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Posts posted by Ken

  1. 4 hours ago, Lehaut said:

    If you wondered were you fit in with all of this; you are MH (if your forum name is an accurate indication of your orientation/gender) MH - male heterosexual.  You can put this on your name tag.

    (2SLGBTQ+: What does it mean? Two-Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning and additional sexual orientations and gender identities)


    If, by looking at me, someone couldn't tell what I am they  would be blind/stupid/brainwashed by other idiots, or supporters of Starmer, or all four!!!!!!! As for putting it on a name tag, if someone needs to do that then I go back to my four points!!!

  2. Great news at last and saved me from the lunatic asylum: British Triathlon has banned transgender women from competition. Sanity is beginning to prevail. Transgender women!!!!! What fool could ever think that a man can become a woman anyway?

  3. 13 hours ago, Riggers said:

    It isn’t asking you to refer to them as he ,she etc it’s telling people if they self identify as Male ,female neither,something else etc

    So, let me get this right:If a man is serving me  has a badge on that says 'his' I am to know he is a man? Likewise if a man is serving me with a badge on that says. 'her' I am to know he identifies himself as a woman. Is that right?

  4. 2 hours ago, anotherbanana said:

    It is either He, She or It!🤪🙀

    Yes, but when you address them do you say, for example; "excuse me 'he' but can you etc etc; C'mon someone please tell what the hell it is I'm missing here?

  5. Pronouns! No not French ones but English!! I suppose though that the French will catch up!!!

    As it appears impossible to start anything new on this site I must apologise for putting this 'new' subject on an old post.

    Now I know I'm quite old fashioned in many ways. I have old fashioned views on everything ranging. from abortions, discipline, parents, this transgender/transition abomination, racism and now pronouns!! pronouns are difficult enough in French but I never thought I would be confused in English!!

    I understand all these issues and , as I have said, have views on them but this pronoun one beats me; I just don't get it!!!! It seems that several companies or building societies have I.D. tags on their staff which have their name as well as His/her/ them etc. What I don't understand(or get!) is; are people supposed to call these people by their name or say "excuse me him"  or even say excuse Mr 'Smith him' or some other stupid term? Perhaps someone could explain to an old fashioned man?

  6. On 01/07/2022 at 11:15, ssomon said:

    Sorry, I didn't read the article correctly. I think the problem may be the production by manure of nitrous oxide  = "nitrogen", following the daft practice of referring to carbon compounds as simply "carbon"

    "Manure is the second largest source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions on a dairy farm after enteric methane (CH4) and is responsible for 7% of both agricultural CH4 and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions"



    There is quite a difference between nitrous -oxide and nitrogen. One is completely inert and the other a potential killer. It wouldn't do to confuse the two!!

  7. 13 hours ago, Harnser said:

    And the next scam after the CO2 scam looks like being the Nitrogen scam.


    Earth's atmosphere is composed of about 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen, 0.9 percent argon, and 0.1 percent other gases. Trace amounts of carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, and neon are some of the other gases that make up the remaining 0.1 percent.

    I wouldn't put it past politicians to make Nitrogen a 'dangerous gas' but from my training days Nitrogen is inert and simply passes into and out of the lungs not causing any problem. It is used in many different applications though from fertilisers, explosives through to packaging and many others applications. Good reason I suppose to find a way to tax it!!!!!!

  8. The climate has been changing since the dawn of time. I see no reason why that should, would or will change. I don't contribute to the theories concerning change; the weirdos can believe what they like. I can only agree with factual events. I firmly believe the whole argument regarding climate change is confused by the increase in pollution, people seem to have difficulty in separating the issues. Pollution is the biggest threat to mankind, not climate change. Which brings it back rather nicely to where does all the electricity come from the 'eco mob' thinks will save the world; a switch on the wall?

  9. 1 hour ago, Lehaut said:

    I don't think we can "kill the planet".  What we are consciously doing is deliberately making the environment on earth unsuitable for the current inhabitants, be they human, plant or animal.  The planet will continue on its way regardless.  When the sun eventually goes super nova, that will kill the planet.

    You seriously believe that mankind is consciously and  deliberately making the planet unsuitable to live on? You surely don't believe that! Just a poor choice of words perhaps?

  10. The pictures sum it up rather nicely. Some French friends of ours have an EV. and jokingly remarked that my gas guzzling 4x4 should be jettisoned for something along the lines of a matchbox on wheels and electric. I didn't rise to it as friendship is more important than pseudo eco beliefs but I wonder if people ever think of where the electricity comes from, are they really so 'blind' or stupid?

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  11. The talk is always about the range of an electric car. That for me is the frustrating point. I can live with an EV but can the EV actually live with us? The pollution caused producing the components for an EV are rarely, if ever, discussed, as for the electricity, where does it come from? Do people really believe that you just plug these things in and electricity will flow without understanding where electricity comes from?

    Anyway, Putin is forcing a rethink on energy; Just ashamed it takes a war to wake people up!!

  12. A battery in an electric car, lets say an average Tesla, is made of 25 pounds of lithium, 60 pounds of nickel, 44 pounds of manganese, 30 pounds cobalt, 200 pounds of copper, and 400 pounds of aluminum, steel, and plastic ....... one thousand pounds of minerals, that had to be mined, and processed, into a battery, that stores electricity ..... generated by oil, gas, coal, or water. Can anyone imagine the size of battery required in a huge lorry!!!!

    I was astounded to find out that the battery in a car weighs over half a ton!!! Just how can this be a 'green' option? It's more a massive con!!!

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  13. 17 hours ago, Harnser said:

    Twice a year?

    Among the costs accrued by the monthly relocation, however, includes transportation for thousands of parliament officials, political groups, parliamentary assistants and freelance interpreters, in addition to paperwork that is transported by truck between the locations.

    In a March plenary resolution on the EP budget, it was noted that the environmental impact is significant and stands at "between 11,000 and 19,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions" a year.

    That's the equivalent of driving between 2,000 and 4,000 passenger vehicles for an entire year.



    I thought you must have got that wrong!! Every month!!!! I have been in ignorance all these years believing it was twice a year they moved. I had to check it as it sounds so ridiculous, but you are right of course. Is there no end to the waste of taxpayers money?  No, don't answer that!!!

  14. So the E.U. much to the delight of the 'greens' has banned new cars (with I.C.E.) being sold anywhere  in the E.U. from 2035. Presumably this period will give the E.U. the time to come up with another plan for all the electricity that will be needed!!

    I suppose the lorries that cart the E.U. between Brussels and Strasbourg twice a year will also be converted to electricity! As the cost of this backwards and forwards is in excess of €100 million a year there won't be any saving but at least there will be zero emissions on all the trucks doing this work ( Conveniently forgetting of course the pollution regarding minerals for batteries and coal for producing electricity!!) There are going to be some wonderful electricity bills in the future!!!

  15. I wonder why stadiums and organisations don't adopt the system used by airlines where security is essential. Anyone wanting a ticket applies on line: a ticket is sent bar coded. The ticket is presented at the entrance to the stadium in the same way as at an airiport; on a reading machine. I don't know of any forged tickets getting through airport security!! Maybe I'm missing something! I'm sure someone will let me know!

  16. 19 hours ago, Martin963 said:

    I've been pleasantly surprised how French TV has "called out" the nonsense spouted by Darmanin,    TF1 did a report last night where various French official claims that "it was all the fault of the Liverpool fans" were comprehensively debunked.  

    That said,   however one polices something like that there's always the chance of things going wrong.   And as one naughty comment this side of the Channel put it:   "I've never heard such whinging from Scousers since the invention of the locking wheel nut".

    Darmanin has now given an 'apology' of sorts for his blatant lies and misinformation, reportedly after a rollicking from his master! It will blow over of course, these things do but will the voters remember it in a couple of weeks time? probably not!

    As for the scousers, you malign them!! They got around that problem without quite easily, they took the whole car!!!

  17. 12 hours ago, anotherbanana said:

    Well, the inquest is still going on; it seems the fane were protected by the gendarmes, corralled and not even allowed to pee, whilst the other police, the Paris police were there to maintain order which we have seen they did with gusto. The two police farces did not communicate, nor could they speak with the fans as noone spoke Liverpool.

    At all costs the idiot Minister, Darmann must be protected!

    Not defending Darmanin at all. He is obviously either lying or been badly advised by another liar or simply hates the British as does his master! As for the Police, well the French Police, as  most European Police forces tend to do, know only one way to Police and that is with tear gas and batons.

    Liverpool supporters, surprisingly, come out of this fiasco reasonably well but it should be said that football supporters have a track record of bad, drunken and violent behaviour so the mix of violent Police and violent 'supporters' is always going to end in a disgraceful confrontation. This time, incredibly, Liverpool supporters don't appear to have behaved in the predicted fashion and the Police appear to have been completely taken by surprise by their good behaviour, as we all were, but the Police could only respond in their usual thuggish way.

    The really big issues are the lies, false accusations and disinformation put out by Darmanin and other French officials. That is the real disgrace. EUFA also is coming under the microscope! France hosts the Rugby World Cup and the Olympics in the next two years. Paris is almost a 'no go zone' thanks to the socialist Maire so it doesn't Look good at the moment. The 'entertainment' we see on our T.V. screens may not be the sports but the riots and mayhem!!!

  18. 1 hour ago, alittlebitfrench said:

    I really don't know where to start with this one. You know, the violent mess at the Stade de France the other day.

    It has taken a few days for me to digest all this. 

    That was just shocking......... and what has France become as a country. Russia ?


    Ok....forget football for the minute, how does a self respecting French policeman tear gas/pepper spray kids or elderly people who are trapped behind grills. Or anyone for that matter that are not posing a threat ?

    And then kids, elderly, women and and anyone else about gets mugged by the local French youth.

    What has France become ?

    Thugs ?


    Still want to holiday or move to France ?


    Not to mention the stance France has regarding Ukraine!!!! Football is nothing compared to the French attitude  and assistance to Ukraine. A certain perspective is required!!!!!

  19. 38 minutes ago, Cassy0110 said:

    I just can't figure out what's Putin got to do with it

    With due respect if you can't associate Putin's recent threats to Finland and Sweden with my comments about swimming between the two countries you must have been living on a desert Island!! You do know that there is a war going on I suppose?

  20. So, the E.U. has reached an agreement that it will reduce the import of Russian oil by 90%! Mind you that doesn't start to come into effect until the end of the year! Nothing at all about the import of gas which is supplying Russia with finance  to continue war on Ukraine.

    Throw into the mix that Germany hasn't supplied one piece of promised heavy equipment; a promise made months ago and one has to wonder who's side Germany is on, no don't wonder; it does seem obvious!!! Then of course Germany, along with France have made yet another phone call to Putin asking for God know's what. The three great appeasers, France, Germany and Italy will, I feel sure, quite happily  betray Ukraine, well I suppose they already are! 

    The tide is turning against Ukraine and it is undoubtedly the lack of support from the E.U. with France and Germany the wort of the bunch. Only Poland of the E.U. can hold its head high and the remaining countries should hold their collective heads in shame? It is a thoroughly disgusting state of affairs that Europe isn't offering strong support to Ukraine and even worse that countries are hiding behind their 'collective front' of the E.U. and using it as an excuse too do nothing.

    The huge upsurge of feeling that the populations have shown for Ukraine is also waining, five minute wonder, as I thought it would be. The world deserves Putin for its shameful response.



  21. 36 minutes ago, menthe said:

    Has anyone noticed how much bigger their supermarket bills are?  Is the climb as steep as I think it is?  Are fresh produce such as lettuce and other veg, meat and fish more expensive by generally about 20%?

    I thought that our inflation rate in France is just over 5% so are retailers simply whacking up prices and hoping customers with little or no choice will carry on paying out?

    If you have any personal observation or experience, I would be interested to hear it.

    No question but prices, generally, have increased a lot. Transport costs have rocketed and shortages for several reasons are blamed, not least of which is Ukraine! Oddly though, despite the 'shortages' the cure always appears to be that price increases will cure it, and lo and behold it does, no shortages at all!!!!!

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