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Posts posted by Ken

  1. 54 minutes ago, DaveLister said:

    Sorry I've never got the point of National pride. I have never served in the armed forces, never been a member of the civil service, never stood for parliment. Why should I claim credit for things I took no active part in? There are shining lights in Britains history along with dark times. Should I spend my life being ashamed of the dark times because of my place of birth? In my life I have been fortunate enough to have taken part in events that have made me proud to be a human being. That'll do.

    Quite  obviously it is a very subjective thing. I'm extremely proud that my country, for example, is helping Ukraine. I'm not fighting in Ukraine and I assume you aren't either but being proud of your country doesn't mean you have to fight or be practical in any way. There are cultural and democratic aspects of Britain that have been here for centuries and continue today . I'm part of that tradition and culture and continue to practice it and if you are British you also are part of it; the same culture and democracy. Personally I do think that is something to be proud of. I'm not claiming credit for anything other than I continue with the same values my forebears held.

  2. I understand when some say "why be proud of being British when I had nothing to do with it, I was born that way"! My understanding of the question however is 'being proud of being British' means being proud of what Britain has achieved in its history not that I was born British! Patently I was born British, nothing to be proud of there that was the easy bit! What is the hard bit and people should (in my view) be proud of is Britains record throughout history, and that record continues today with aid to Ukraine; That's why I feel immensely proud of my country.

  3. Well actually when asked I always say I'm English! Which is not to say that I don't resonate with being British! After all the British have led the world in so many ways; not least of all in defending freedom!!! To directly answer your question,  yes I am proud to be British, without equivocation.

    Here in France, when asked I do, always, make the distinction between being British and English. Not solely because of some nationalistic 'bent' but because it is a fact. Incidentally I never 'push' my nationality, English or British, as being a foreigner here it wouldn't be right to do so.

    Rule Brittania. 

  4. And now the E.U. is going to ban Russian Oil; eventually!!!! A couple of countries get dispensation, but that is par for the course I suppose! As for gas, well Germany can't be without can it so that isn't included in E.U. statement. It was interesting to hear that Germany is blaming Ukraine for the 'diplomatic row' between them. Sweden and Finland going to join N.A.T.O and Poland leading the way with regards aid for Ukraine. Is there actually a purpose of the E.U. other of course than a platform for Macron to strut his ineffectual stuff and the Germans in running the E.U. for its own self interest?

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  5. 10 hours ago, DaveLister said:

    "Choose wisely my friend"


    We're talking internet forum's FFS.

    Sure, there will always be a number of posters on any forum I wouldn't want to invite to a dinner party. Life's rich tapestry as they say.

    If I may be frank, the problem on this forum is that there are now a small number of posters to whom this is all there is. If I wanted to 'sort out the world's problems'  I'll do it with my peers. People I know and respect. People who's friendship or mentorship I've appreciated over years. I'm not going to waste my time shouting into the ether at strangers.

    Sadly it seems to me there are some posters to whom this forum is their last opportunity to be 'the big man'.

    I feel sorry for them but it's not going to stop me visiting this or any other forum when I fancy a diversion.

    Life's too short.

    The problem, I believe, in being 'frank' is that the person being 'frank' considers that he/she is right with no real thought or consideration to others point of view! This is the only forum I look at, primarily because I start my day very early, around 5o/c, and have to wait for the sun to come up before I can do anything! 'Frankly' the thought of looking at several of these sites makes me wonder what sort of lives people are living! I do appreciate that for many this sort of 'media' is their life  but for me it is a light diversion before I start my day. It is rather arrogant and insulting to suggest that for some posters this is their last opportunity to be a 'big man'!  For me, and I suspect for most,  a decent discussion or argument (as long as it doesn't get personal!) is what is wanted. Pizzas, gardening, even  a concrete drive can elicit some good posts but political comments, including Brexit, Macron etc. shouldn't be knocked because they appear regularly. Obviously some people feel those subjects are more important than concrete drives and pizzas!

  6. On 30/04/2022 at 09:18, Riggers said:

    I was responding to ALBOF comment has anyone heard from Angela Merkel recently 

    Given she’s retired why would she be commenting ?

    A Russian MP has labelled Great Britain “more evil” than the United States in an impassioned tirade on state TV, where the UK was also accused of stealing the “Russian” invention of fish and chips. Andrei Isayev, a pro-Kremlin politician, said that of “that couple that we constantly mention,” the UK has “of course historically” been “more hardcore anti-Russian” than the US. He said: “They’re basically Siamese twins, or two heads of a dragon, but Britain has historically been the more evil head of the dragon because in that couple it has responsibility for Europe.”

    When they start talking absolute nonsense the you know you are winning!. No doubt he was as p--ssed as a parrot, the default state for a Russian but to say we pinched their 'fish and chips' is certainly a case for going to war!!!! Next it will be Yorkshire pudding for heavens sake!!

  7. 5 hours ago, Riggers said:

    I was responding to ALBOF comment has anyone heard from Angela Merkel recently 

    Given she’s retired why would she be commenting ?

    Gerhard Schröder, the Chancellor before Merkel,  now enjoying being a mouthpiece of Russia and sitting on several Russian boards is commenting regularly so why not Merkel? Perhaps she is also waiting for positions to be offered on some Russian businesses!! Don't be naive! The  post by Hanser explains why!

  8. 10:49am

    Gas prices fall as EU firms look to swerve sanctions

    Natural gas prices have fallen for a second day as European firms look for ways to keep paying for Russian gas without breaching sanctions.

    Germany's Uniper, Italian firm Eni and Austrian rival OMV are all said to be preparing rouble accounts at Gazprombank, allowing them to keep paying for supplies.

    The firms have argued the move complies with the law, but EU officials have said opening rouble accounts would violate sanctions.

    The row shows how the bloc's unity in the face of Russia's aggression is starting to crack.

    Benchmark European gas prices slipped as much as 3.9pc, while the UK equivalent lost 3pc.


    What a disgusting state of affairs. The E.U. is quick to condemn its only real friend in Europe for anything but when it comes to Russia it plays it softly softly. Ian effect some E.U. countries are supporting Russia in its war with Ukraine. If Putin wins this war we know who to blame, E.U supporters are a bit thin on there ground these days! I wonder why!!

  9. Slightly irrational I suppose but I find it irritating when people use their hazard warning lights in a way I think is unnecessary. Why put on hazard warning lights at a road works set of traffic lights but not at a normal set of traffic lights? It's daft! I suppose if people were to start jumping out of their cars and doing a jig every time they stopped there would be people copying and doing the same thing!!!

  10. 9 hours ago, EuroTr@sh said:

    Maybe it just needs post that don't contain the words "Macron" or 'EU" ?

    Talking of which!!!!! The E.U. still can't get its act together regarding financing Russia in its war with Ukraine! Several countries are still paying in roubles to comply with Russian requirements. As for Germany! !! When it comes to Russia the E.U. is shamefully weak. When it comes to the U.K. an ally, then the E.U. wants to make Britain suffer, particularly Macron!!! Know who your friends are! definitely not the E.U. for Britain.

    There, I have managed both the E.U. and Macron!!

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  11. 9 hours ago, cajal said:

    Well I rest my case, point proven, 40 replies in just two days with nearly 500 views. To survive, the forum obviously requires more contentious topics and posters. ?

    While we are on the topic of posters and their attitudes towards others, let's not forget the attitude of all the self servers who, at the first sign of a problem, descend here from their ivory towers to elicit help and assistance from the knowledgeable.  Once they've extracted the help they require, it's an exit stage left without even a by your leave or kiss my a.ss until the next issue ensues, and then back they come. Yes, you all know who you are.

    Here, I must give a shoutout to people like Martin963, although having departed France, still follow and offer up knowledge and assistance just as they willingly did whilst resident in France.


    I certainly agree with your first sentence, with a caveat! Nothing wrong with being contentious or critical but there are several that when questioned or criticised simply become self righteous and arrogant with a  'I have been here longer than you therefore I'm right and you are wrong' attitude! That is what leads to a full blown argument and trading insults. And yes, you know who they are too!!!

    The second point I can't agree with. Many do not want to involve themselves in contentious debate. Personally If I want information I will go to a proper source and not here where often the information is simply an opinion, or worse! To be fair I have read some responses to people's posts that have been excellent. I don't know of any who have descended from their 'ivory towers', as you describe them . Then again I don't 'study' the makeup of posters. I see nothing wrong that some ask for information or help. If you or anyone else don't want to helpit then leave it alone, why criticise it?

  12. 19 hours ago, alittlebitfrench said:

    Bit unfair that. 

    I doubt that anyone was actually qualified to vote for or against Brexit. 

    Only in hindsight allows us to do that.

    I would have voted remain then but today I would vote Brexit. I guess others would do the opposite. 

    Those who stayed in bed should not be vilified. Maybe they should be congratulated.

    A bit like the French election.

    I would have stayed in bed. I am not going to vote Macron, MLP, do a white vote or draw a picture of a knôb of Macron on a ballot sheet.

    I would have stayed in bed. 

    Qualified to vote!  Everyone who voted was qualified to vote or they wouldn't have been able to. Perhaps you mean they didn't know what they were doing and thought they were entering a prize draw? 

    People who voted Brexit knew what they were doing as did those who voted to remain, I'm certain of that. Those who did stay in bed really have no justification to give an opinion if they simply can't be bothered to even get out of bed and tick a piece of paper, what credibility could their opinion have?


  13. 5 hours ago, Catalpa said:

    << Is the confrontational attitude in the responses of some/many members responsible for the waning popularity of this Forum? >>

    Yes. Definitely.

    Part of the problem is there isn't the variety of posters and experiences that there used to be. So the permanently and vocal depressed who blame France for their woes rather than themselves are foremost in their disparagement of others' questions and experiences rather than being just a part of the background noise of forum life.

    We purchased this house in 2000, moved permanently in 2004, have run businesses and been employees at various times over the past 18 years (cannot recommend being an employee of a good French company highly enough! it makes life so simple) and life here is good. France is not utopia, no country is once the tax bills start to arrive, but it is a very good place to be.

    We did not speak perfect French on arrival, I don't even now and though OH has worked - as the only British person - in a French company for the past 8 years, he would not say his French is perfect. Enough French and making the effort to learn combined with a positive personality gets you a long way. OH retires this year and his boss has asked him if he has any British compatriots with a similar work ethic (primarily not clock-watching) who would be interested in joining the company. There are a lot of companies out there who need staff and to begin with, enough French to understand the health & safety videos is all that's asked for.

    I have many positive things to say about France but (having contributed to Living / Complete France forums in various guises for 22 years) I don't find this forum is the place to do that nowadays.

    Which is a shame.

    Time and time again I read that some posters are 'blaming' the comments here of criticism of France. maybe I'm missing something but I rarely see any criticsism  of France; Macron yes, but the country, no. ALBF is really most vocal in his criticism but as far as I can tell no one else is! So I must say that if there is something wrong with this site it's not because of criticism of the Country. There certainly aren't a variety of posters, I have said as much in a previous post as well as another reason but I think this 'criticism' of France is a figment of someones imagination, Sorry ALBF!!

  14. 45 minutes ago, alittlebitfrench said:

    I agree totally with what you say...but I missed the place in the sun'ers on forums. I arrived too late.

    People think moving to France is a fix to their life problems.

    Sell house UK buy cheap house France. Retire, convert it into a gîte, set up some dumb tourist business and live a fruitful life in France. Mostly all move to the same places and try and do the same thing. Which is as dumb as the idea in the first place. 

    They never ask the question why French people don't do this. I would say, they don't do it because it is economic suicide. We could do it easily, with budles of cash to spare. We would be broke in 5-10 years and the kids have little future. 

    It is madness this moving to France business unless you do your maths right and speak perfect French . But folks won't be told. 

    Some profit from this stupidity (who am i thinking of ?) but you don't blame them for doing so.

    So yeah, people need to be warned. 


    (This was reported yesterday in La Figero. 


    PS...how many people actually move to France for the French bit ? Not many. 


    Not living in an 'enclave' I don't know about your conviction that most buy cheap, run Gites etc. I would tend to agree though that many do buy because , relatively, property is cheap, at least before the 'reparations' have to be done!! In my part of France most appear to be French who run a Gite, B-B etc. In fact I don't know of any Brits around here at all, thank God!! You are perfectly correct about doing your maths before coming here, many do seem to get a rude awakening!! As for the language, well; I found , that as long as I tried that was fine. Unfortunately many Brits do seem to think that the louder you say something and repeat it often enough it will be understood! Fortunately my French has improved to the point where I no longer have to shout though with my cockney accent I do have to repeat things occasionally!  My wife and I did move here for the 'French bit'. We simply wouldn't have moved here otherwise. If it Brits you want then stay in the U.K. I believe there are still a few around over there!!!!

  15. It has long been the 'whinge' of remainers that Britain left the E.U. on the back of a vote of around 17 million voters and therefore the 'majority' of the population either didn't vote or a minority did vote but against leaving. In their view this means Britain shouldn't have left because the 'majority' didn't vote for it. Nonsense of course!

    Brexit, Macron V Le Pen, Conservatives V Labour it simply boils down to which person or party gather the most votes in an election. If only a very small minority vote then there will still be a winner. It is almost incidental regarding numbers. If people, as is their right, (in most countries) don't want to vote then so be it. Those that do vote however rightly expect to have a winner and a loser, as in the case of Brexit, fortunately, a winner. Perhaps those that 'whinge' at any result in any election should perhaps be 'whinging' at those who can't be bothered to vote!!!

  16. 13 hours ago, ssomon said:

    Is the confrontational attitude in the responses of some/many members responsible for the waning popularity of this Forum?

    Just wondering .................


    Well, I may as well add my pennyworth!! Someone wrote on here  (can't remember who it was)  that certain people treat this forum  as if it were a private forum and only their comments were valid or worthy. I haven't been here for very long but I redilly agreed with that view. The smugness and self righteousness of some, particularly when their point is contested is nauseating. Often a snide and oblique criticism is the norm which often ends in an argument and complete breakdown of communication. 

    There is hardly a huge diversity of interest here which would encourage more posts which is hardly surprising! Someone else has said they are not interested in 'confrontational' conversations. I would agree with that but simply disagreeing with someone shouldn't invite a 'snide' comment which is often the case. 

    So, to finally to answer your question: To give a 'confrontational' response to a comment I would suggest is because the original comment was, in some way considered offensive, superior or condescending! Perhaps more thought to how something is written and how it is received rather than some conceited 'I am right attitude' is required! So, the answer is 'No'!


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  17. 7 hours ago, anotherbanana said:

    Surely, France and Germany are plotting their own futures within the EU? Their policies over Ukraine, however much we dislike them are illustrative of that

    Quite patently they are. Any sane observer  would understand that. as for 'however much we dislike them'!!! an understatement if ever there was one. Thousands upon thousands of Ukrainians are being killed and that elicits "no matter how much we dislike them!!! The point though is that the E.U. is supposed to be a unified union, not a dis-unified union! Given that these two countries are, in effect, running the E.U. the whole structure should be questioned. Their behaviour regarding the Russian invasion of Ukraine is disgraceful, the whole world can see it, including other member states. That these states appear to be doing nothing to reign them in makes them, and thus, the E.U. culpable. There doesn't seem to be much criticism from E.U. supporters either. It may yet be the case that Putin is responsible for the break-up of the E.U. as it stands. Just how can the leaders of the E.U. look themselves in a mirror?

  18. 2 hours ago, alittlebitfrench said:

    Ken....why do you live in France ?

    Honest question.

    France will always be Germany with a different coloured flag.

    I learnt that quite quickly back in the 90's.

    A question asked of me many times. Now for the honest answer;  My wife wanted to live in France; that was 25 years ago. I have no problem living anywhere, so we came and we loved it. My wife died here 12 years ago so this is as much my home as ever Britain was. I am English and will forever be so and Britain does have my first loyalty. Where I live, in the Pays Basque, the countryside is mind blowing and the people likewise. The big plus is there are no Brits!!!! The Basques actually despise, to a large extent, French people who come here for either holidays or in a second home. I'm quite ambivalent regarding the French as a nation; yes, things are different and sometimes very frustrating but I accept that. I am unaffected by riots or problems of any sort and I don't have any children (all gone) to worry about so what is there (for me) not to like?

    I suspect though that your question is more targeted in that I criticise the E.U. mercilessly; Macron and the Germans particularly. Macron isn't a typical Frenchman and the Germans, well they are behaving typically!  France is the most E.U. sceptic country in Europe so in fact, there is a kindred spirit here for me! I have always hated the E.U. for one reason and one reason only, it is also why I supported Brexit. Over 50 million people died in a war not so long ago so that countries could plot and make their own future and I believe in that right 100%. With the E.U. that obviously can't happen! Currently, the war in Ukraine: The E.U. and particularly France and Germany are acting despicably, without shame and certainly not in the spirit which they keep trying to ram down peoples throats regarding loyalty, unity etc.! In addition Macron continues to try and hurt Britain, that is enough for me to despise him!!! Britain still is a fantastic country and my living here doesn't change my loyalty one little bit. In fact Britain's current behaviour regarding Ukraine makes me feel extremely proud.

    I hope that answers your question.

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  19. 18 minutes ago, alittlebitfrench said:

    If this Oxford professor's comments are to be believed, Macron's degrading remarks regarding the AS jab cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. (France does not have a free press so they don't know that)


    So those comments have cost more lives than Putin actions in Ukraine I guess.

    Plus of course France broke the EU arms embargo and sold military stuff to Russia after the anexation of Crimea. This has cost more lives. Mr Macron wants to be the leader of the EU but is happy to break the rules. 

    Macron will get voted in again tommorow.

    What a horrible world we live in. 






    My view is that Macron's remarks did cost hundreds of thousands of lives around the world, not only lives in France. It shouldn't be forgotten either that Merkel was complicit in denigrating the vaccine.  The pair of them have simply got away with it.  That of course was more or less the E.U.s official stance too so not only those two but the whole of the E.U. bears responsibility for countless deaths. Don't whisper it too loudly though, E.U. supporters don't like it!!!!  People here don't like to hear about Brexit but it was Brexit that led to their comments and the E.U.s stance, no question of it. As for breaking the embargo on arms to Russia: Technically France and Germany didn't break any rules! They just cynically exploited the very poor rules that the E.U. made. The E.U. somewhat belatedly, and no doubt because of world criticism, have now closed those loop holes. So we are told anyway!!!

  20. 46 minutes ago, Martin963 said:

    On a similar theme,   I was reminded yesterday as to how Macron had cleanly got away with his unfounded scurrilous mendacious remarks about the efficacy of the AstraZeneca vaccine.     Had Trump said anything like that the usual lynch mob would have been out in force,  but because it was St Jupiter it was somehow "OK".    The hypocrisy of the virtue-signalling liberal-elite is sickening.


    Talking of saints,   St Greta has gone very quiet.   I wonder how she feels about Sweden contemplating joining NATO....    I'd love to know if she's more scared of that,  and Putin wanting her country back in the Russian fold,  than of her usual nightmares......

    Rather damning article this morning about France being the biggest importer of arms to Russia since Russia occupied the Crimea. guess which country was second largest supplier; Germany of course followed by Italy. The E.U. has now closed, apparently, the loophole that allowed these countries to do it. Most, if not all that suppled to Russia is, according to reports being used in Ukraine. Apparently if the supplying country  accepted that the arms they were supplying were for 'domestic' use only then it was o.k.!! It staggers belief! It really is a disgusting situation. The hypocrisy  is almost unbelievable but where these countries are concerned quite acceptable. Not much criticism of that either from supporters of European integration!!

  21. 10 hours ago, betise said:

    Damn, I wasn't going to bite, but go on then...

    Who are these 'supporters'?  Lack of replies may be due to something else entirely.

    Well, without getting excited; It is usually criticism of the U.K. ; be it N.I. protocol, holiday homes, exchange rates or whatever that E.U. supporters  denigrate the U.K. and its leaving the E.U. 

    Now, because of the war in Ukraine it is rare, at the moment at least, that those same people are not spouting their usual anti U.K. remarks, possibly because of a concern that it could be seen that they are not supporting Britain and its efforts in fighting the Russians. But; being 'loyal' to the E.U. they can't find it in themselves to condemn the E.U. for it lack of support for Ukraine. That's why I posed the question about moral courage. As for 'who they are', well, only they would know wouldn't they? Just who is going to own up and say the E.U. is behaving badly in this war or that the U.K. is wrong to support Ukraine in the way that it is, not E.U. supporters!!


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