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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Freezing cold over here too.  I have never in my life, until now, turned on the heat in September!!!  Heating bills highest we've ever experienced anywhere in the world here.  Gas system and not that old either. We are looking forward to moving South.  Don't think we could take more than another year up here.  Mainly due to the weather. 
  2. Yes, I saw that in the headlines.  Didn't do much for my mood.
  3. That brought tears to my eyes (several times) Mint.  What a well written account.  I expect there will be many articles and books written in the coming months and years about all of this. The impact of this virus will never be forgotten.  I believe it will change the way all of us live from this point forward. Thank you so much for posting the article.
  4. Agree with Idun.  I read the article Norman posted and laughed (a very cynical laugh). At this point, if I was the author, I'd be ashamed to release that article, unless he/she'd been living in a cave these last few months.  Of course that is just me and I've been a bit angry these days.
  5. Yes, we know it will be a long while before we are offered the vaccine.  We have come to terms with that, as best we can.  We too don't go inside any building unless we really need to.  The last time I went in any establishment was Christmas day at 7h00 to pick up the holiday order.  All our food and other supplies are delivered.  I prepare all the food we eat, never any take-outs, etc.  We try to take as much care as possible when handling the deliveries. Yet, when I look out the windows here, short of seeing a few folks wearing masks, you would think life is totally normal.  A steady flow of people visiting the twice weekly market - very crowded by 10h00 or 11h00 (I can see it from the window).  Many folks carrying fresh bouquets of flowers throughout the week.  The normal flow of caddies rolling down the street from the various primeurs and Auchan.  Lots of folks walking with Etam and other boutique bags in their hands.  The daily march of children walking with parents (and the school bus runs) to and from school.  People sitting in the parc having lunch or taking part in group 'events.' It all 'looks' normal.  Amazing that it is so far from the truth.
  6. GG, you know that thought DID occur to me.  But, to be honest, it would not surprise me if they said, oh don't worry, we'll be wearing masks !!!  Round here, nothing would surprise me.  OR, they would just move the appointment out 10 days ..... I'll still keep it in my stash of possibilities.
  7. Yes Wooly.  Not sure how long it will prevail, but I'll take what I can get. Still, it was incredibly helpful all the information that you folks provided.  You are all a wealth of knowledge on so many levels. Thank you.
  8. FYI, just had a phone conversation with the owner of the house.  He has cancelled the appointment.  It was exactly as Lehaut had described.  No idea why they think this needs to be done, but I don't see how it could be considered urgent.
  9. I do love a good sense of humor.
  10. Oh and I gather that the court order is what the second letter was referring to.  I don't think there is a court order yet.  But, if one is sent, then I presume I would have no choice but to let them in.  Amazing to me that they are asking people to delay non-emergency medical procedures, but this kind of thing is apparently FAR more important and cannot be delayed. SMH Oh and there is no SYNDIC.  This is a home that has been made into two dwellings (last year).  This home is mitoyenne with one other home (occupants I do not know but owner of this dwelling does know).
  11. Thank you all for the suggestions.  It is this part of the violation of domicile that would probably apply here: 'Le bénéficiaire de cette protection est donc en droit d'interdire l'accès de ce lieu à quiconque (particuliers ou autorités), en dehors des cas exceptés par la loi (constats ou saisies aux heures légales).' I was told it was the city/department that must gain entry.  I don't think it is actually Veolia.  They (I presume the department but I have not seen these letters) have apparently sent two letters advising him if he doesn't allow them to inspect the water points, he can expect some sort of legal demand. I suspect it is to inspect something along the lines of what Lehaut wrote (thank you for that).  But, of course, I don't really  know.  Owner says he doesn't really know either, but he too has his suspicions.  He recently converted a garage (attached to the house) to living space (we don't live in this part of the home - HE does).  I have no idea if he got planning permission to do that.  But, the house is in the center of town, so no way to hide that from all that pass by.  In doing this, I believe there was some change to the plumbing, but I am not sure to what degree. I don't want to cause problems for the landlord, but these are not normal times.  I plan to send him an email today letting him know that we are not happy about this visit and that OH will leave the house in an effort to protect himself. I will remain here but will distance and do not want them touching anything that isn't necessary, masks required. If I don't let them in on the 15th, they will just keep pestering us until they do get in.  It could be the end of summer before we get our vaccines.  I do NOT wish to make this pleasant for anyone involved, but I'd like it over and done with.  However, I also have no idea if whatever they find will require OTHER people to come in for some 'intervention.' What would you do?  It is not supposed to take more than 45 minutes and that would include the owner's dwelling (other side of ours - kinda like mitoyenne) and our dwelling.  So, I imagine less than 45 minutes in our side.
  12. Yes, Mint, I did say no.  The authorities just sent the 2nd threatening letter telling owner he better let them inspect or expect judicial replies.  That is why I suspect there is more to this than I'm being told. I have my suspicions.
  13. Yes, that is the plan Wooly.  No mask, no entry and, of course, I will be double masked. Hopefully it will not rain that day.  As of today, rain is forecasted for that day.  However, meteo France cannot seem to get the forecast right round here even for the next day, so who knows about the 15th.  Can't very well open the main windows (they are large) if it is pouring rain.  Bathroom windows WILL be opened no matter what. I'd like to lock all the other rooms off, but I am afraid they will touch all the door handles trying to enter the rooms - no matter if I tell them there is no water in any of the rooms.  I don't want them touching anything.  We will be removing ALL of our personal items from the salle d'eau in our bedroom. Of course, I will be cleaning every faucet, counter, bannister, guard rail, floor, etc. upon their departure.
  14. Lori

    Water Bill

    We have Veolia too.  Do you have an online account?  If so, you can review all your details there (factures, contract, profile).  There is also a portal to contact their customer service. If you haven't set up an online account, it is very easy and helpful.
  15. I agree with you Norman.  We don't go in any enclosed establishments.  We do walk in the park when it is not -2 degrees (like today with snow), but do not come close to any humans (it's a big park).  So we try to protect ourselves as best we can.  I'm just amazed what I see taking place outside my windows. On the same subject, I am very upset that we have to allow an inspector into the house on Monday 15 fev.  The owner of the house said the department needs to inspect the l'eau d'usages (or whatever term they use) to ensure house is compliant.  Sounds like there is more to this than I am being told.  However, either one or two inspectors will be here Monday at 14h00 to inspect every 'point d'eau' in this house.  That means they will need to pass through the master bedroom to get to the en suite.  I am told it could take up to 45 minutes.    ANGRY !!!!!!!!!!!! Husband will simply leave the house for a walk.  I will remain here as someone has to.  I cannot have strangers left alone roaming through my home.  Since I supposedly had the virus in July, I will be the one to stay to 'receive' them.  I'd like to tell them off !
  16. Yes, I've read similar articles.  I just don't see them calling for another hard confinement.  It was made clear, at least to me, that it simply isn't going to happen.  And, even if they did call for one, I'm not so sure people will adhere to it. Here, as usual, I see very little change in lifestyle.  Yes, most - not all - shops close at 18h00.  All hair salons here remain open and frequented.  I see groups of people gather in the park for dancing - like line dancing, no social distancing (groups of around 25 with a D.J. or live band). The weekly market days are packed with people, maybe 60% wearing masks (not all correctly), that includes the vendors.  No social distancing.  A week ago, there was a group of what looked like about 30 people sitting in a tent (closed on all four sides, but with clear plastic entry doors) set up outside eating a meal together (no idea what that was about), absolutely no distancing there.  The usual, pre-confinement, number of people on the streets well after 18h00, even after 19h00.  I have never seen a controle on anyone anywhere. I can see all of these things from the windows of my house. If the restaurants were open, I'm confident they'd be packed.
  17. More and more frequently these days, I thank my lucky stars I no longer have a social circle.  I speak to very few people and as much as I will do my best to be polite to anyone, I do not really give a crap what they think of me.  So, I will stick to the standards. 
  18. Interesting Mint.  We take the Zymad ampoule.  I think it is the 80,000 ampoule we take.  It is in the cabinet downstairs, so I'll look when I go down there. This one: https://sante.journaldesfemmes.fr/medicaments/zymad-80-000-ui/medicament-60997163 This site says it is available without prescription. https://www.notretemps.com/sante/zymad-traitement-des-carences-en-vitamine-d,i77673 This site says you need a prescription ! https://www.topsante.com/nutrition-et-recettes/les-vitamines/vitamine-d/vitamine-d-sans-ordonnance-639617 This site seems to explain the difference between the prescribed vit. D and those available without a prescription (indicating a prescription is required for the ampoules). https://www.julienvenesson.fr/la-vitamine-d-prescrite-par-les-medecins-naurait-pas-deffet-sur-la-sante/ So, I guess your mileage may vary.  My pharmacist sold me my husband's ampoule without any question.  And, told me it was available without prescription.
  19. Love moules frites.  We had a particular place in Carpentras that we would go very often for their moules frites.  I do miss that.
  20. Oh and I had never seen a celeriac before.  Just fantastic and versatile.  And anchoïade.  So easy to make and delicous.  And home made fish rillettes.  I could rarely find an American who would eat these things. And the variety of fresh mushrooms that are here every Fall.  Expensive, but amazing.
  21. I enjoy nibbling the leaves with just a sprinkle of salt, but oh yes, they are far better dipped in a bit of melted butter. That saying is so true too.  I always put out a huge glass bowl for the discard of leaves.  I also learned not to remove the stem.  In 75% of cases, the steamed stem is just as good as the heart.  I peel the stem before steaming.  Sometimes it will be stringy and not good, but most of the time, it is buttery and delicous.
  22. Lori

    Covid vaccinations

    I don't see how it can NOT become compulsory.  At the moment, I think the government is watching and hoping that the majority of people will choose to get vaccinated.  Yes, there will be those who for medical reasons cannot take the vaccine.  Making it that much more important that those of us who can, do. Already, so many businesses are talking about vaccine passports, etc.  I think it is clear that many of us do not wish to circulate with ANYONE outside our bubble.  And, none of us seems to know exactly to what extent (after virus mutations) and for how long these vaccinations will protect us.  So, to me, it looks like it will be a long while before we feel comfortable in crowded, enclosed spaces. My Mom (in the U.S.) who is 80 and has an endless list of serious health problems has now had her second dose (4 february).  So far, so good.  I'll have mine when I can.  Heaven knows when that will be.  I would have no problem with it being compulsory.  Hey, the French require the TB vaccination to enter public school here and I've been told that one has a low threshold of effectiveness. 
  23. I don't know if I cook 'french' so to speak.  I know we both enjoy food products MUCH more here than in the U.S.  And food is SO much cheaper here.  I mean REALLY cheaper, even here in the Paris region.  That was one of the biggest shocks when I went back to the U.S. after 13 years in Provence.  The cost of a trip to the grocery store.  Kept on shocking  me, right until I left. I tend to cook with whatever is in season at the time.  We like to eat fresh foods whenever possible.  Not a fan of most frozen or boxed/bagged/canned meals.  That said, I have for the first time (due to COVID), purchased frozen vegetables here.  They have been far better than any I tried in the U.S. When we lived in Provence, I learned to cook all types of things with aubergines, courgettes, tomates, etc.  Also love chou vert frisé.  I had never seen it in the U.S.  Also learned to prepare fresh artichokes while living in Provence.  I had never eaten a fresh artichoke prior to that !  Also had never known what to do with poireaux.  Now it is a staple in winter. When I would go to the farmer's market in the U.S., when I would buy fresh aubergines SO many people would ask me what I did with them ! Oh and potimarron.  I had never seen one before living in Provence.  Later learned it is called a Hubbard squash in the U.S., but very hard to find.  It is one of my favorites now.  So many things you can do with it.  And the French do a very nice fenouil gratin (another vegetable I had never eaten or cooked prior to living in Provence).
  24. I hope I am right about that.  I asked my pharmacist a couple of months ago when I picked up my own ampoule.  I had my own prescription and carte vitale, but I wanted to pick one up for OH too, but I didn't have his prescription or carte vitale.  That is when I asked if it was available without a prescription.  I was told yes, just not reimbursed without prescription / card.  At which time we both agreed it was so inexpensive, not a big deal for reimburse.
  25. That's terrible Mint.  Our MT prescribed OH and me the ampoule to be taken once every two months.  We both take it.  It is very inexpensive and it is reimbursed, though so cheap the reimbursement isn't imortant.  It is also available without a prescription - or that is what I was told.
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