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Everything posted by Lori

  1. I see, thank you all for the explanations.  Similar to what we Americans refer to as a 'yellow cake.'   Though we don't necessarily use equal weights. Thanks for the recipe links too.  Sounds very simple.  I use the buttercream frosting often as it is quite popular in the U.S.  Love it on a carrot cake.  Cream sounds good too, but then I gather it would need refrigeration and my current frigo is too small for a normal sized cake. Never heard of a sandwich tin (from the recipe). I like the fact that you can adjust the size of cake you want to make.
  2. Very glad to hear it too.  We normally walk 7 or more miles each day, but with the confinement, we had to cut that. However, no one enforces anything where I live, so you can set out at dawn, walk for miles and not head home til sunset and no one will ever question you.
  3. That is too funny !  Well kinda is and kinda isn't.
  4. I'm not sure if this will help much, but here goes. First of all, I feel for you Chessie.  The same exact thing happened to me while we were living in Bédoin, many years back.  We had a pretty good dentist at the time, but why oh why do these things always seem to happen on the weekend.  I had always been told to avoid the dentiste en garde, but that was just word of mouth stuff. My dentist worked me in after about 4 days (I was not really in pain, but fearful that I would be soon).  Two of those days were weekdays.  The filling in the molar was very large and there just wasn't enough tooth left for a crown.  So, he pulled the remaining tooth (put the area to sleep with anesthesia - but I remained awake).  I did not experience any pain until after the anesthesia wore off and he had prescribed pain reliever.  It all healed up nicely and since it was my very back molar, I CHOSE not to have an implant put it.  Just walking into a dentist office sets me off.  In the U.S.A., it is not hard to find a dentist who will put you 'under.'  Though I have never had that done, even though I had 4 crowns done there over a 10 year period.  Had a very good, sympathetic dentist. I just finished treatment here in Sceaux on a crown that had developed a cavity underneath it.  The cavity had developed into an infection that had deteriorated the bone of the tooth.  It required 5 separate one hour appointments for dental surgery.  My last appointment to place/fit the new crown was on 2 nov.  I did ask about full anesthesia type medication and he said that it is not done here.  He fully put to sleep the tooth in question, but I will say the entire process was quite a challenge for me.  But, I did get through it. In the end, I asked him if I was the only patient to shake in the chair while getting treatment.  He emphatically said, NO, I was not.  So, Chessie, you are not alone. Good luck and remember, each time you sit in the dentist's chair, you will be getting up and leaving within a short time.  Keep your mind focused on that.
  5. Lori

    Covid jabs

    I feel the same way as you Mint.  I figure a few months will pass before we are offered the opportunity.
  6. Got our taxe d'hab a few days ago.  It is due 15 dec. We pay via our online impots account.
  7. https://www.auchan.fr/elle-vire-creme-a-fouetter-et-mascarpone-uht-33cl/pr-791389
  8. Yes, I miss her here.  I have spoken with her a couple of times via private emails.  The last was towards the end of October and she was okay. I did not pass along any forum news except to say that she was missed.  As was said, I'm sure she will return when she is ready.  Hopefully that will be soon.
  9. I'm so sorry to hear your news.  I know how much you loved him.  It was clear when you wrote about him. I never returned my dog's pet passport.  I kept it with his ashes and a tuft of his hair. I have always felt so blessed to have met our collie.  He was such an important part of our family.  We have never really gotten over losing him.  Sending you a virtual hug.
  10. Our daughter had the nasal test before she came to visit us.  It makes sense I guess. I have no idea which types of tests are now available.  I hope they are able to visit you.  It is really hard to deal with the holidays under the new world order.  I really wanted to meander through the shopping mall AND the hypermarche.  Hopefully next year.
  11. [quote user="Judith-aka-Judith"]whereas do not ghet me startedon the big cities, making life difficult for all. [/quote] NO KIDDING !!  Makes me furious every time I look out the window or walk out the door.
  12. I don't think you can pardon someone who has not yet been convicted.
  13. [quote user="woolybanana"]OK, AP have called it for Biden. Phew! Now to see off fatty to the courts, bankruptcy and maybe prison. OK, one can hope.?[/quote] No  kidding !  However, he did say he would leave the U.S. if he lost.  So, better get those lawsuits going.  I don't think I have ever hated a human being more than I hate Trump.
  14. [quote user="woolybanana"]What worries me is the damage that a vicious Trump could do between now and his crawling out of the back door. He still has immense power until the last minute.[/quote] Agree.  He will certainly destroy any and everything he (and his staff) can.  I think Mr. Biden should expect to find total chaos upon arrival, assuming he isn't taken out before he can even get there.  Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if Trump burned the house down - of course, it wouldn't be him of course.  Maybe that's why he wanted the Proud Boys to 'stand by.' Lunatic, along with the other 70 million who voted for him.  Speaks volumes about the U.S., but I knew that already.  I lived in the South. So glad I am OUT !!!!!
  15. [quote user="Lehaut"]“The trouble with America is that there are far too many wide open spaces surrounded by teeth.” — Charles Luckman[/quote] That gave me a much needed chuckle.  [:)]
  16. Good to know.  Thanks Hoddy.
  17. [quote user="chessie"] Don't think there's a section on the new 'permit' that covers 'just need to get out of the house and away from partner, running away or escaping from the country' is there ? !!!![/quote] That's when you use the walk for an hour within 1km of your house option.  Get some air and hopefully some sunshine.  Does wonders for clearing the mind. I feel for you Chessie.  I think some forms of dementia (or even just natural aging) can exacerbate even the smallest of negative traits into huge ones.  I think part of it is sheer frustration and anger on the part of the person suffering from the dementia. Hang in there.  I'm going to look up that lemon 'stuff.' 
  18. Hi Chessie:  Well, I can offer you our own experience from a couple of months ago.  We bought a Samsung TV from Darty.  They delivered it, but we had to unpack it and set it up.  Not a problem. The instruction manual comes in multiple languages, English included.  So, it will guide you on how to set-up the TV and choose whatever language you wish the prompts to be in. We use a small antenna for French TV reception, so we don't have a box connected to the TV.  We get TV service for Netflix and Amazon Prime via wifi with  no problem.  So, we have French TV channels, Netflix and Amazon.  Does that help or did I get your question wrong?  I think all the new TV models come with manuals in multiple languages.  You can probably check that out on the site you are looking to buy from.  It will usually indicate this. It was the same for the new desktop I am now using.  We bought it from a German supplier, so it arrived with the German language operating system.  We don't speak German, but the machine had 4 different operating systems installed on it, so we just switched it to English.  It has French also.
  19. I meant to post a link to the article.  Got distracted.  Here it is. https://www.bfmtv.com/economie/entreprises/un-decret-precise-les-seuls-produits-qui-peuvent-etre-vendus-par-les-grandes-surfaces_AN-202011030031.html
  20. I guess I don't really get it.  Short of the salons and bars (restos with restrictions), what exactly is NOT allowed to operate? I'm sure there must be more than salons on the 'not allowed' list, but the 'allowed' list looks wide open.  Absolutely nothing like our last Confinement. I don't see case numbers going down under these circumstances.  Haven't been out since Friday - except for my dental surgery appointment yesterday.  Still, when I look out my window, life looks like normal.  No indication of a confinement here.
  21. I am very grateful that the fella I live with would just as soon have someone else do most things.  Of course he is fine with the basic maintenance things; hanging curtain rods, framed art, light fixtures (just the fixtures not the electrical work), yard work, putting together furniture and that sort of thing. However, anything involving electricity, maconerie or plumbing goes directly to the licensed professional.  We've seen too many of our friends mess things up royally.  Now, finding a really good expert - well if you have, don't let him/her go anywhere.
  22. Yes, thank you Catalpa.  I've printed the Attestation.  My Dentist called and left a message confirming my Monday appointment, so I'll have my Attestation filled out and ready. Along with his message on  my phone in the event of a controle. When I look out my window (we live in the centre ville), looks like any other day of the week.  Nothing whatsoever like last Spring's confinement.
  23. [quote user="BritinBretagne"]It’s interesting to see that some people have been practising walking for an hour within a km of their house.[/quote] If you are referring to me, yes we did walk yesterday morning (before the confinement rules began).  I've printed my attestation and I have no idea when or if we will walk in the parc during the new confinement.  We are allowed to. Luckily for us, the parc is enormous and just next door to our house.  We can walk for an hour and avoid getting anywhere near anyone else.  We may see people off in the distance, but there are so many paths to take, it is easy to stay well away from anyone else.
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