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Posts posted by Ken

  1. I thought it quite sad that the campaign against the U.K. regarding vaccine procurement hit a now low yesterday. On France Info there was the most biased and critical disinformation regarding vaccine supply. The beauty of it was is that it was accurate but unfortunately nothing like the whole truth. That France is a shambles regarding vaccination ,I suppose, then the blame has to be deflected. The travesty is that it is the media doing it. I can understand the government giving out misinformation but in my naive way would have hoped the media would report accurately.
  2. Judith,

    I understood what was meant by 'interview' though others obviously didn't!

    As I said in a previous post my CDJ is being sent to me and , apparently, I don't have to make a visit, hand in my old card or anything. It does seem as if different departments and prefectures are handling the procedure differently but as long as the card arrives I shan't complain.

    We shall see!!!!
  3. Yes I read it. About the only decent part of it was at least they said you have to walk briskly! Most people who walk don't do it briskly! In addition the article also said it counts towards an exercise regime. Again, most don't have a regime at all!

    As for losing weight! The people who advocate walking or any exercise as a weight losing method are in, effect, contributing to obesity. You will not lose weight by exercise. Given that most people don't exercise the whole article is ridiculous.
  4. The interviews are probably because people didn't bother to renew their old CDS. As in my case many years ago having a card became redundant and I also didn't bother to renew. (In fact I did try but the French authorities simply said it wasn't necessary and refused)

    Because of Brexit it did become necessary, on the advice of the British government we were advised to renew the old card but many simply didn't bother. Now, it would seem, many are having to go through the whole procedure again as a result, hence the interviews, documents and fingerprints etc.
  5. If at first you don't succeed…….! I apologise to all that this is a repeat of my post in 'Households' or something but I just may have found out how to put it somewhere more suitable!!! It should be in health but I couldn't find that thread!!!

    I think it is well established that if you are fat and have covid you are more likely to suffer more serious problems. What has hardly been mentioned is if you are fit and contract covid. The answer is of course you stand a much better chance of recovery. Fitness has many components. Strength, endurance, speed, flexibility etc but for the purposes of recovery from illness the best is almost certainly the endurance aspect, or what is generally considered to be fitness.

    Being able to walk a long distance is simply not good enough. What is required is for the body to be stressed i.e. the pulse rate and breathing rate elevated considerably. Walking, unless hard and powerful won't do it. Being unfit and fat (the two usually go together) is quite patently bad for someone without covid, with covid the combination is a potential killer.

    Stressing the body in exercise is essential to health.It is quite possible to be fit and fat. It is unlikely though that a fat person will be healthy!!!!

  6. I received an email from my local prefecture yesterday saying my 10 year CDS will be posted to me shortly.

    I had heard nothing since I applied way back in September other than the acknowledgement of application.

    Being prudent a couple of years ago when I renewed my original CDS when Brexit was imminent has paid off I'm pleased to say.

    I recall the British government advising us that we should do so to ease the transition to the 10 year card.

    I am somewhat surprised that I don't have to supply another photo but I suppose the fingerprints haven't changed!!!! presumably they think I have kept my good looks too!!!!
  7. I haven't read that France will surpass Russia in that area but I'm not surprised given the messing about that's going on here. I still expect a total lockdown in the coming weeks!

    I doubt very much that the US and the U.K. would play dirty at all regarding vaccine ingredients to the E.U. The moral high ground is extremely important and the E.U. has shown itself to be down in the gutter regarding morality.

    The U.K. hasn't refused to export anything and I think there is a little confusion regarding the U.S. The E.U. asked the U.S. for some vaccine and it refused. Splitting hairs perhaps but it was a refusal for vaccine and not a statement that they will refuse to export as in the same way the E.U. is trying to organise a block.

    I have every confidence in the morality of the U.K. and the U.S., at least regarding vaccine!
  8. Because I don't know what I'm doing!!! Well, in part anyway. I have wanted to post for some time but quite honestly can't figure out how to do it. I asked 'France Forum' how it was done but they couldn't be bothered to reply.

    I looked up in FAQ how to do it but that didn't work either so I just fumbled about until I could find a way of posting. I suppose it could have ended up under 'cooking' or gardening!!!

    Anyway, perhaps you could help me?
  9. The answer is that we can do nothing.Only the authorities can do something.

    Personally I would like to see the onus put on shops, airlines etc. If someone doesn't have a mask or the required paperwork then they don't get served. Fines for shops that do serve people without the required health protection.

    I favour the U.K. approach regarding possible requirements before you can buy a pint of beer and maybe other things. Just why should people be allowed to put others at health risk? There are hundreds of examples where we are governed or restricted so that others can be protected. Human rights!!! Sorry I just don't see it! Left wing nonsense.

  10. I think it is well established that if you are fat and have covid you are more likely to suffer more serious problems. What has hardly been mentioned is if you are fit and contract covid. The answer is of course you stand a much better chance of recovery. Fitness has many components. Strength, endurance, speed, flexibility etc but for the purposes of recovery from illness the best is almost certainly the endurance aspect, or what is generally considered to be fitness.

    Being able to walk a long distance is simply not good enough. What is required is for the body to be stressed i.e. the pulse rate and breathing rate elevated considerably. Walking, unless hard and powerful won't do it. Being unfit and fat (the two usually go together) is quite patently bad for someone without covid, with covid the combination is a potential killer.

    Stressing the body in exercise is essential to health.It is quite possible to be fit and fat. It is unlikely though that a fat person will be healthy!!!!
  11. I think that waiting for the results of the p.m. is of the utmost importance before anyone, particularly the press, jump to conclusions. It has been well catalogued that you are more likely to suffer blood clots from covid than from a vaccine.

    I bet we don't see the results of the p.m. given the same publicity that this young mans death has been given!
  12. Just a thought: I had next to no reaction from my AZ jab but my wife was very tired for 24 hrs;

    I'm over 2m (6ft 4ins) and weigh 83kgs. My wife is 1.58m and weighs 50kgs

    Given that we are, physically, completely different but were given the same dose of vaccine I just wonder if people who are suffering slight side affects are more on the diminutive side physically?
  13. Thank you for that. Yes, she does feel a lot better this morning. Yesterday she slept for an hour during the day, which was most unusual and felt tired all day, last night was a little feverish but now feeling more or less normal.

    Me, I worked like a trojan getting a tree root out all day and wasn't troubled at all. I did feel slightly 'muzzy' just as if I had had a drink ( or two!) So, I decided that as I felt as if I had had a drink I might as well do so. Two rum and cokes before dinner set me up quite nicely! I'm not sure if the slight headache during the night was the rum or the vaccine! Anyway no problems this morning feeding the cats at 5.30am so I reckon I must be all right!

    Hang in there for the vaccine, it will happen eventually.
  14. Had the jab. A little bit like having a rum and coke! I did a hard days work in the garden afterwards removing the roots from a tree so can't be bad !!

    It is essential that everyone does get vaccinated. This won't go away otherwise.

    My wife has a little after effects but apart from the 'rum and coke' feeling I'm fine. Incidentally I did have a couple the same evening!!! My wife declined!!
  15. It would be so nice if 'newscasters' gave news instead of asking questions! The newspapers and media are there to inform rather than to speculate. This is partly, if not completely ,to blame for people not taking up the vaccine. Spreading uncertainty and near panic shouldn't be the function of the BBC or anyone else.

    I had my first jab yesterday. The place in St Jean De Luz was near empty! The Red Cross staff outnumbered the patients by about four to one. France will never get vaccinated at this rate and life will not get back to normal any time soon. I wonder when people will hold the politicians responsible for this fiasco, probably never!
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