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Posts posted by Ken

  1. And now the E.U., no doubt at the prompting of Germany, has said countries may not be breaking sanctions if they pay for gas in Roubles!! It isn't  hard to feel a greater contempt not only for Germany but the E.U. as a whole. If all the member states simply go along with this they should be utterly ashamed of themselves. Have they no real moral stance? It really is quite disgusting. What is just as disgusting is the lack of criticism aimed at the E.U. from its 'supporters'. Do they lack the same moral courage? It would seem so.

    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, alittlebitfrench said:

    I started a similar thread on another French forum yesterday and got banned today for speaking up about this matter. Well that did not take long of course. Just proves that half wit expats/immigrants living in France have no clue about what is going on around them and only concerned about their own situation. 

    France (Macron) will do whatever Germany tells it to do. It is basically that. France has been pathetic with regards to the Ukraine situation. Well apart from individual French folk helping refugeees and aid given as we all do.

    MLP seems to be on the Russian payroll.

    These are very worrying times.

    So is France in the West, the East or the EU.....is a question I asked ?

    So yeah, I personally can't wait to move back to the UK. 

    You know, Brexit was the right thing to do. Peeps have to accept that now. 

    The EU is a mess. 

    The situation with France and Germany, I have always thought, is as it is. Germany calls the tune and France dances to it.  Macron likes to think he is a leader but any right thinking person would understand Germany is top dog in Europe, even with this motley crowd they have now! I thought it incredible his accusation that Le Pen was in Putins pocket!! His phone calls and trip to the 'Long table' his supporters see as helping, but whom I ask myself; certainly not Ukraine! Possibly himself, Putin then Germany but not necessarily in that order!

    What I find very disappointing is the behaviour of the rest of the E.U.. Some individual countries have acted and supplied Ukraine and it is very much to their credit they have done so. The E.U. though, as a whole, is absolutely pathetic and had it been left to them Russia would now be all over the Ukraine. 

    I can well understand that you have been banned from stating your views about the situation. This site is quite stunning with regards the absence of comments supporting Ukraine, the silence is thundering!! probably because of perceived criticism of the E.U; the 'Holy Cow'!!!

  3. 5 hours ago, Harnser said:

    I wonder if EP would want the presidency - his wife is known for shunning the limelight and being in the public eye.

    So far he has supported Macron and his policies, the best chance at the presidency he had was to contest this election, but he didn't.

    I must admit that I also thought this was a good opportunity for him to become President. He is obviously a very bright and personable man and I think that he is waiting until the next time around. Macron can't run again and le Pen is never going to make it so perhaps EP is being very astute!!

  4. 6 hours ago, Harnser said:

     "I doubt he [Melenchon] would have any problem becoming Macron's tame P.M. In a way I would find it more entertaining than the invisible man purporting to be P.M. at the moment!! "

    Castex the current PM is the original invisible man, that's why he is Macron's prime minister, little visibility or character, no danger to Macron, the perfect choice!

    If you remember what happened when Macron's previous prime minister, Edouard Phillippe, fell from grace because he became more popular than Macron so had to be got rid of, I could see the same situation playing out with Melenchon who could play to the gallery of his left-wing supporters as PM to his hearts content!

    I certainly agree about Edouard Philippe, a future president I'm sure. Should Melenchon get his wish then I think he would 'tame' his enthusiasm and rhetoric to remain in place as P.M. The man is salivating at the thought of becoming P.M. so once in situ (if it happens!) I think he would bend to his master!

  5. And now Mèlenchon wants to be Prime Minister! On the T.V. he stated that he wants the public to vote for him to become P.M. Not sure how that works as I believe the President has the final say over whom he wants as his lap dog and Macron is sure to continue as President.

    I suppose given the stance France has taken regarding Ukraine Mèlenchon could be a good choice! Being extreme left, I believe he was a communist before realising he would never be President as long as he was, Macron could appoint him knowing that he wouldn't have any trouble and then they could both suck up to Putin! Mèlenchon would sell his soul to become P.M so I doubt he would have any problem becoming Macron's tame P.M. In a way I would find it more entertaining than the invisible man purporting to be P.M. at the moment!! 

  6. It was with interest, a somewhat a disgusted interest, to read that Germany is refusing to supply Ukraine with much needed heavy arms. It was worse to read that Macron would make no comment. The conclusion to be drawn from that is obvious. It could almost be said that France and particularly Germany are, in all practical purposes, helping the Russians by not supplying much needed assistance to Ukraine. In Macron's case his silence is despicable particularly as he is hold the rotating Presidency of the E.U. Putin will see this a a division in the E.U. and no doubt exploit it. Some E.U. countries are acting independently and it is very much to their credit. What is the E.U. stance, officially? They are looking at more sanctions; looking mind you.

    Supporters of the E.U must, or should be, looking at this morally corrupt organisation that has acted abysmally over the last several years from the pandemic to now resisting aggression in Europe and wonder why they support it. A unified Europe! Not a hope in hell as long as countries like Germany and France show more interest in themselves than the hypocritical clap trap that they spout about unity. There are others but these two are supposed to set an example with their authority and influence. Then again, what can one expect. History really does teach us something, if you are prepared to learn of course!!!

  7. I can't help but think politicians are what we make them to be. They may be left or right, in favour of Trans, wokiism, just about anything really! But we (well I don't!) vote for them. Politicians are normal in that they are as ambitious and self serving as most of us are! Let's face it I doubt anyone does anything that will harm themselves and we all strive to improve 'our lot'. Isn't that what a politician is doing? They see an opportunity in as much as they will put forward an idea in line with their left or right political views and know that people will vote for it; no matter how weird or controversial it is and not what they, personally believe.  I see it as very shallow behaviour by politicians that they behave this way but they want the money, prestige etc. that goes with being elected. People in all walks of life behave the same way. In industry you don't become a manager if you oppose the director! In fact, in almost any sphere of life unless you go along with current ideology you can forget about being a success! I think in an almost classical way Britain is obsessed by Johnson and partygate. People are almost in a state of hysteria over it and apparently at the local elections the tories are going to lose around 500 seats. If it were a general election Britain could well end up with a Labour Government. With what is going on in the world a government can be toppled by a slice of cake!!! That is what I meant by 'we make them what they are'! The opposition know that this is what the 'people' want so quite happily go along with it despite it being a trivial thing and bad for the country. With politicians you get who (or what!) you vote for, weird or otherwise!! I doubt actually that politicians are more corrupt than anyone else. They just have a better opportunity to be corrupt!!!

  8. Not being allowed to vote I can't speak on behalf of myself let alone a nation!!!! However I do have thoughts on the subject and forever I will be loyal to Britain. With that in mind I would prefer Le Pen to Macron simply because she doesn't appear to be obsessed with trying to punish Britain for leaving the E.U. 

    I see the E.U. have also entered the 'fray' regarding the election. With perfect timing they have accused Le Pen (and her father!) of embezzling half a million euros. I wonder who the E.U. supports ?

    As for Jupiter, who but the unimpressionable (me for one!) could fail to be impressed by the photos of Macron sprawling on a couch, shirt open to the waist showing off a hairy masculine chest? Unfortunately it was comparing him to the likes of Sean Connery and I'm afraid Macron equating to Connery invites comments more personal than a hairy chest!!

    When they meet head to head I hope she remembers to point out to the viewing public Macron"s behaviour regarding vaccines and vaccinations which probably led to an awful lot of deaths in France. Also his cosying  up to Putin and the stupid phone calls. Not to mention backtracking on various promises, Oh well! He will still win, France isn't ready for a woman yet!

    • Like 2
  9. 6 hours ago, EuroTr@sh said:


    That'll be why they announced it then, so that nobody knows what they're doing. They really are stupid aren't they (well comebody is).

    Or just possibly it is exactly as it says. The EU has always had a policy of keeping out of the national politics of its member states. It doesn't take a genius to see how easily this move, which affects every EU state, could be used right now to influence voters in France even though it is nothing to do with French politics.

    I have to admire the way you have turned a policy of ensuring that French voters aren't influenced by EU policies, into bemoaning the fact that the EU is not going to help one side over the other (I'm sure it's entirely coincidental that if confusion was allowed to arise, it would benefit your favourite candidate).

    Keeping out of national politics of member states! You are joking of course! The E.U. has threatened, and indeed, sanctioned, certain member states already. The E.U. is a disgrace. France and Germany should hang its collective head in shame regarding Ukraine. Le Pen or Macron ,unfortunately it will be Macron. I would vote for Le Pen, if I could but I can't vote at all! Would Macron have talked to Hitler? Probably, the slime bag!!  I am absolutely  disgusted by  French duplicity and think that Le Pen is a breath of fresh air by comparison.

    • Like 1
  10. 'One might argue that her agenda smacks of national socialism, but there is no mileage in trying to evoke loose parallels with the 1930s. Le Pen is competing at the ballot box and under the rule of law. Nobody suggests that she plans a 1933 Enabling Act or a French police state once inside the Élysée Palace'

    The above being the only reference to 'national Socialism' in the article hardly makes the Telegraph guilty of accusing her of being a 'national Socialist'. In the same article there is ample criticism of Macron. Strange that criticism of Le Pen is shifting from being extreme right to extreme left but most never knew the difference anyway!  thinking the Nazis were extreme right!!!

  11. Nicolas Sarkozy endorsement of Emmanuel Macron ahead of the second round of presidential elections came on the condition the conservative ex-president could "choose his next prime minister and 50 MPs", according to reports.

    The Right-winger's backing comes at a touchy time for Mr Macron, who is engaged in a high-stakes charm offensive to woo Leftist supporters of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who came third in last Sunday’s first round, taking barely 400,000 votes less than Marine Le Pen, who is through to the April 24 runoff.

    A Kea partners poll out on Wednesday saw Mr Macron on 53 per cent but there are still plenty of undecided voters.

    Elected in 2017 on a "neither Right nor Left" platform, the 44-year old has been accused by rivals of abandoning the Left despite pumping billions into state aid during the Covid crisis and to cushion rising energy and petrol prices.

    On Wednesday, he insisted there were no strings attached to Mr Sarkozy, 67, who led France from 2007 to 2012, throwing his weight behind him.

    "There was no agreement," he told France 2 television on Wednesday after saying he was “honoured” to receive his “clear backing”.

    But according to Le Monde, Mr Sarkozy told a senior member of the Republicans Party: “I posed my conditions to Macron: I want to choose the prime minister and a group of 50 MP."

    If true it raises corruption to another level!! I doubt this will be a topic on the TV channels. I wonder if the majority of the French ever read or hear of 'across the board' items like this.

  12. 17 hours ago, couldstay said:

    Don't feel too worried about these things, times have changed

    Unfortunately the only things that have changed are the dates and the increased efficiency of weapons that can kill and maim!! 1st WW,  2nd WW, Korea, Vietnam, Middle East, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Crimea, civil wars in many African countries. No doubt there are more I have missed and now Ukraine. To be complacent and not worried displays an amazing disregard, not only for one's own safety in this world but for the millions that 'have to be worried'! No, times have not really changed at all. There will always be the Hitlers, Stalins, Maos, Genghis Khans, Napoleons  and Putins who want to change the world order, ( and no, Britain wasn't exempt!) Wars have been fought and will continue to be fought as sure as days follow night. Anyone who believes war won't happen must be an imbecile. That it it is not, on this occasion, in our own country, is no reason to be complacent. With the weapons now available feeling 'worried' is perfectly normal

  13. 5 hours ago, Harnser said:

    . Statistical analysis has revealed that 66 per cent of Le Pen’s manifesto is left-leaning, focusing on healthcare, public services and redistribution. Conservative economics such as free market reforms and small government comprise only 21 per cent; in 2017 it was 35 per cent and under her father in the 1980s it was 80.

    Despite this Le Pen is still depicted, in the words of this week’s New York Times, as ‘hard-right’ and ‘anti-immigrant’. She is neither. She has made a clear distinction between Islam and Islamists, stressing she has no enmity against the religion, which earned her the ridicule of Macron’s interior minister, who accused her of being ‘soft’ on Islam. As for immigrants, as Le Pen stressed in a recent TV debate, she welcomes genuine refugees, such as Ukrainians, but not young men from Africa in search of better economic opportunities.

    In short, if people could get away from this ridiculous 'hard right' label whatever that means, then her credentials are quite acceptable. It is unfortunate that some people won't research  an accurate picture of the candidates but  depend on Google and the appropriate press which  simply suits and supports their views.

    • Thanks 1
  14. 11 hours ago, NormanH said:

    Your posts serve no useful purpose except to perpetuate your delusions of the importance of Windbag Wheatley's unsubstantiated assertions. When useful information is needed a link to the relevant authority is useful; but when that is called for you fall back on uninformed ignorance.


    Why Norman you excel yourself! Not a link to be seen! A whole sentence without one! I know it's a strain and Google is so much easier than thinking isn't it? Anyway, a start perhaps difficult though it is for the cerebral bits to actually work!! Perhaps 5 for effort!

  15. 45 minutes ago, Harnser said:

    If you want to know what MLP's manifesto and policies are use this link. It's her official plan without journalistic spin. Remember, scribblers always try to influence your opinion with their opinion.

    I read her plan before the last, election, there was nothing that could be described as remotely extreme about it.


    You are right of course but others prefer the left press to support their ridiculous assertions. Just what is 'extreme right' anyway!! Even Hitler was a socialist!!

  16. 11 hours ago, Teapot1 said:

    And no amount of data will convince you otherwise so no point in saying anymore. 

    One of the problems, if not the whole problem is the pig headed and self righteous  that won't, at least, respect someone else's view let alone keep an open mind! Data, is supplied from both camps. I read the data supporting electric vehicles and hybrids and I also read the data that comes regarding production, pollution and recycling of electric cars. I am far from convinced about the recycling of millions of batteries and as for pollution and the environment an electric car does have to travel an inordinate number of miles to break even on that score let alone the question of rare metals etc.

    Those problems aside the infrastructure isn't in place for electric vehicles and neither will it be anytime soon. When I drive somewhere and need to refuel I don't want to wait at a charging point and have a cup of coffee or whatever, I don't want to have to plan my route around charging points that may or may not be free or  even working.

    I have had my latest car for three years and now show an interest in perhaps replacing it; but with what? I genuinely don't know and I'm not talking about the marque but electric, petrol or diesel! I don't have a preference. I simply don't believe all the 'publicity' surrounding electric or hybrid but quite obviously governments are forcing it upon us. 

    Just yesterday the government here asked us to use less electricity, I don't think that bodes well for the immediate future; perhaps in years to come these problems will be solved and I would be happy to drive an all electric car but at the moment there are far too many question marks regarding pollution, longevity and probably most important of all convenience. 



  17. 43 minutes ago, Harnser said:

    But electric car enthusiasts think they are powered by pixie dust don't they?

    At least a good deal of 'hope' anyway!! Personally I have no preference regarding petrol or electric but I do have a preference with regards getting where I want to go and at the moment electric doesn't fulfil that.

    I take with a pinch of salt all the claims, for and against, regarding the environment. My brain (such as it is) tells me that electric cars, with production and use, are as polluting as a petrol or diesel car. An electric car has to travel an incredible number of miles in its lifetime to break even regarding pollution. Given the problems with generating electricity and the lack of 'electric' stations I feel sure petrol (diesel) is still the best.

  18. 10 hours ago, anotherbanana said:

    I was being ironic!

    As you like irony how about this then: We are being asked to make sure all electric appliances are off, no necessary lights etc. because there is heavy demand on the supply of electricity this morning. The news channels have repeated the message several times. In between the news bulletins the adverts featured several ads for all electric cars!!!!!!

    • Haha 1
  19. 6 minutes ago, alittlebitfrench said:

    The Guardian reporters don't live in France and thus have no idea about what life is like in France.

    They will say anything put the UK down anyway. 

    The Guardian is worse than the place in sun type programs. 

    Well, I can agree with that!!

  20. Well, not wanting to get a left hander I suppose we had better come to a close!! I still think you are being too harsh regarding the medical services, my experiences are the exact opposite! One five day stay In hospital after being transported there by ambulance which, in turn, was called by a doctor who first came, and that was in the middle of the night. A couple of visits to the E.R; once after a disagreement with a chain saw and the second after a disagreement with a rather huge man!! The chain saw incident was dealt with immediately, it was rather urgent!  it was also rather messy and coincidently, not wishing to 'trump you at all', I chopped through several nerves, none of which work now of course! as for the incident with the large man, yes I was in the ER for a couple of hours waiting for treatment but then again broken bones are not often an emergency so I didn't complain; No don't ask!! 

    Given, what seems, your propensity to  attracting medical incidents may I suggest again that you find a way to learn about dealing with 'emergences'. Honestly, it may save your life one day or more importantly perhaps a member of your family! 

    Stay safe and forget about punching people, especially large men!!!!!


  21. 13 hours ago, alittlebitfrench said:

    Well that is what happened. 

    How do you know if a brain injury is serious or not without being examined ?

    Another story for you. Same child but not born yet.

    OH midway through her pregnancy (with baby ALBF) started suffering severe pains in her stomach during one afternoon. After 2 hours we called the pompiers. Thinking miscarriage and all sorts.

    She was taken to hospital where she remained in a corridor for a good six/seven hours in pain without seeing anyone.

    I arrived at 11 PM (I had to look after the other kids) to find her still in the corridor in pain. 

    I complained that she had not been seen and that she was in a corridor with the whole world to see. Basically it was a waiting room for relatives. 

    I was shouted at.

    In the meantime, another woman was giving birth (no plaredual) at the other end of the corridor because there were no giving bith maternity beds.

    I got it. 

    So yeah, same shît in France my friends.

    Stay fit and keep out of hospitals is my advice.

    BTW, I took my wife home. 




     You don't say if your child was conscious or not when the Firemen arrived or if he was conscious on arriving at the hospital. Hospitals especially emergency rooms, are used to seeing hundreds of 'emergencies' every day. What you consider to be an emergency is a routine occurrence for an experienced E.R. worker. if your child was conscious and aware then it is not going to be considered an emergency I'm afraid. To you, yes and understandably so but in reality it wasn't. Almost certainly your child wasn't given tests to see if brain damage or even concussion occurred. I may be wrong as you haven't said. Signs and symptoms are of paramount importance, particularly  with head injuries and I doubt that your child was displaying the sort of signs and symptoms associated with a sever head injury, hence no urgency.

    As for the other 'emergency' You took your wife home, incredible!!!!  You leave a lot unsaid I'm afraid, I think in both cases. If your wife was as bad as you intimate why on earth leave the hospital?

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