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Posts posted by Ken

  1. First, I said that daily deaths in France exceed that of the U.K. That isn't fake news. 2nd, voting and having an interest in politics are two different things.

    3rd most of your rant concerns yourself and Brits. I was talking about how I have found French people to general be.

    Stop being hysterical and you will see that what I have written is accurate, at least as far as I'm concerned. Perhaps you think Le Pen will be President! Or perhaps what induced your diatribe was that I criticised the E.U. I too follow politics quite closely, French, American and British but I don't usually brag about it!
  2. I agree completely that violence in France has increased quite dramatically in recent years. Unfortunately the French have this hang up about the N.F (as it used to be called) and the holocaust (and I certainly do not want to start another conversation about that! ) However the French connect the two and that is why Marine will never be President.

    The vaccination fiasco and the violence is doing Macron great harm but in the final analysis (or the final round!) Macron will, I believe, win. It is as much the voting system as anything else that will bring this about. I also believe, to get back to the subject in hand, that there will be another general lockdown. Deaths are already rising and Macron can only ignore it for so long!!
  3. Marine Le Pen will never be President. speak to French people and you will hear this time and time again. Macron will win be default!

    As regards the virus: Deaths in France now exceed those of the U.K. Whatever the reason, herd immunity or vaccinations, that the rates of disease and deaths has plummeted is great news for the U.K.

    If, and I don't think it likely, the French people are actually well aware of the cock-up made by the E.U. then it wouldn't bode well for Macron. Unfortunately I don't think the average French person is too interested in politics; or at least beyond what they see on the t.V.!!
  4. Yes, I did think that is what you meant but thought others may have read it differently and thought it was of no value. As for being a 'global card' I have never thought of it as that. Incidentally I did use my GHIC in Spain and it worked a treat!! Fantastic service by the Spanish health service.
  5. I haven't found the Connection to be misleading. It is, in my view, a left wing magazine and very pro-E.U. but there is always some very useful information in it. I'm prepared to put up with its left leaning bias for the useful titbits and interesting articles.
  6. You are wrong about it being completely irrelevant regarding UK citizens living in France. Unless you mean it wouldn't be used in France if you are a resident. However, if you venture into another E.U. country it is relevant and you would need it if you were injured or ill.
  7. People will argue about anything! I received my card from the U.K. some time ago. I was also inundated with people telling me I should have got one via CPAM. I stopped arguing with them, totally pointless. The card works if from CPAM or the U.K. in any event.
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