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Posts posted by Ken

  1. Pecresse is trailing Le Pen in the polls so it is probable that it will be Le Pen and Macron in the final round. This means, of course, that Macron will win another term. It is the system employed in France that means Pecresse won't be in the final round. The preceding rounds are so involved in infighting and strategic voting that it is rare that the final candidates are, in fact, what the electorate want! Biased I may be but the British system of first past the post is the best system.  The T.V channels are giving Pecresse lots of coverage and personally I would like her to be in the final round. I think then it possible she could win. Unfortunately, due to the way voting takes place here, I doubt it will come to pass. 

  2. 48 minutes ago, Gluestick said:

    Ken; my own experience of social workers is that all too often, they are Lefty Liberal Do-Gooder types who read Sociology at a pretend university and early on decided such moronic conclusions that criminals only become so because they suffered a deprived childhood.

    The genus social worker, believe in apologism: i.e. "It's not his/her fault because he/she was drunk, under the influence of illegal drugs etc at the time of the offence and so on.

    Now if they had have read Psychology instead of the mainly nonsense of Lefty Sociology, then perhaps they would recognise any society throws up Sociopaths, Psychopaths and etc.

    A most interesting book to read is titled Mind Change, written by Baroness Susan Greenfield; who is one of the World's foremost authorities on how the brain works: she is a Neural Scientist not a doctor.

    Her inescapable conclusions are that constant exposure to mass media, the Internet etc have re-wired the neural pathways and explain how and why younger people suffer increasing incidence of behavioural problems.

    The dire and growing problems associated with proscribed drugs (Skunk in particular) are clearly yet a further root cause.


    As I have sort of hinted at!! I had dealings with both social workers and probation officers when I was a kid growing up in the east end of London. I was around 12 years old and even at that 'tender' age I realised that these people didn't have much of a clue about what drives others. Most of the time they were just ticking boxes and asked the same stupid questions every week. I quickly understood how easy it was to manipulate them and of course did so. I have to say though that even today when I look back I often wonder whether they were just dim or so inured by the constant exposure to low life that in the end they just couldn't be bothered, I'm still not sure! Almost certainly there are some who are good at the work but in the main………..!

    I'm not too sure either if their 'leanings' have anything to do with it. Almost certainly they were 'of the left' and probably blamed the more well off for most of the 'poor' peoples troubles but their political persuasion doesn't answer the question of how they can be so blind in their dealings with scumbags. Perhaps they suffer all sorts of constraints regarding the law, I don't really know, but their enquiries can only  carry so much weight before a court order is needed to enquire further and I know the courts are reluctant in that respect!

    Those 'professionals' aside the person I feared most and instilled in me what was right and wrong was my mother!! That is what , in my view, is the major problem with children and families today. The use of even the word 'discipline' brings out a rush of ludicrous accusations that idiot parents listen too. I'm afraid I have little respect for the modern day parent. Authorities, Police, teachers and yes, even welfare workers can only do so much. The real responsibility lies with parents and all to often they absolve themselves and simply blame 'society' or the government!!!  End of rant!!!!!!

  3. 1 hour ago, anotherbanana said:

    Which damns social services even more, surely?

    It is necessary to understand what sort of person becomes a social worker.  Quite obviously they are not high flying lawyers or Brain surgeons. They are more likely to be easily duped well meaning people that a child could twist around their little finger. People who work in this field, including people like probation officers are riding a white horse. They think that most parents of abused kids are victims themselves and therefore are given leeway when it come to deciding if they are bad parents. Social workers, probation officers, parol board members they are , more or less from the same mould. It is astounding how these people are selected for such important work. Many have an excellent education and mean well but there is something in their character that simply cannot see evil when it stares them in the face. The selection process is quite obviously poor but then again I doubt there is a huge pool to be selected from.  Social work is the bottom of the ladder and the people who work in it are from that bottom rung too. It won' t change I'm afraid. It has been the same from my childhood in the east end; a very long time ago!!

  4. 2 hours ago, alittlebitfrench said:

    We have a 3 year old. We just want to build a shell around him to protect him from society. I really don't want him to go to a French school.

    Back on topic....society is fÜcked up. France very much included.

    Slightly off topic but relevant.

    So a political discussion in my daughters class yesterday. The subject of Eric Zemmour came up.

    A kid turns around to a black kid in the class and said 'if Zemmour gets in, you are going home'.

    The black kid bursts into tears.

    We are talking about 14 year olds here. Off the cuff joking comment maybe....or perhaps parents influence on the kid that made the comment.

    This is a catholic school BTW.

    Seriously, we are one fÜcked up society.

    I don't know much about the UK, but I fear for France. 

    Anyone moving here with kids would be mad. 







    What you have described has been going on since time began, nothing new.  You want to build a shell around a 3 year old!! I doubt that that will make the child well balanced!!! As for your 14 year old and the discussion in class; Again, I was hearing (and probably saying) things like that at school 60 years ago! There is, and always has been such 'problems' in society and I don't hesitate to put most of the blame with parents. I'm absolutely convinced that todays generation of parents have the 'It's my right' and why can't I have—' attitude that is being passed on to their children.  Discipline, responsibility  and parental control, what's that!!!! It's always someone else's fault isn't it?


  5. I'm not at all sure this deserves a 'new topic' but I couldn't find a solution anywhere. I want to send a parcel (xmas present) to the U.K. The post office woman was absolutely unhelpful simply insisting I need to down load a customs form and bring it back with the parcel. I have looked at a trillion different things on the Internet and haven't found what I want. Is there anyone who has sent a parcel back to the U.K. and completed this ( French) customs form? If so would be most appreciative if I could be told which form it is and where to find it.

  6. I doubt very much that 'society is broken' as in before 'it wasn't!! ' There has always been child abuse, murders, rapes etc.  nothing has particularly changed in society. The huge difference now, I believe anyway, is the coverage given by media outlets including social media. A person , literally, cannot walk down the street without almost certainly being scrutinised by a camera. Never in history has the world been so scrutinised. It started really during the Vietnam war when atrocities were being filmed; The same, if not worse, atrocities were committed by the all combatant nations during the second World War but there were no cameras. Today everyone has a camera at the ready!

     There is so much coverage and publicity given to outrages I think it inevitable that people think society is worse than before. I doubt it, we just didn't know about it!!!

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, cajal said:

    In 1906 the race was, for the 1st time, referred to as 'Grand Prix of the Automobile Club of France' or 'Grand Prix of France'  in honour of the host organisers and the host region. This was the 1st time in history that a race would receive that name and has continued to be used in several sports around the world.

    In answer to your question, yes that is what I mean.

    Thank heavens for Google eh? 

  8. 30 minutes ago, Teapot1 said:

    The South African Doctor actually treating people said so far the effects are very mild, fatigue is the sign.
    So dont panic!

    Too late!! Panic is the starting  point these days. Mass hysteria encouraged by the press is the norm! I read the comment by the doctor some days ago, it was way down on the pages of newspapers and just a couple of lines, not even reported in others. 

  9. There is conflicting information concerning this new variant. Just as there was from the start of this two years ago. I read that this new variant is super contagious in one newspaper and in anther it isn't something to worry about! Often it is the way the 'news' is presented that frightens the life out of people. As of this moment, for example, hospitalisations, and deaths are as before; more or less yet the reporting of it has been, as usual, panic inducing!! Having had my three jabs I feel reasonably secure and happy to try and live 'normally'. Even went to dinner last night at a friends where there were several others; Even cuddled the host when I left, or rather she cuddled me I should say. It did seem strange after nearly two years that someone should 'touch me' Paranoid? Probably, If I start sneezing anytime soon I shall think it's the end!!!!

  10. Now, for something a bit lighter! Despite the torrential rain over the last few days I managed to get the job finished, well the laying of the stone anyway. What remains are the joints. If it ever stops raining I can start! I estimate a couple of weeks at least to fill the joints but once done I can turn to getting the garden back in shape!! It has been a couple of months hard work but then again I always enjoy a 'project' of some sort. I think, after Christmas I shall start repainting the interior of the house!!!! At least that won't cripple me in the way laying tons of Celt has!!!





    • Like 2
  11. 4 hours ago, NormanH said:
    Those referred to as "Migrants" are people whose lives have the same value as that of the British immigrants in France 
    who like to call themselves 'expats'  huff and puff about the situation.
    No man is an Iland, intire of itselfe; every man
    is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine;
    if a Clod bee washed away by the Sea, Europe
    is the lesse, as well as if a Promontorie were, as
    well as if a Manor of thy friends or of thine
    owne were; any mans death diminishes me,
    because I am involved in Mankinde;
    And therefore never send to know for whom
    the bell tolls; It tolls for thee.
    Devotions upon Emergent Occasions
    John Donne 

    Well I'm not an illegal immigrant to France but these people are illegal immigrants to the u.K. and whilst their lives may be just as valuable as mine the difference is that I live here legally.  Anyone who cannot differentiate between right and wrong deliberately or for some wokish reason has another agenda!. To pontificate about a subject yet to avoid the truth is a disgrace.

    • Like 1
  12. The French will blame the Brits; the Brits will blame the French but the people trafficking will continue. For my pennyworth there are several points of blame. The E.U. for not policing its borders properly and not offering the sort of help to countries in the front line i.e. Italy, Greece and Spain to stop the illegals from landing and not having a solid plan to repatriate those that do. France is patently culpable as it is doing little or nothing to stop the illegal traffic across the Channel.  All the N.G.Os who offer succour to the legal immigrants and sustain them whilst they try and get into Britain are contributing to this misery. Back to the E.U. : open borders between countries, it has been shown many times it is a bad policy. Finally Britain. A masterclass in attracting every freeloader on the planet. It's policies concerning welfare are far too generous across the board. Will it all change though, I doubt it. I'm afraid the woke world we live in today forbids any sort of real discipline regarding law and order so, everyone just has to put up with it!!!!

  13. Success! I have pressed and repressed and pressed everything again! I started from scratch a thousand times following your guidance. Whatever I was Doing, and I must have been doing it wrong, I eventually succeeded. 

    Thanks for the explanation I wouldn't have been able to transfer it to my phone without it. Can I now go back to playing with my hair!!!

    Thanks again.

  14. 1 minute ago, Ken said:

    Perhaps we should try for a 4 year old!!   I typed in play store, got the 'tousanticovid' Downloaded it and it is installed. This is where it doesn't go as planned! The next window that opened says'Welcome' and at the bottom says "I'm in'. I pressed that and at the top it says It's easy" and at the bottom "continue". If I then press that is goes on about being informed if I have been in contact with someone contaminated. In other words it seems I have 'logged' into the alert system!!

    I wasn't playing with my hair, honest!! 

    Incidently, never saw any reference to  'Health pass' or 'open my wallet'!

  15. Perhaps we should try for a 4 year old!!   I typed in play store, got the 'tousanticovid' Downloaded it and it is installed. This is where it doesn't go as planned! The next window that opened says'Welcome' and at the bottom says "I'm in'. I pressed that and at the top it says It's easy" and at the bottom "continue". If I then press that is goes on about being informed if I have been in contact with someone contaminated. In other words it seems I have 'logged' into the alert system!!

    I wasn't playing with my hair, honest!! 

  16. On 23/11/2021 at 00:22, anotherbanana said:

    Slightly off topic I know but it is Covid related! I have just had my third jab. Up to now I have carried the paper certificate around. Now I would like to 'put' it on my phone. Can I just take a photograph of it or do I have to download anything either to my computer or telephone? My computer expertise is limited to writing here and sending emails so if anyone is kind enough to tell me how to do it then please, "as if you are talking to a six year old"!! I promise not to be offended.



  17. 10 hours ago, EuroTr@sh said:

    A thread about people who cross the Channel on rubber boat, some of whom are asylum seekers and some of whom are aiming to be illegal immigrants, is to my mind not at all the same thing as a thread about illegal immigrants.

    A person fleeing terror or whatever, who requests asylum as soon as they cross the border into their destination country, and who is subsequently granted, never was an illegal immigrant. Illegal immigrants are the ones who leg it and disappear into the decor as soon as they land, taking advantage of the UK's lax labour laws and refusal to adopt ID cards which makes it easy for them. Different situations, different issues, different problems needing different solutions.

    But I agree with Debra, the whole thread has become sickening and I'm out. Same goes for this forum.


    8 hours ago, NormanH said:

    Away from all danger

    Away from all danger and snug in his bed
    The great British bulldog lays down his sweet head.
    The stars in the bright sky look down where he snores
    The great British bulldog, with firmly locked doors.

    The child in the night air there shivers and weeps,
    But the great British bulldog, how soundly he sleeps.
    I love you, great bulldog, please guard me from fear,
    And keep all those migrants from entering here.

    Be near me, great bulldog, be faithful and stay
    Close by me forever and love me I pray;
    Love all the dear children who live in this land,
    And keep out those other ones – they’ll understand.


    10 hours ago, EuroTr@sh said:

    A thread about people who cross the Channel on rubber boat, some of whom are asylum seekers and some of whom are aiming to be illegal immigrants, is to my mind not at all the same thing as a thread about illegal immigrants.

    A person fleeing terror or whatever, who requests asylum as soon as they cross the border into their destination country, and who is subsequently granted, never was an illegal immigrant. Illegal immigrants are the ones who leg it and disappear into the decor as soon as they land, taking advantage of the UK's lax labour laws and refusal to adopt ID cards which makes it easy for them. Different situations, different issues, different problems needing different solutions.

    But I agree with Debra, the whole thread has become sickening and I'm out. Same goes for this forum.

    Wriggle all you want to; waffling on about asylum seekers. You have been embarrassed with your nonsense.

  18. 7 minutes ago, EuroTr@sh said:

    I thought the debate was supposed to be about people who cross the Channel in rubber boats. Some of those are asylum seekers, some are illegals. That's one of the problems caised by the lack of secure routes.

    But if the debate has moved on and is now about illegals only, my bad, I haven't been following it closely.

    Moved on! Have you been asleep?  It has never been about anything else despite your smart assed comments!

  19. 4 hours ago, EuroTr@sh said:

    It's all very well trying to be a smart **** but the debate is about illegal immigrants, not legal ones.  Not refugees, asylum seekers or migrants. Illegal is illegal. Yes it is black and white. You may not like it but tough.

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