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Posts posted by Ken

  1. 1 minute ago, betise said:

    Well that's an unusual view on naturalisation Ken. 

    Nowadays Ukraine is Ukraine, "the Ukraine" is not much liked by Ukrainians (google it).

    DaveLister, who did you used to be here?

    An unusual view, Obviously you think so. Just why do you think people would want to keep dual nationality , or several come to that! It's not like collecting stamps is it. The only conclusion is that these people see some advantage to having it. Personally,  as in some cases, I find it contemptible that someone would have dual nationality and use it when it suits them but at the same time criticise their original country.

    As for The Ukraine and Ukrainians. I feel sure they would forgive me. After all my country is helping them fight the Russians!!

  2. 10 hours ago, betise said:

    Ken, unless he has renounced his British nationality then he most certainly is.  Dual nationality, ever heard of it? 

    I do applaud your tenacity, but if you are going to continue this thread much longer, you should perhaps refer to Ukraine by its preferred moniker, and drop the article that predates its independence from the Soviet Union.

    Yes I have heard of it. I think it is reserved for the sort of people that whilst claiming they are naturalised haven't the nerve to go the whole way and see their British passport as a convenience and safeguard. Just in case!! Thank you for your applause, always appreciate it. As for the Ukraine, unless it's called something else by others; for me it is the Ukraine!

  3. 4 minutes ago, NormanH said:

    1) There is a distinction between the Government of a country and the country itself. It is perfectly possible to like one and criticise the other, as you seem to with regard to France where you have chosen to live uninvited, while making constant negative comments about its Government and administration. Please have the courtesy  to allow others to do the same with regard to a country they have chosen not to live in.

    2))" My country ", the one I have chosen to live in and the country of which I have taken Nationality is France, but no-one here has even hinted at a wish to see Britain 'harmed', although the present Government has made a good job of harming the country's reputation.

    3)You are the only person in this Forum who continually brings up the issue of Brexit which is irrelevant to the issue of Ukraine

    Of course it is possible to like a country and yet criticise its government. Many here do it.  As for being here uninvited ; well if the French want to exclude me that is their prerogative. As for seeing Britain harmed, the comments made, by a few, do just that. You do it although in a snide way. 'Harming a countries reputation' is what you said.  Then again you are not British. I  think Britain has shown the way. Britain is at the forefront of resisting the invasion of the Ukraine. Instead oaf knocking it you should be supporting it, but of course you are not British. As for being the only person bringing up Brexit you either can't read or are rather dim!  People like you refer to it all the time.

    • Like 1
  4. 39 minutes ago, DraytonBoy said:

    I don't see myself as a socialist just a normal, rational person who can see that the UK is run by idiots at the moment and nothing I can say will convince you that I might be right.  

    I find in life that how others perceive you is quite important!! Particularly when you simply say the U.K. is run by idiots!! If you were talking about the local tea shop it might be valid but a country, well as I said, how you are perceived!!

  5. 1 hour ago, DraytonBoy said:

    There is a big difference between 'the government' and 'the people' or are you suggesting that as Johnson is a liar all Brits who support him must be okay with that because they're also liars?

    Truss approved of Brits going to fight in the Ukraine, do you think that's a good idea or mad?

    Patel's parents were immigrants yet she doesn't want others having the same opportunity as they had, hypocritical or 'quite right too'? 


    It appears  to have escaped your notice that 'the people' voted for this government and voted by a huge majority. That must tell the stupidest of people something! Truss giving approval or otherwise is irrelevant, if people want to fight that is their prerogative. To answer your question I see nothing wrong with what she said.

    Saying Patel doesn't want others to have the same opportunities as her parents did is patently ridiculous. She is a Minister of State working for Britain, not The Ukraine, Afghanistan or Russia. She has to make decisions that idiots find not to their liking, usually because they are socialists simply looking to critique a Tory Government.

  6. 23 minutes ago, DraytonBoy said:

    Not knocking the UK as a country just the current leadership, if you the Johnson led government is doing a good job then you need your bumps felt.

    Not knocking it as a country! What sort of statement is that? What are you 'knocking'  then, a branch of ASDA or a fish and chip shop? Johnson is doing a very good job leading in the fight against Russia. When you' knock the British government you are 'knocking' Britain.  There are enough here that do that, jealous remainers in the main who would see their country harmed rather than admit the E.U. is a failure. You sound the same.

    • Like 3
  7. 32 minutes ago, NormanH said:

    You should know better than anybody ? I think he is doing an essential job in keeping a channel of communication open.

    Of course you do. Anything to knock the U.K. and promote the E.U.; even if it is Macron!! Fortunately you are in a minority.

    • Like 1

     Russia-Ukraine latest news: Vladimir Putin 'manipulating' Emmanuel Macron and West over ceasefire, says Kyiv
    • It's what is known as 'stating the bleeding obvious'!!!  Macron is so arrogant as to think he is doing something whilst all the time he is being used. Oh! What it is to have a huge ego!! Mind you there are some who believe he is doing a good job!!
    • Like 2
  9. Diplomacy is essential but we mustn't get the word mixed up with duplicity. Macron is working for an election and isn't it just a little odd that it is, as far as I'm aware,  it is only him and Putin having these discussions? Of Course there are people  gullible enough to believe that Macron isn't doing it for himself but for mankind  particularly if they can 'knife' Britain in the back into the bargain but fortunately these people are very much in the minority just as they were when the referendum decided that we leave the E.U.

    Fortunately Britain has led the way. The E.U. lagged behind and Johnson is being seen to be an excellent opponent of Putin.  

    • Like 2
  10. 22 minutes ago, DraytonBoy said:

    The UK is led by incompetents, Johnson is a lying ****, Truss hasn't got a brain and Patel despite her immigrant background is bordering on evil in the way she treats people wanting to come to the UK. Add in the flood of dirty Russian money into London over the past two decades and it's easy to see why Putin dismisses the UK.



    But Putin isn't dismissing the U.K.! In fact he has mentioned specifically the U.K. in his threats. Just another remainer knocking the U.K. Rule Britannia.

  11. It' s quite disgusting, in my view, that what is happening in the Ukraine particularly with the terrible  refugee situation ; that people use the crisis to knock the U.K. government. I can only assume that they are bitter remainers and simply can't accept that they lost and are now  irrelevant,  or worse, they are Putin sympathisers. In either case they are losers.

     The U.K. is doing a magnificent job in co-ordinating and supplying the Ukraine with what it needs. Not for the first time in the history of wars in Europe is Britain leading the way.


  12. Britain has led the way with regards helping the Ukraine. Britain is at the forefront of aid with fighting the Russians. people here may not like it but it it is the truth. Because of Brexit they are biased and it is stupid to ignore that Britain has helped where the E.U. floundered. Britain is quite obviously influential. As for Johnson chatting to Biden, I only wish I could be as privy to their conversations as some here claim!!

    • Like 1
  13. Below is an extract from a speech by Ben Wallace, the Defence Secretary. It was at the end of quite a long article in the Telegraph and resonated with me completely. I don't trust Macron when it comes to this conflict (don't trust him about anything actually!) and think he could well undermine efforts to combat Putin. Already the French are 'knocking' Britain over the refugee situation. Just what is it with the French? I suppose I could ask the Germans!!!!!

    Separately, he raised the prospect that the Russian president could be toying with Emmanuel Macron, his French counterpart, in continued discussions between the two leaders.

    “I think there is no harm in someone trying to talk to President Putin. What I find interesting is every time he rings President Putin, President Putin asks for more. It’s almost as if Putin is toying with him,” said Mr Wallace.

  14. 18 hours ago, alittlebitfrench said:

    Anyway, I think the EU have just realised that the UK is not the enemy.

    In my eyes, it seems brexit Britain is driving the EU. Imagine that !

    And yes (keeping this debate in context) Macron should be ashamed of himself for all the shÏt he has reaped on the UK in the last few years. 

    Unfortunately I think you are wrong! The E.U., just like all their forebears primarily France of course, love the U.K. when the proverbial hits the fan and they need us. Two World Wars has that point well established! Once this Ukrainian war is over France and the E.U. will be back to U.K. bashing I'm certain. They should be disgusted with themselves of course but remember ; they are politicians!!!!!!

  15. 2 hours ago, alittlebitfrench said:

    If that is the case, and it is interesting to note....maybe Tusk knows best how to deal with Putin ????

    Lets be clear most politiciens across the EU are wetting their pants at the moment. They have been spoon fed from birth and have no idea how to deal with anything........especially a fight. 

    There is no debate about this, NATO needs to go into Ukraine. Well certainly in the air.

    As we know, the Ukraine isn't part of N.A.TO. so N.A.T.O cannot, by its own mandate, become involved. Perhaps the U.N could involve itself but that's about as likely as the E.U. agreeing something! I'm afraid the Ukraine is lost. There's no will for a fight with Putin. Sanctions? They have never worked! The only mistake Putin can make, and I doubt it very much, is to try this on a N.A.T.O country. If he insists on further expansion then watch out Finland!!!

    • Like 1
  16. 15 hours ago, Harnser said:

    What is the point in these bl**dy contraptions? Apart from making a lot of money for their operators, while the electricity customer gets large increases in their electricity costs.

    I wonder if it works that way in France?

    "Wind farms have been paid to refrain from producing up to half of the electricity they are capable of generating, according to research that led MPs to warn that "inappropriate" decisions on wind power were "forcing excess costs onto consumers".

    An analysis found that, in 2020, three large wind farms in Scotland were paid a total of £24.5 million to fail to produce about half of their potential output.

    Researchers said the "constraint payments", which are ultimately added to consumer bills, were being fuelled by a high concentration of onshore wind farms in Scotland often leaving the electricity grid unable to cope on windy days.

    In one case, £7.7 million in "constraint payments"  handed to the operator of a 23-turbine scheme in Scotland in 2020 led to the wind farm deliberately failing to produce 51 per cent of its potential output. In another, SSE, the operator of the 33-turbine Strathy North wind farm in the Highlands, was paid £5.9 million to avoid producing 48 per cent of its capacity.



    It has been going on for many years and it should be scandalous but it really comes down to the 'green' agenda again and what the public want!!! The public want 'green' electricity and of course the politicians pander to that but without detailing the cost. I believe there is a gradual awareness regarding as to where electricity is (or will be) coming from and its cost. Electric cars, heat pumps and just about anything else all run on electricity; just one problem; Where does it all come from? More and more information is becoming available regarding the pollution produced by 'all things' electric and probably more pertinent, the cost! Windmills being a case in point. In another post Nuclear has already been discussed but for me Nuclear is the only answer to sustainable  electricity, expensive though it is. Maybe 'all things' electric' will arrive one day but I wouldn't mind betting that it won't be via windmills and photoelectric cells or any of the other crackpot schemes!

  17. 16 hours ago, betise said:

    s for being fatBut the news (all of the reports) no matter where you heard or saw it, were based on the study in the link that Norman posted.

    Example https://www.bfmtv.com/sante/95-des-francais-ont-un-niveau-d-activite-physique-insuffisant_AN-202202150220.html

    Were you once very overweight Ken, is that why you are so zealous now in your posts on being fat?

    And, before you ask, no I'm not fat. ?


    What I heard may well have been based on the one sole source but that doesn't mean the reporting was accurate. I simply repeated something I heard, something I found interesting. I went on to say "if the figure was anywhere near accurate" the implication being that it may be incorrect information. Next is a pompous 'correction'!!! Highlighted for emphasis. You tell me, is that the way to impart information or is it the act of some self important  person being arrogant who hasn't a view of his own but likes to score a point by rushing off to the internet to find something? Of course I'm going to respond to that sort of behaviour. 

    As for being fat, no never. I have too much self respect and in addition value my health. It's also incompatible with the amount of sport I do.  Why just like this Norman person, you make a statement that simply asks for argument? why put the question in such a fashion as to try and score a point; it's childish and unnecessary. If you want to talk about fitness and health I'm happy to do so but if all you intend is point scoring I'm not really interested. And quite honestly, I 'm not concerned if you are fat or simply overweight, it's your life!!

    • Confused 1
  18. Absolutely smashing rant! I am an old 'done it seen it and been there' old sod! Then again I have seen it and done it! Not one to boast but---No I won't!  I agree with you ; well for the most part anyway. It is a pain in the **** when people pontificate, boast or act superior without any real experience or longevity or even immaturity! I see them here all the time, they know it all; or at least Google does! Does anyone, other than you have an opinion, or must they only regurgitate a 'link'?

    Never been on another forum, the clowns on this one are enough for me! Incidentally, despite my age I'm not impotent and I haven't lived here for five minutes! In defence of the 'older' types; and that is an expression rather than a statement of fact!  The young have little or no experience and are as stupid at times with their naivety  as an inmate in a nut house!

    Anyway, keep it up its refreshing; one day someone will be saying the same of you!!!!

    • Confused 1
  19. Still being childishly pompous. I heard it on the news, you don't know where I heard it, which channel or anything. I simply related what I had heard You, in your overbearing and obnoxious manner, then rush off to find something on the internet. You have no view of your own but can only come up with a link. A link that had nothing to do with the veracity  of the segment I heard. You really are quite pompous. What a sad life you must lead chasing 'lincs'!! Was it that I talked about fitness and being fat that set you off on your quest?? Have a complex do you?

  20. 2 hours ago, NormanH said:

    Perhaps in the same way that pompous opinionated  windbags  are too mentally lazy  to bother to quote the correct sources for their ideas, or even to check  the accuracy of what they claim to have read or heard?

    Not to mention even greater pomposity  added to childish behaviour  rushing off to search the internet for alternative views, how very sad!

  21. People like to split hairs when it comes to exercise, or being fat!! Usually it is the fat ones doing the most 'splitting'!! Fat people will always dispute findings, what else can they do? It's not as if they can hide their failings!!

    Exercise is essential but it won't get rid of fat, no more than it will get rid of protein or carbohydrate. The body uses all three in varying proportions and fat is last on the list!! 

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