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Posts posted by Ken

  1. I think it a very sad reflection on life here in France, indeed the whole of the west, when we can behave like spoilt children and ask, no demand, that we have a vaccine of our choice.

    I'm definitely no socialist and I am honest enough to admit that suffering in other parts of the world leaves me generally unmoved. But….. the way we moan and whinge about vaccines, civil rights etc. when half the world hasn't even got clean water to drink makes me feel embarrassed. Do people know how privileged we are?

  2. We are going to have to agree to differ! I believe the Dutch origins refer more to the noise chain makes particularly regarding chain in ships. As you can imagine, after reading your post I hurriedly did a bit of research!!!!

    I will stick to clynk as in the prison in Clink st, being the origin of the word. As for it being 'gentrified'!! Good grief, are we talking about the same Southwark (I'm sure we are of course!) I played on the streets in Southwark as a kid around 1958-60 and worked there around 1965-6 before being posted to a more salubrious part of London, Kensington. Southwark, gentrified, I hope not but it is a 'few' years since I was there. Ah, memories!!!
  3. Well, I’ve had me two jabs so should be building up a good load of nice antibodies in me system.

    But what can I do? Rugger all is the answer. We are shut down again, I cant go to UK without being tested up the wazoo and being obliged to stay in some grotty hotel guarded by retards, fed muck and at risk of being infected.

    The French are behaving as if nothing happened with multitudes of family gathering whilst in Paris THEY hold champagne dinners behind closed doors.

    What next? No holidays allowed, this is a red zone, apparently, they are shipping cases out of the hospitals in Lille to heaven knows where.

    Cant even go to the restaurant.

    And worst of all the weather is so cold I cant even garden, struggling to protect seedlings with plastic sheets and socks for each one.?

    And the telly is rubbish.

    Yes, but other than that what is wrong!!!!!!!!!
  4. I understand the problems you have with these things, particularly wasps. With regard a deterrent for wasps, unfortunately there doesn't appear to be one!!!! I can only say that they are not aggressive and won't sting you unless you upset them!!!

    If one or even several are in the car I would simply recommend that you open the windows and they will leave, eventually!!!

    Not easy I know especially if you want to go for a drive!! Obviously if they are making a nest they have to be eradicated but making a not in a car is very unlikely unless the car is sitting there for months and not being used.
  5. I can understand completely that anyone suffering allergic reactions will want to remove any nests nearby. Fortunately I don't suffer allergies. I removed a nest by hand in my garden ( For the cat's sake!!!!) and suffered around 20 or so stings to my hands and arms, to me a wasp sting is just a little 'sting' and, as I said, I suffer no allergies at all.

    A similar occurrence with Asian Hornets didn't end so well and required a visit to the doctor!!!! You can't win them all!!!!
  6. Lori wrote: We eventually had screens put on the windows to lessen the presence of wildlife in the house.

    From time to time I'm aware of a 'fluttering' in the bedroom during the night and sure enough it's a bat trying to find it's way out.

    Left alone it always succeeds. sometimes when they are being a bit dense they have a little trouble and then they will find a little quite and dark corner to have a rest. Once rested they will then set off again and find their way out.

    Honestly, they are perfectly harmless and kill the mozzies in the room which is why they came in in the first place!!
  7. Catalpa wrote: Having said that, I (further) suppose there's a tacit acceptance by the gouvernement, police nationale, gendarmerie, etc, that some people will do as they choose anyway at times like Easter and they can't realistically manage to enforce / police half the population (otherwise they'd have stopped people leaving Paris in droves last week) so they hope to at least make people think before they get into cars or catch trains and then gradually enforce the rules.

    By which time, of course, they will have spread the virus very nicely!! Still, what's a few more dead?
  8. Lori,

    About bats: The only disease that can be contracted from bats is rabies and here in France that is unheard of. There is a respiratory disease that can be contracted from the guano but the guano has to be deep and old! The odd bit lying around the house or garden poses no risk at all.

    They do perform a very vital function regarding nature, so much so that they are a protected species and you can't remove them without permission!! There are 34 varieties here and all are perfectly safe.

    I have photographed and videoed bats flying around my loft, many with young attached to their breasts, absolutely amazing. Yes, I do have to go into the loft and clear up once a year but to see these creatures up close is the most wonderful thing.

    They are an endangered mammal that is why they are protected,incidently the only mammal that can fly!! Many myths and nonsense surround bats; they are not blind and they do migrate, sometimes thousands of miles across Europe. Will never attack humans and even help with pollination! They were here when I bought the house 23 years ago and I'm very pleased they are here every year. I would be quite sad if they were to permanently leave!
  9. It must be remembered that wasps, like bees are important in pollenating flowers and are part of the eco system. I agree that should they try and live in a car or somewhere else that is inconvenient then they have to be eradicated. Unfortunately far too many people kill them when it isn't necessary by using the 'bottle' trap or spray nests that are not causing a problem. In my experience wasps won't simply sting someone without a reason, no more than a bee will.

    Incidentally I have bats in my loft and in the sous-sol. Apart from a 'little messy' they are no problem, remember they eat mozzies!!! Spiders, yep, them also! some big buggers too! My wife hates them and is forever telling to remove them when they stroll around the living room! It should be remembered that they also do a good job . It's a shame that so many people resort to killing things when it isn't necessary.
  10. What I find rather odd about the 10k limit, ( as I do with any limit I suppose!) is that given it is designed to stop the spread of virus it seems ridiculous that I can travel 10k to somewhere, pass on any contamination to any number of people living there and they in turn can then travel a further 10k and contaminate others; so on and so on!!!

    As for the easter weekend, absurdity doesn't come into it!

    Unlimited travel for the weekend! Presumably the virus is taking the weekend off whilst stuffing itself with chocolate!!
  11. Actually the eyesight of snakes , depending on whether they are day or night hunters is quite good. Those that hunt during the day are adapted to the light and their sight isn't particularly good at night. Vice versa for night hunters.

    It would have been most amusing to see you jumping around in the woods, for apparently no reason!!!!
  12. There aren't very bad snakes in France. Even the most venomous bites do not need anti-venom vaccine. Only in the most severe of reactions is vaccine needed and it is extremely rare.

    They do like wood piles. I had a 2m couleuve living in mine last year. The fact is though snakes are more frightened of us than we are of them, hard to believe I know!!!!
  13. Perhaps I'm missing something, I often do but— I see little difference, in fact none; in someone needing intensive care to save their life suffering from Covid and someone suffering something else that is also life threatening. both need ICU but Covid appears to get priority every time. As I say I may be missing something but I would have thought when treatment to save life is needed then it is first come first served!! Covid or otherwise.
  14. April sees snakes come out of hibernation. They are a protected species in France and if you kill one then the penalty is up to two years in prison and thousands in fines. That is all snakes by the way, venomous or not. I have seen several in my garden over the years and the most frightening have been the couleuvre a magnificent looking snake that grows to around 2 metres and is very common in SW France. It can bite if cornered but is not lethal. Beautiful colouring and part of nature.

    I have turned part of my lawn area into a 'wild' garden to encourage butterflies and bees etc but hopefully I will see a few more snakes as well!! despite them frightening the life out of me! Vipers are also common and are venomous but to a healthy person really no threat at all, unless you have a heart attack!!!

    I have four cats and they are bright enough to just look at any snake that turns up and not get involved! Spring is a great time for nature, snakes, insects and of course plants. Good to be alive!

  15. I'm sure it has occurred to many people that the partial lockdown that has been operating in France for several weeks had failed to slow down the virus spread. I'm just totally perplexed that Macron, imposing virtually the same 'lockdown' on the whole of France, thinks it will now work. Has he never heard the term 'don't re-enforce failure'?

    Quite patently the regional lockdowns were a waste of time, and lives. Now we have just a bigger waste of time and even more lives. As for the 10K nonsense, so someone with the virus can travel 10k, give the disease to someone living there and that person can then move on for another 10K—ad infinitum!!! The mind boggles!!!!
  16. Thought it rather nice of the President to give everyone the chance to get away by announcing the lockdown will take place from Saturday for 4 weeks. I wonder if it has occurred to him, or anyone for that matter, that the spread of this disease is because people are moving about? Remember the traffic jams a few weeks ago when Paris was 'locked down' and they all left? Two weeks later Bordeaux was in trouble!

    In any event, given the huge gatherings that have taken place in the so called 'locked down' regions I doubt this lockdown will make much difference. Still, as he said, the whole population will be vaccinated by the end of June so no problem really. Just as well he said it yesterday and not today!!!!
  17. I agree with you completely that people need to take responsibility for their behaviour. I certainly avoid crowds whenever possible and take all and any precautions to avoid catching this disease.

    Where I do disagree with you is in the area of general responsibility. Quite obviously, as you have pointed out, there are too many idiots who don't care about others and take very little personal responsibility for spreading the disease. But how to deal with them?

    The only people who can are the heads of State, Macron, Merkel and Johnson. They are the only people who can force the idiots to behave in a way that doesn't affect others, you can't and neither can I. If they don't act sufficiently strongly enough, as I believe is the case in France then the only person to blame is the President, he makes the decisions. I'm afraid someone does have to take responsibility for Governmental decisions and that is the leader!

    I also feel sure that work is underway regarding vaccinations and development for future treatments. It would be negligent not to do so.

  18. L'empereur Macron will be on T.V., possibly tonight and I think his speech should be something like this:

    Mes chers compatriotes, je suis vraiment désolé que beaucoup d'autres personnes meurent à cause de mon inaction, mais il est important que les Européens fassent preuve de solidarité. C'est aussi la faute des Britanniques bien sûr pour le Brexit et ça m'énerve vraiment !

    J'ai parlé avec Mutti et UVL et ils sont d'accord avec moi pour dire que les Britanniques doivent vraiment être punis mais malheureusement, en ce moment, les Britanniques nous font passer pour des idiots ! Donc, il faut que plus d'européens meurent car on ne peut pas nous voir céder et dire que les Britanniques avaient raison.

    Cue the Marseilles , Da da da da da da da da da de
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