I have a recipe that calls for Sherry.  If I remember correctly, I used Banyuls way back when as a sort of replacement.  But it was kinda on the sweeter side. Can anyone advise what I might look for at the supermarket?  Doesn't need to be anything too expensive as it will likely only be used for cooking. Thank you !
  9. [quote user="betise"]Sorry Norman, that wasn't aimed at you, but Lori said she was outside her house.[/quote] Well there are actually two houses behind me in the photo.  I kinda figure if someone really wanted to track me down, it wouldn't be that hard to do.  Although, the house is owned by someone else and paperwork done privately with owner (no agency).
  10. Thank you Pomme !  Not sure what I did wrong.  Just copied and pasted.
  11. Nice Norman !  That looks like such a lovely sunny day for a stop in a café too. I have no idea what I did when I copied the link to my thread.  It is blvd colbert 92330 opposite the IBIS Hotel. I know, we've only been here a short while.  I have no idea how often google sends out cars to take photos.  We all found it funny.
  12. Daughter was just googling our address and look, here we are standing in front of the house where we live.  Must have been taken two or three months ago..  How funny.  Not sure if this copy / paste will work. https://www.google.com/maps/place/1+Boulevard+Colbert,+92330+Sceaux/@48.7787467,2.2948654,3a,75y,49.86h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s4_4oNDpSNBB4K8gTByrthQ!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo0.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3D4_4oNDpSNBB4K8gTByrthQ%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dsearch.gws-prod.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D86%26h%3D86%26yaw%3D49.858475%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x47e670caf17d2cb7:0x8b4c8fd26177a7cd!2s1+Boulevard+Colbert,+92330+Sceaux!3b1!8m2!3d48.7788062!4d2.2950122!3m4!1s0x47e670caf17d2cb7:0x8b4c8fd26177a7cd!8m2!3d48.7788062!4d2.2950122
  13. Oh Chessie, I feel badly for you.  You have been given such great advice in the posts above.  I hope you will consider it all.  And as has been said, rant away here anytime you need to.  It can be helpful to know that you do have a place where you can do that. One thing I might suggest is that you find a reliable 'handyman.'  What did they call him in the other thread?  It sounds like you could really use someone who can help you with basic home projects.  I know there are plenty of those where I live.  I can't imagine it is not available where you live.  I've also found that the costs are not bad at all.  This could help you immensely with the tasks your OH is not willing to help with.  If you need help finding someone, let us know, we can guide you. I think you should update your family to the circumstances of your situation too.  This is very important.  I also think you need and deserve a break.  Consider visiting loved ones.  It could do you good. Best of luck to you Chessie.  Keep posting, let us know how you are.
  14. [quote user="alittlebitfrench"]Unless you are religious or have kids I don't see the point of Christmas. [/quote] I could certainly live without it, but I am not a religious person.  I'm also one who thinks Thanksgiving is silly.  I do all the decorations and prepare the feasts and go with the flow as my husband and daughter seem to enjoy it.  Did manage to get a beautiful Christmas tree at the local market yesterday.  Bought lights from Ikea.  Bought lots of extra tree greenery branches for decoration.  It looks really pretty so at least there is that to enjoy.
  15. As an American, I don't get a vote.  However, I am inclined to believe your last sentence.
  16. No controls here.  Most of my neighbors seem to like it that way..  I've just gotten used to it. I know the cashiers at the Auchan (3 minutes walk from my house) get VERY perturbed when customers don't mask.  Yet I have never seen the security guard say anything to them.  He may, but he never has when I've been in there.
  17. Lori

    Electric blanket

    Thanks Idun.  I have used flannel sheets in the past and I do remember them being warm.  I'll keep an eye out for them when the sales start. And Mint, I go to sleep far earlier than my late night husband.  So, no warming up the bed for me - works the other way around in this house. The radiator in our bedroom stays off most of the time.  Today it is 14 degrees in there.  I turn on the electric blanket about 20 minutes before I plan to go to sleep.  We have a really nice duvet, so it gets nice and toasty.  The electric blanket goes off automatically after 5 hours.  Works for us.
  18. Welcome back !  As has been said, you were missed very much. I'm sorry to hear you have lost another friend.  Such an emotional time. Please stick with us. 
  19. Yes, Norman and I hope those refusing will reconsider.  I have my fears too, but I'd like to get back to some sort of normal - if that is even possible. If it becomes mandatory in order to enter certain establishments perhaps more people will take the vaccine.  I know there has been talk of that.  Haven't seen anything official on the subject.
  20. Good question. If any of the recent articles stating up to 59% of French folks say they have no intention of getting the vaccine, perhaps that will make it more available to the rest of us..
  21. Lori

    Electric blanket

    I did end up getting one from Amazon.  Just after I started the thread.  It works pretty well.  Not nearly as nice as the one we had in the U.S. but it will do.  Like the one CeeJay noted, it is really sized to fit a single bed, but it works okay on a double.
  22. Lori

    Electric blanket

    Thank you CeeJay.  I would if I were actually going into my nearest Lidl.  It is always a crazy mad house no matter what time/day I've been there.  So, I am avoiding confined, over crowded places at the moment.  Frustratingly, each time I've been in Lidl (prior to the 2nd confinement), few people are wearing masks or even attempting to distance.  So, I'll avoid the stress. The one we bought works pretty well.  It is a similar size as the one at Lidl.  So, if you have a large double bed, you may need two at this size.
  23. I do my best to follow all rules and laws BIB.  I do not walk from dawn to sunset.  My comment was refecting my dismay at the lack of enforcement of the rules where I live. You can set your mind at rest regarding my personal responsibility.
  24. Lori

    Covid jabs

    Oh that is so awful Pip.  I am so sorry for your loss.  Yes, this is an awful virus and I will be so glad when the vaccines are rolled out.
  25. It would not surprise me if Mr. Trump passed on the Turkey pardoning thing.  He does appear to be maintaining his foul mood and poor sportsmanship. I'm still waiting to hear his long list of pardons for his buddies. As to pardoning himself and his family, I'm sure he will try.  Though it seems to me that would be admitting wrong doing and we know he never makes an error or breach in judgement.  So, we shall see.
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