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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Certainly agree all of us are different.  Also agree about the healthy gut thing.  We've been reading about that for years now.  When we changed out diet and lost a bunch of weight, we noticed a big difference in just about every aspect of our body. I have also found it most interesting that during our last period of time in the U.S., both OH and I were definitely overweight.  Yet, not a single doctor we saw EVER said anything about our weight or even asked us what type of diet regime we followed.  Never.  Nor did they mention something called a BMI !!!  Yet we were fat !  In France, all of my doctors never hesitated to mention weight and diet, at every visit.  Interesting difference. Yes Idun, bake !  I have spent the better part of the day in the kitchen.  Made some fresh cole slaw, a batch of tuna salad (as I had fresh celery) and some delicious muffins from fresh fruits and veggie (most will go in the freezer for later).  Made a sweet and bad for us glaze to go on top of the muffins, but it is in a refrigerated side bowl for when/if we want it. Dinner is fresh mushroom/onion soup with biscuits (made with cereale flour and son d'avoine et germe de ble for good measure, pulled together with yogurt, not butter or another fat so healthier).  What else could I do on a beautiful Saturday when everyone and his second cousins are all over the streets/parc.
  2. Yes, Wooly, I agree the list 'could' be endless.  But, it likely isn't.  This was announced a good while back.  It should not take weeks of investigations to determine the 'actual' reason(s).
  3. You could be right.  I do recall reading something along those lines.  But, what does that really mean?  To me, that they have little to no vaccines in hand.  And, the promises of future deliveries seem to get delayed and delayed and delayed.  This problem they spoke of at the plant in Belgium.  Is that the ONLY place we can get vaccines from?  And I thought there was going to be some sort of investigation into what the manufacturing delay/problem at that plant actually was.  Maybe I have missed it, but I haven't heard a word to answer that question.
  4. Oh, I didn't realize there are 3 companies authorized to manufacture vaccines in France.  Good, bring it on. I have no idea how long this type of set-up takes (safely), but the sooner the better.
  5. You can't make this stuff up.  The most basic of things has to be made near impossible. Delays and delays and delays.  Yet, they say there will not be a shortage of vaccines and they set up these dates to take RDV's.  Yet, according to this article, those RDV's had to be cancelled.  Why??  No vaccines to be had. And what is this ridiculous notion that employees cannot be seen by other employees getting the vaccine due to privacy issues !  Stupid is too nice a word. https://www.bfmtv.com/economie/peu-de-doses-disponibles-et-des-delais-la-vaccination-anti-covid-en-entreprise-a-demarre-au-ralenti_AD-202102270031.html
  6. Congrats Norman on your second dose !
  7. [quote user="anotherbanana"]By the way, Biden is trying for 100,000,000 jabs in 100 days![/quote] Well, I guess if you have the vaccinations, where there is a will, there is a way.  France doesn't seem to have the vaccines to give, so I don't see how they can even deliver on their promise to have all adults who want the vaccine vaccinated by the end of Summer 2021.  That is a long way off, but with no vaccines coming in and none being manufactured by Sanofi (at least at this point), which was all promised, I don't see how this will happen. Still, I'd rather be in France than in the USA.
  8. [quote user="NormanH"]It is a miracle that they are available at all, and all the contraversy should not blind us to the brilliance of the reseachers who have created them in such a short space of time.[/quote] I have to agree with this.  I realize there are a lot of unanswered questions regarding all of the vaccinations.  Yet, I will take mine when it is offered to me.  Not at all happy about the fluk up the French government and EU have subjected us all to, but I cannot change that.  I cannot imagine the current French government will be re-elected. Each day it is just an unfunny laugh.  Always 20 some thousand new cases and between 200 and 400 deaths.  EVERY day - rare exception. I have no idea how the government can live with that, but clearly they can.  There are still no vaccines to speak of available here.
  9. Thank you Aux.  I hope your kids won't have to wait too long.  If they are in France, it isn't looking too good right now. Hopefully, things will improve.
  10. Yes, 10 minutes versus an hour (or more).  Says a lot doesn't it.. I haven't reached the age of 60 yet, so I think it will be a LONG LONG time before I am invited to be vaccinated. What ever happened to the promise that Sanofi will be producing the Pfizer vaccinations here in France?  Is that going to take a decade before it is up and running?
  11. Congrats to you and your OH too Auxadrets ! It must be such a relief. 
  12. Congrats Idun !!  Very pleased for you. I fear I may not get vaccinated THIS year.    Like you, I would take whatever I could get (short of the Russian or Chinese vaccine).  Yet, you can't get blood from a turnip, so they say.  So, I just wait..
  13. All great advice above.  We too had a leak at the main valve (by the street).  Water was leaking from the main meter.  We reached in to turn off the main valve and called the water company.  They came out within about 4 hours and said the leak was on our side of the meter. Therefore, the water company employee did NOT repair the leak.  He told us it was up to us to hire a plumber. We got a bill for 900 euros.  I called the plumber/electrician (immediately) who had renovated our entire home and he took photos of the meter that showed the crack was NOT on our side.  He wrote up a detailed report, included the photos, I sent it all in to the SDEI (water company).  It took them weeks and a few more contacts to finally agree to replace the old meter.  Our plumber repaired the leaking part of the meter so we could have water.  But, he concluded that the meter (as was confirmed by SDEI) was very old and probably started leaking a long while back, but with time the leak grew until it was a major problem. This is when I was told to always place styrofoam around the main meter to protect it from extreme freezing weather in winter.  I did that and for the first year or so, I checked the new meter on a regular basis. The experience will not be forgotten !  I was told by SDEI that a customer is only allowed ONE dégrèvement on their account.  I have no idea if that is true to all water suppliers.  But, they did something like what happened to Idun.  In the end, they charged the same amount we used the previous year.  However, we had to pay the 900 euros while they 'processed' our dossier.
  14. Loved it ! You have a way with words.  You should come over here and stay for a few months.  I imagine you could write some very interesting words about life round here.  It is amazing how different it is here to what it was like down South. Yesterday was incredible here.  It was 17 degrees and sunny (a very rare moment), so everyone and his cousins were outside (few masks worn).  Who could blame them really, the being out part, not the mask part.  It has been nothing but rain and misery here since last September. The park across the street was packed full of people.  Old men playing boule (no masks), a collective of 20 somethings hanging out (no masks, no distancing), teenagers packing the skate board section, a slew of kids running all over the grassy areas - which are always littered with dog poop.  Sidewalks packed with strollers and walking canes.  It was a sight ! I do remember the mower and power tools down South.  For me really, the biggest gripe was the tractors before dawn, the massive camping cars running people off the roads and the endless bicycles.
  15. Thank you so much for the links Idun.  That first link is SO informative and helpful.  Also with additional excellent links I am just getting to.  The Francine link I had found.  I do use some of those flours, but not all are available in my online shopping. I have the T55, T65, multi-cereales, T110 and T45.  I am hoping to try some of the others on that first link.  At least now I know what strong flour is.  Didn't know flours could have different levels of gluten in them (or none at all).  So, still learning. Yet, I don't know if I will ever have the patience to bake the sourdough breads.  The link I posted would have you in the kitchen the entire day, constantly doing something to the dough.  I mean if I went through all that and then didn't end up with a wonderful bread, I'd want to shoot someone's foot off.  Probably my own !!
  16. My experience has been much like yours Judith.  I'm pleased with my progress and it all takes so little effort which makes it that much nicer.  Just a bit of 'practice makes perfect' or something along those lines. I see the term 'strong flour' used in the U.K. recipes.  I don't know this term.  What is strong flour?  I mean is there a weak flour? I've been tempted to ask husband to do the kneading, but he is like a hurricane turned loose in the kitchen, so I've kept the task to myself.
  17. So, after my recent relative success with baking breads, I thought why not try a sourdough bread.  I have always heard they are tricky with the starter needing to be just right, etc. So, I did a bit of research.  Do any of you bake sourdough breads? Do you go to this much trouble? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNzJLP61nnQ I nearly lost the will to live about half way through.
  18. We don't do Valentine's Day either.  To me, it falls within the same box of silly as Mother's/Father's Day, National Pizza Day or even Thanksgiving.  I think they are all really silly. Must have saved us a small fortune over the years.
  19. We made our large monthly order on Friday, 12 Feb with Auchan online.  I was hoping for a delivery the next day, but there was no créneau available.  So, I had to take Monday the 15th for delivery. I have never done that before.  Normally if you shop online (at least from this address) on a Saturday or Sunday, there are LOADS of items that are unavailable (out of stock).  So, I figured by the time our order was packed up on Monday, it would be missing items - particularly the fresh items.  Nope, got every single thing.  I was surprised. I would say that, on a regular basis, fresh beef and fish and any fresh fruits/legumes that are on promo are the first items to go en rupture.
  20. [quote user="Gardian"] That’ll keep Mrs G going for a week or so.[/quote] What a hoot you are ! We ordered some olive oil from Spain a month ago.  Arrived 2 days later. 
  21. I certainly hope you are right, but I'm not so sure.  Here, in France, we seem to be on a steady 20,000 to 25,000 new cases each day (for weeks now) with around 250 to 450 deaths each day.  That doesn't look like something that is dying out to me.
  22. [quote user="anotherbanana"]Lori, is youse a Southern gal?[/quote] Yes, I be Wooly ! Born in North Carolina.
  23. [quote user="anotherbanana"]Dont you believe it, Nimty; if they can find a reason to go slow, muck up, prevaricate they will.!?[/quote] Ain't that the truth !
  24. I did find this interesting.  Not a great deal of info here, but still interesting. https://www.europe1.fr/societe/coronavirus-un-vaccin-universel-disponible-vers-la-fin-de-lannee-4025739
  25. Idun - congrats on getting your vaccine appointments.  Also good to know your OH's experience so far.  My Mom had few side effects after the first shot.  Headache, body ache, but only for a short bit.  The second shot produced more side effects, but she was told it might.  She had upset tummy for a few days with overall poorly feeling.  It seemed to subside about 5 days after the second shot. I guess it really can vary.  We'll wait, impatiently, for our turn.
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