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Posts posted by Ken

  1. Anyone who simply accepts what. the media states must be an idiot! A general idea is about the best that can be ascertained. Do people just switch off their brain , I guess they do. Perhaps it is more a question of what they want to believe! The truth is what you believe it to be!!!!!!

    I think that your heart and passion has put your statement in the wrong context. If someone knows you are dyslexic then of course it's wrong to point out an error? Perhaps that is what you meant? Even if they don't know you are dyslexic it is still pompous and unnecessary

    However, the blunt statement about it doesn't matter how you spell something I certainly can't agree with. if you mean it across the spectrum of education then it is, in my view, wrong. Just what would be the point of education if fundamentals are ignored!

    I never criticise others when they make a mistake as I make plenty of my own and have had some 'bright spark' point it out in the past! A mistake is a mistake and we all make them. Good English is important and it does matter. Incidentally three of my grandchildren are dyslexic!!!
  3. ALBF wrote --There was civil war in France yesterday. How many policeman/women /Pompiers injured all over France ?

    And this is just the beginning.

    The fireman/pombier caught on camera being hit with something with his back turned...

    Well, if I was him, I would grabbed the fecker, dragged him into a corner and asked for a proper fight.

    What a coward.

    Who the FECK would move to France ? Who would go on holiday to France ?

    France HAS become a dump of a country.

    One could be forgiven that you don't like France!!!!
  4. , "at least until there have been several months of zero cases."

    I doubt there will ever be zero cases. After all, flu and colds are with us all year round as are other infectious diseases. Eventually we will just have to live with it and have vaccinations in the same way as we do with flue.
  5. 'I would be rather wary of the pfizer vaccination. Two reasons - the first is that there is a stronger reaction to the first injection of pfizer - apparently it stimulates the immune system into hyper-drive.

    But there are also reports coming out that it has caused serious heart complications; now if anyone has had heart problems (apart from broken ones of course !) - then maybe that is a reason to avoid the pfizer.'

    Chessie: It would appear that you garner your info from the media, as I do. Some apparently need links!!
  6. I had lunch with my French neighbours yesterday and I asked them who they would vote for in the final run off, Le Pen or Macron. They hate Macron but hate Le Pen more so Macron it is. I think that will be the result next year.

    I asked them why they hate Le Pen. Just as I have asked several others The only thing they could say is "she is far right" which is no answer at all.

    Le Pen hasn't said she is sending people off to the gas chambers or anything else that can be construed as anti-Jewish or anti anyone come to that yet people persist in this 'far right' nonsense without providing any validy to the nonsense surrounding the term 'far right'!
  7. Variants aren't a problem. The existing vaccines are effective against all of them. The problem is that the vast majority of people have still not been vaccinated, at least here in France. 14 million only have received their first jab and Macron is, apparently, going to start opening up France next week, as are other E.U. countries.

    It beggars belief that politicians can gamble with people's lives like this. The tame media in France is giving this government a free ride. Castex I think is quite useless but is Macron's puppy so will stay in place. Over 100,000 dead ; another 345 dead this morning and France is going to 'relax' restrictions; were there ever any!!!!!!!

  8. My views on terrorist attacks and how terrorists should be treated are very much in line with views already expressed here. In fact my views are stronger than most.

    There is however, always an 'however',

    I just wonder how many people here, including myself, would invite someone into their home knowing full well their religious beliefs, mode of dress and more importantly their sensibilities. Then proceed to insult them?

    Would people here, just for example, knowing the person is jewish; offer them pork for a meal or ask them not to come to visit wearing their traditional robes or perhaps more pertinently, knowing their sensibilities, allow someone in the family to blatantly insult them through showing caricatures or other material knowing it to be offensive to the guest?

    I doubt there is one person here that would do such a thing! yet when governments do it by , in effect, inviting immigrants to come and live in Europe these same people are , once they arrive, expected to conform to our way of life. They are not told, before they come, that insults to their religion are allowed or that they cannot wear certain dress as is their custom.

    My point being: Is it right that I ask or allow people to come into my home (or country) and then demand they change their dress because it is the law or allow insults because I consider it to be free speech or should I warn them before hand that these things occur so if they come they must change their way of life and beliefs?

    It's too late anyway of course and governments do have a lot to answer for but will never be held responsible. Only the 'terrorist' is 100% wrong!!!!
  9. That article, by a left wing eu rag is simply an article that is in opposition to the U.K. Any sensible person knows that.

    The political aspect of N.I. and football cannot be compared. Only an idiot would think so.

    Casual approach to the pandemic! Which country is having almost no deaths from Covid, which country has declared itself pandemic free. Non on mainland Europe so where does that leave the rag's statement?

    As for 'we' I too live in France but am still an Englishman, just what are you? By 'we' I mean Britain and that includes me as an Englishman.

    Out of the corrupt E.U. is what 'we' are out of. You want to support an argument against the U.K then at least have the gumption to do it on your own initiative and not try and shift a spurious argument on to a left wing rag.
  10. I'm afraid an E.U. supporting rag doesn't really cut it for me. Any opportunity to knock Brexit or Boris these people will take.

    They should get over it, we are out!! Thank heavens or the pandemic would still be raging in the U.K. too!!!
  11. Football has long died for me I'm afraid. Money has, in my view, completely ruined the game so I wasn't surprised to read that a group of clubs tried (and failed) to set up a European super league.

    The object, of course, was to make yet more money; what else?

    A furious backlash by fans has helped, apparently, to cancel the formation of the super league but I wonder if these same fans realise that by paying the ever increasing fees to watch football or buying the exorbitant kit on sale they are simply promoting even more schemes to make money.

    Clubs know these people will continue to pay whatever it is they ask so it was no wonder a 'Super league' was planned. This won't go away I predict that even more price rises will come out of it. If there is one single cause to the problems in football then it is the fans who are causing it by paying the fees the clubs know they will pay.

    As for the government getting involved: These clubs are private ventures and government interference shouldn't take place. The clubs are there to make money and they pay handsome taxes as a result!!! Incidentally the government didn't interfere when Rugby formed a 'Super league'! I suppose there wasn't enough kudos in it to gain some popularity; and votes!! Or is that me being just cynical?
  12. Verun has said that talks are in progress regarding easing 'lockdowns' region by region. (This mornings news) Apparently, he says, things have improved considerably over the last three weeks!

    Strange! On the same piece there were 450 deaths from Covid in the last 24 hrs and Alsace has reported over 3000 alone!!!

    Perhaps we have differing ideas as to what constitutes 'improvement!!!
  13. Perhaps you should follow the regulations that apply in the U.K. and save yourself from making asinine remarks.

    The rule governing funerals is different to many rules regarding gatherings and is limited to 30 people.

    I can assure you that it isn't some ' ordinary Joe' making the rules but ultimately the Prime Minister. I would have thought that most obvious!

    As for regarding something that resembled a serene family funeral perhaps you should have watched something more than just clips. I doubt any normal family funeral would have had soldiers from many British regiments attending as guards of honour plus the military bands. Perhaps your family funerals do, I wouldn't know!

    The British 'do' ceremony very well, possibly better than any country and should it have been a 'full' ceremonial funeral for such a well respected man as the Prince then it certainly would not have been a circus.
  14. The truth is what you believe it to be!!!! Quote from John Humphrys.

    Peoples views are influenced in all sorts of ways, brainwashed if you like! The fact is we arrive at a view that is coloured by our beliefs, prejudices etc and then reinforced by a media that you agree with.

    The truth is what you believe it to be and not necessarily what it actually is!!!
  15. The ones whooping it up were outside. the Queen and the thirty were inside.

    The Queen and her entourage would have to be seen to be doing things correctly otherwise some smart Alec would try and find fault with what they were doing!
  16. It is obvious from what you say that yo don't actually know anything relating to your burglary. Words like 'presumably', were, currently, given to understand etc etc point to that very much.

    You were asked to whether you wish to enact a criminal charge. Your tone is that you are not going to. You are not going to pursue anything. That , in my view, isn't something to be proud of.

    'Those that stand by and do nothing————!

  17. We were burgled, about thirty years ago in Tunbridge Wells. Long before we came here. I haven't a clue what sort of person you are or anything about your emotions but I didn't suffer any 'trauma and neither did my wife. We simply understood that anyone, anytime, anywhere can break into your house if they want to.

    The trick is not to make it easy for the average 'speculator'! By that I mean leaving doors and windows unlocked when the house is empty or when you have retired for the night. Most burglaries and 'break-ins' are by people seeing an opportunity, an open window etc; It is very rare that burglars will make a noise or want to be disturbed.

    I feel completely safe in my home if you don't that's a shame. You must be in a permanent state of anxiety. Perhaps a large dog might help!!!!

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