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Posts posted by Ken

  1. 3 hours ago, Gluestick said:

    "Former Danish Migration Minister Inger Støjberg has been sentenced to 60 days in prison after being convicted of illegally separating child brides from migrant men in 2016.

    The former Minister for Immigration and Integration, who served in the role from 2015 to 2019, was found guilty of violating the Ministerial Responsibility Act on Monday over her brief policy of separating couples — predominantly migrant men with underage wives — during the height of the European migrant crisis.

    Støjberg had separated 18 couples in 2016 after deciding migrant girls aged between 14 and 17 would not be accommodated in the same asylum reception facilities as their husbands, most of whom were adults.

    According to a report from the Danish broadcaster TV2, the separation of the couples was found to be contrary to Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and several points of Danish administrative law."

    Thus, those who seek to prevent paedophiles, must be banged up in gaol?

    Pardon me?



    3 hours ago, Gluestick said:

    "Former Danish Migration Minister Inger Støjberg has been sentenced to 60 days in prison after being convicted of illegally separating child brides from migrant men in 2016.

    The former Minister for Immigration and Integration, who served in the role from 2015 to 2019, was found guilty of violating the Ministerial Responsibility Act on Monday over her brief policy of separating couples — predominantly migrant men with underage wives — during the height of the European migrant crisis.

    Støjberg had separated 18 couples in 2016 after deciding migrant girls aged between 14 and 17 would not be accommodated in the same asylum reception facilities as their husbands, most of whom were adults.

    According to a report from the Danish broadcaster TV2, the separation of the couples was found to be contrary to Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and several points of Danish administrative law."

    Thus, those who seek to prevent paedophiles, must be banged up in gaol?

    Pardon me?


    The problem here is is East meets West! Here child brides are forbidden, in fact a criminal offence., in the East normal. I have always thought that Middle eastern countries in particular, have customs and behaviour that we, in the west , take as barbaric and cruel. Child brides are just one example. In the East they think our customs and behaviour to be wrong. So, who is right? Depends where you were raised and live I suppose! As for the Danish Immigration Officer: She should have been aware of the law in her country, or someone informed her of the law. She was guilty of an offence under her own (and  E.U. regulations) and has paid the price.  The conundrum of course is that as Child marriages are not allowed in the west just how do governments deal with it? I suspect they just turn a blind eye in so far as not recognising them!!

  2. Now Macron is calling for tough measures to control illegal immigration, not only to France. but the whole E.U. Amazing what a forthcoming election will bring out from these people! No doubt he will be 'revered' by his supporters for 'doing' something about the problem whilst at the same time  calling Zemmour a racist for saying such a thing!!! This election could be the closest for many a year! Whilst I would prefer Zemmour I think that Pecresse is the most likely from the right to succeed. MLP appears to be getting weaker as the election approaches. 

  3. 5 hours ago, Noisette said:

    Top tip:  Look for an 'icing bag' type of truc in the bricos, or failing that, make one by cutting the corner off a strong plastic bag.  Pros have a sort of pistolet affair for pointing, but I've never seen one for sale to particuliers.  It speeds things up considerably, and there's less waste than with the trad method of trowelling or raclette-ing. ?

    It is a good tip but for this work, which is stone laid and embedded in concrete , I  still need to trowel it in and smooth off. plus there is an awful amount needed as the joints, in this sort of work are much wider than , 'crazy paving' or patio paving. Putting the mix in a bag would be additional work I'm afraid.Thank you anyway.

  4. 1 hour ago, alittlebitfrench said:

    France desperately NEEDS a woman leader !

    The entranched chauvinism in France is not weakning BTW. 

    Men in France still think they are the superior gender. 

    I wonder what difference would a female bring to the politics of France. I have lived here for 22 years and seen several Presidents come and go. All of them promised reform of some sort or other and by and large all failed. We all know why!!! So, a woman as President, Pecresse is already saying she would do this or that but would she? She may try (should she get the opportunity) but succeed , I very much doubt it. So, France 'needs' a woman; no I don't think male, female or even a trans President would make any real difference. If France is to change it will be the E.U. that eventually brings about reform. That might lead France to break up the E.U.!!

  5. 11 hours ago, Noisette said:

    Speaking as someone totally sane and well-balanced, no really ?, I can see why Zemmour has garnered so much support so quickly.  He's come up with some very populist ideas, designed to appeal to French people who regret 'the old days'.  From what I've seen so far, I'd probably take a punt on him carrying them through. BUT....5 years ago there was a bunch of self-interested politicians in a little island not far from here who promised the electorate much the same thing. They appealed to the middle-aged and elderly voters, promising them a return to a golden age and look what happened there!

    Sadly, I don't think there's a politician on earth that can turn the clock back and undo everything that's wrong with western civilisation. All we can do, as voters, is try to put the brakes on the more obviously rapacious and hypocritical ones.

    Pecresse said yesterday that she would (if elected) 'do something' about illegal immigration' Most of the candidates have voiced this same theme. Zemmour though is branded a racist by the left for daring to utter such ideas. I agree that he has a chance of reaching the final round at least. MLP seems to have fallen away and the only serious contenders appear to be Pecresse and Zemmour. Given that Jupitor hasn't yet said he is going for a second term wouldn't it be a topsy turvy election if it were Pecresse and Zemmour battling it out for the Presidency? We can only hope!

  6. Thank you, it was very hardwork, for both of us. Madam loaded many a cement mixer for me and on some days became absolutely exhausted. The joints have yet to be done and we shall do them together. We started about three weeks ago and since then it hasn't stopped raining, hopefully this coming week will be dry The little bit we did do took three hours and measured roughly half a square metre. As there is 104 sm to do then 3 X 208 = 624hrs work or 26days non stop, not even for a cuppa!! Hopefully as we proceed we will get quicker!!!

    I make my own jointing material (sand-cement-colourant- additive) Buying the amount of ready made grouting needed would be prohibitive I think. It has been a lot of work but very satisfying. This is the second drive I have 'turned to stone'! We have two drives (no, don't ask!!) I'm just glad we don't have a third!!

  7. 3 hours ago, anotherbanana said:

    I'm not sure that declaring support for Zemmour qualifies anyone as a nutter! At the moment around 18% of those intending to vote support Zemmour. Would you class them as nutters, that's a lot of 'nutters'! 

  8. 3 hours ago, alittlebitfrench said:

    What exactly is the point of 'Miss France' ?

    It is on TV tonight BTW. 

    My daughter is short and podgy. But she is fecking intelligent. Every Lycee where we live wants her in it. She is spoilt for choice where to study. 

    A relative of ours (French) lost her liver through anorexia. She had a liver transplant and now has to live the rest of her life on drugs to support it.


    Living in France today is like living in the UK in the 70's/80's.

    France is a fecking wierd country. 


    That is my little rant over for the day. ?

    Surely you are not suggesting that the contestants are dim or  are suffering from anorexia and will need liver transplants in the future? None of them look anorexic to me though I have no knowledge of their academic qualifications. As for the point of Miss France: You could, I suppose ask that of any competition be it athletics or scrabble! People, in this instance, get pleasure from it, is that such a bad thing? Incidentally I won't be watching it, attractive as the women are. The whole world hold these competitions so if France is weird then, by definition, the whole world is weird! Actually, in this present time, I could probably agree!!!

  9. 13 hours ago, NickP said:

    That's easy to say, but you haven't been called pig ignorant on an open forum. I think we might have discovered a refugee from another forum. It's not surprising that several old valued members have voted with their feet, and I'm sure they won't be the last.

    As the person who made the remark I feel I can comment! I made the 'pig ignorant' post in response to what I perceived as a direct  insult from you. You interjected into a 'conversation' with your 'smart' post, you didn't try to add to the conversation or even refer to it, still haven't as far as I can see. You just posted to make an objectionable remark. Now you try and act the offended one! Had you not made your 'clever' remark this conversation wouldn't be happening. Everyone has a responsibility regarding 'offensive' posts and that should include people like you who make provocative remarks and when responded to, cry crocodile tears! 

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  10. 14 minutes ago, cajal said:

    Given that he is yet to toss his hat into the ring and reading THIS, I suspect when France takes over the preidency of the council of Europe, in a few weeks time,  he will somehow morph into the president of the EU commission. Maybe, just may be he will decide not to run so as to give himself the opportunity to leap-frog (pun intended) over a 5-year tenure of presiding over the French nation with a view to, in just over 2 years, tossing his hat into the ring for the president of the European nation. ?

    That crossed my mind too. I think though that he will use the E.U.Presidency simply as a platform to promote his chances of winning the French election. Already he is giving speeches as if he were the President of the E.U. all of which are aimed at the French public of course. I  think his vanity is such that he couldn't bare not running, and winning, a second term, or maybe, he is fooling everyone!!!

  11. 1 hour ago, Harnser said:

    Trying to cut to the basics of the personal motivation of the aforementioned candidates here.

    Macron -  a purely personal ego trip to achieve a second term before swanning off to be the president of the EU.

    MLP -  A difficult one to fathom - It could be just the continuation and tradition of the Le Pen family business with her. Or she wants to be the first female president? Maybe she has realised that the Le Pen name carries too much baggage to be elected as president but would settle for PM in a Zemmour government?

    Zemmour - Possibly he sees it as his duty as a jew and a frenchman - a job that needs doing maybe? Or to prove that he can outwit the establishment?

    Whilst I tend to agree with your observation regarding Macron. I think the greatest problem with politicians and the public is that it has all become personalised. I think that was well illustrated with Trump. Many of his policies I agreed with completely, as did millions of Americans. His personality and character though probably lost him his Presidency, not his policies. Macron did have some very good ideas, to start with!!  But-given the resistance the French are to any change very few of his ideas have come to pass which is normal for France I think. What remains though is his personality and character which is perceived by many  as arrogant with an ego bigger than Trumps! Those characteristics are what will lose him the election (if he does!!) not his policies.

    MLP is, I'm afraid, tied to her family name which of course means her Father. I doubt she could ever shake off what he stood for. Everyone I speak to simply ties her in with being a fascist or worse! She keeps trying however and may even make the final round. if she does then we will have another dose of Macron and his ego!

    Zemmour   makes his appeals to France and French people in a very pragmatic way. Very little is ever mentioned about his being a Jew. He says things that other politicians won't say and that has landed him in court on several occasions but it is equally obvious that what he is saying resonates with many people. Being a Jew may even work in his favour. I still believe the French carry some guilt from the 2nd WW and that guilt could bring some votes. I should think the confusion he causes in some minds about his immigration and religious views is driving some people to distraction as it is difficult to suggest he is a racist when at the same time jews are almost being persecuted in France.

    Pecresse: Well it's all to play for I suppose and she stands, if the polls are correct, almost the same chance as Zemmour and MLP of reaching the final round. I would be quite content to see Zemmour as the next President or failling him then Pecresse. I fear though that it will be a re-run of the last election.

  12. 3 hours ago, Harnser said:

    Zemmour is polling at 18 - 19% , Macron is at 24% Le Pen at 15%.
    The director of Harris polling in France said that he has never seen a little known candidate as Zemmour was, advance so quickly in the polls.
    I'm getting the impression that MLP is maybe losing her taste for presidential politics, and might she consider withdrawing from the first round in favour of Zemmour?
    If that comes to pass, Macron is toast
    And MLP could be his prime minister.
    How do you like them apples?
    Zemmour is very intelligent and should not be underestimated, he might just outmanoeuvre the french establishment and their poodle media.
    An example of Zemmour's thinking and presentation was when he was addressing a rally and he said that of course the establishment machine will have the election all sewn up - but all it takes is a grain of sand in that machine to bring it to a grinding halt. The crowd roared and applauded, shouting "you are the grain of sand".
    He replied to the crowd saying "No - you are the grain of sand"
    Rapturous applause.
    He's working a very old reliable sales technique there.

    I think your scenario could come to pass. I doubt that MLP would be P.M. though. There is no doubt in my mind that Zemmour is extremely bright and saying all the 'right' things. Things that a great number of people agree with but feel reluctant to say so because he is branded a 'racist' by the left. I do hope he makes it to the second round and further more I would like him to be President. France could do with a 'Eric Trump'!!!! Now that would be very interesting!

  13. 1 hour ago, betise said:

    In my experience, many people here tend, in the first round, to vote to "exprimer leur ras-le-bol".  Either by voting for a more extreme candidate (often Le Pen, perhaps this time Zemmour) or by using a vote blanc or nul.

    Then, come the second round, they vote for the candidate they dislike least.

    I , more or less, agree with you. Most of the people I know vote tactically in the earlier rounds and that is why , invariably, they end up with a President they didn't want. I may be biased of course but that is why I think the British system of voting first past the post is best. Not perfect for sure but most of the time Britain ends up with a government it voted for.

  14. 37 minutes ago, alittlebitfrench said:

    Ok Ken...

    Lets put it another way.

    Most Brits move to France by selling their house in the UK and that affords them a middle class lifestyle in rural France. They live in a way that most folk in France can only dream of.

    The most complicated things in their lives is walking the dog or trying to tune in their sky box to watch UK telly. 

    They don't know, understand or care about the daily shît that most French folks have to deal with. They have no idea of France. None whatsoever. 

    Perhaps that is why they don't get involved in French politics. Because it does not involve them. 

    In the meantime the rest of us has to get on with it.

    How many Brits have lived in the suburbs in France ? On a run down estate or whatever. 

    Have to deal with the daily issues that grind us all down ?


    Less than 1% I guess !

    I can only speak for myself of course. I don't have a dog (does four cats count,) and perish the thought of SKY or U.K. telly!  Fortunately my life style never depended on selling a house in the U.K. I would agree with you completely that most French people would be agog at British pensions and their general financial arrangements. Despite what some ex pats may say here!! I feel sure that your basic premise regarding what the indigenous population does on a daily basis, at least compared to retired ex pats is concerned, is probably correct but that still doesn't, in my view explain why people are not interested in politics to at least a rudimentary level. Laws are made (and promised) that affect us, speed limits, vaccinations, immigration and God know what else. All this has a basis in politics and what politicians promise. We can't vote but that shouldn't mean you switch your brain off from what is happening around you. Many here criticise Macron, haven't read a word that is complimentary in fact! Like wise Zemmour. I would have thought that if there was going to be the sort of bad language regarding them, or anyone else for that matter then at. least an interest in what their policies are is required. People do care a **** but it would seem only as far their own little British bubble is concerned and that I feel, is pathetically poor;

  15. 26 minutes ago, alittlebitfrench said:


    Ken, there is little interest in 'France' for French politics. Especially amongst younger people. Normal rational people don't tend to vote because there is no one worth voting for. Just look at voter turnout in elections in France.   

    Peeps (regardless of nationality) really don't give a shît in IMHO. Their lives won't change regardless of wins. 

    It is mostly older folks who will vote right wing nutters. And I include Macron as a right wing nutter.

    The elitisme/corrumption in French French politics turns people off. It is that simple. 


    Like I said earlier, you think the UK is bad with Boris. Well France is on another level. 

    I have to say that in the main I disagree with most of your points. There has been a lot made of 'going for the younger vote' probably because in the past there hasn't been the awareness that the young are more easily manipulated. Now, particularly with all this 'woke' nonsense politicians are pandering to the young as never before. I think people do care but, particularly here because of the system, they feel disenfranchised. I agree that no matter who wins the election our lives will change very little. As for the 'oldies' voting for right wing nutters, well when was there last a 'right wing nutter' in the Elysée palace? incidentally I don't see Macron as right wing either! 

    As for Britain, there is no doubt that Boris Johnson is receiving  absolutely horrendous press at the moment. But for what? His Covid regulations are tamer than most of Europe though reading the British press it sounds like Russia under Stalin!! And this latest ridiculous business being made of a party in No10 is worthy of the Dandy or Beano. The one time our lives did change recently and I, for one, am extremely pleased is that Johnson took Britain out of the E.U. For that I would forgive him anything!

  16. 9 minutes ago, Lehaut said:

    Ken, the lack on interest may be linked to the number that can vote?

    Yes, it's possible but I doubt it. Politics is hardly the top of the list when it comes to hobbies anyway!    People will moan about a president. P.M or whatever when he/she has been elected but show little interest in how they get elected. It's usually something along the lines of "No, not him, he is Right wing"!! or the opposite he/she is left wing without having a clue about the details or policies. I wonder how many people realise how closely aligned all the right wing candidates are regarding policies yet would discount Zemmour as a'**** and racist?

  17. There doesn't appear to be much interest here in the French elections which given it's where (most of us) live I find a little odd. I suppose politics isn't high on peoples agenda.  For me I do find politics interesting and particularly this forthcoming election. I find it almost inexplicable that the left is virtually finished before it has even got going. Macron, who claims to be somewhere in the middle, for me has turned into a socialist with his 'money give away' schemes; perhaps that is why the right is surging. People see that socialism is about 'giving the bank away'! It's shame that there are three reasonably strong. candidates of the right to challenge Macron as they will split the support, probably allowing Le Pen into the final round where she would, once again, lose to Macron.  An interesting few months ahead.

  18. On 05/12/2021 at 19:59, Gluestick said:

    Well, an already rumbustious presidential battle, has becomes even more interesting!




    On 05/12/2021 at 20:19, Ken said:

    Pecresse is trailing Le Pen in the polls so it is probable that it will be Le Pen and Macron in the final round. This means, of course, that Macron will win another term. It is the system employed in France that means Pecresse won't be in the final round. The preceding rounds are so involved in infighting and strategic voting that it is rare that the final candidates are, in fact, what the electorate want! Biased I may be but the British system of first past the post is the best system.  The T.V channels are giving Pecresse lots of coverage and personally I would like her to be in the final round. I think then it possible she could win. Unfortunately, due to the way voting takes place here, I doubt it will come to pass. 

    According to the latest poll Pecresse is now on level pegging with Le Pen. Is it possible she will get into the final round? From there the Presidency? Hope springs eternal!!

  19. 2 hours ago, Gardian said:

    Hmmm.  You do get quite angry, don’t you?  Oh, and you know nothing about my politics.

    Have you ever considered Anger Management Therapy?  I’m led to believe that it can be quite helpful for people like you.

    My last word on this subject (but it won’t be yours - it never is) is to say that my point was that perhaps we should remember that the perpetrators of this (and other) despicable crimes are the real guilty parties.  The danger is that we end up labelling the social workers as the murderers.

    It’s obvious that case workers in this situation were deceived and probably ought to have been less accepting of the excuses being given.  Bad people though are often quite manipulative and convincing.

    Angry, not at all. You simply try and deflect from what you said, which was quite dreadful in its dismissive way. The case workers saw bruising on the child and did nothing, that doesn't fit with your liberal view of the social services though does it? No one is labelling them murderers, more of your nonsense. They were incompetent to the point of negligence but again, that doesn't fit with your narrative does it?. You are wrong also about how I see your politics. You are as transparent as a piece of glass. . Frustrating isn't it when you are so easily read? I'm afraid your deflective nonsense cannot cover for your earlier post!

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  20. I think the coming French election is the most exciting I have ever known in France. With Pecresse I think the 'right' have a chance IF, she can get into the final round. Zemmour may cause the vote to be split allowing her in but I have a feeling we shall see a Macron-Le Pen final again. It is the strategic voting here that invariably means the electorate end up with a President they don't want. 

    With regard the woman getting hurt at the Zemmour rally yesterday: She was hit because she had lunged at a Zemmour supporter, it is clear though wasn't highlighted, it wouldn't be would it, and was hit as a consequence. It doesn't make it right of course but if people are going to infiltrate and cause trouble, as the anti-rascist crowd did, then I'm afraid I have little sympathy.  Personally I would like Zemmour to be President, if not him then Pecresse. I fear though that France is going to suffer another Macron term.

  21. 8 hours ago, Gardian said:

    I’m quite disturbed by this thread.

    The first thing to say is that neither I, nor any of my family, nor anybody that I know is or has been a social worker.  Thus no vested interest.

    This must be one of the most difficult jobs to carry out and for Ken to (more than) imply that those in the profession are ‘at the bottom of the ladder’ both intellectually and in terms of capability, is quite insulting to them and to me as a neutral party.

    How many households with young children are there in the UK?  I’m guessing - 5M?  The number of awful cases are happily few.  Of course, there’ll sadly be more, but most young children live in happy, loving homes.

    Sadly, there are some cases from time to time, which (rightly) produce National coverage and horror.  Errors may well have been made, but nobody is perfect.  The case workers in this particular situation will probably live with this for the rest of their lives.  

    We should remember who committed the crime / atrocity.  It wasn’t the case worker, nor the police officer who investigated the murder, both of whom are so often accused of ‘failing’.  It was the guilty party.

    Of course the subject is disturbing. Children being murdered is highly emotive. Having no knowledge of anything to do with social work yet offering an opinion other than it must be a' difficult job to carry out' is ridiculously understated. You have no knowledge but feel insulted by  my comments, presumably even when I said "almost certainly there are some who are good at their work" but you choose to pick and choose! Intellectually and capability: This isn't the first incident of its kind and won't be the last. How intellectual and capable do you have to be to see what is in front of you? You say 'Some cases from time to time' as if this is rare!! Is the world you live in so rarified that you can so casually dismiss this as almost a one off? Perhaps your political leanings colour your views! You may, in your protected world feel disturbed by this thread because of this one incident and the criticism the Social services is suffering but your liberal forgiveness of Social services, I doubt, is shared by many.   

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