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Posts posted by betise

  1. I just tried, using incognito mode, but still not possible.  I could select the topic (you have to click on the topic group, which then gives you a drop down list), but still got the "oops, something went wrong" message.

  2. As ALBF has said, it depends whether it is constructible or not.  If it doesn't have a certificate d'urbanism then it will only be of interest to farmers, and non-constructible land is dirt cheap. An agent can do a valuation of the land, even if you won't be selling it with them, but there will be a fee.  Also be aware that land that may have been constructible some years ago may now have changed its designation to non-constructible.

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  3. Chessie, there is information on your right to complain in the link below ...

    https://solidarites-sante.gouv.fr/systeme-de-sante-et-medico-social/parcours-de-sante-vos-droits/modeles-et-documents/guide-usagers-votre-sante-vos-droits/article/fiche-25-les-voies-de-recours-en-cas-de-dommages-lies-aux-soins#:~:text=liés aux soins-,Fiche 25 %3A les voies de recours en cas de dommages liés aux soins,-Établissements de santé

    As for the nappy, and being strapped to the bed/chair, my mother in law here in France suffered exactly the same treatment. Despite our complaints, we were told that she was a danger to herself (as she had suffered a stroke, and was unsteady on her feet) and that they didn't have enough staff to be running around helping people to the toilet all the time!


  4. Chessie, was the epilepsy medication Lyrica/Pregabalin?  It is also prescribed to control nerve pain, so should not have any *unexpected* side effects for someone without the condition.  But (big but) Lyrica needs to be started on a very low dose, as one of its well known side effects is dizziness or vertigo! Not in the medical field myself, but I DO take Lyrica.

  5. 36 minutes ago, alittlebitfrench said:


    I would love the idea of living in a country where everyone on my street comes from different countries, different backgrounds, different ideas.

    That won't happen in France. 

    Oh I don't know ALBF, if I threw a stone (hard enough) it would land in the garden of French, English, Australian, Welsh, Dutch, Portuguese or Belgian neighbours. Perhaps not completely multicultural, but most of them have French nationality, yet retain a part of their own heritage and culture.

    It has never occurred to me to ask if they are proud of their heritage, but they all root for their own when rugby or football are concerned, yet also join the celebrations, without hesitation, if France should win.

  6. 2 hours ago, Ken said:

     What is just as disgusting is the lack of criticism aimed at the E.U. from its 'supporters'. Do they lack the same moral courage? It would seem so.

    Damn, I wasn't going to bite, but go on then...

    Who are these 'supporters'?  Lack of replies may be due to something else entirely.

  7. 58 minutes ago, Harnser said:

    Nothing to do with favourite candidates - I was highlighting the dubious action of the EUSSR doing their best to enhance the election chances of their biggest fanboy.

    And the EU seem to be continuing to try to do "a Fillon" on MLP 

    Marine Le Pen (RN) and her relatives are accused by the European anti-fraud office of having embezzled around 600,000 euros of European public money during their terms of office as MEPs, according to a new report revealed on Saturday by Mediapart and handed over to French justice.
    "I am surprised by the always strong timing about the revelation" and its "instrumentalization", reacted to AFP Me Rodolphe Bosselut, the lawyer for Marine Le Pen, campaigning for the second round of the presidential election.

    Me Bosselut also says he is "dismayed by the way Olaf (European anti-fraud office) acts, without contradictory character" and on "old facts of more than ten years" for some.


    But we have known this for years, they may be pushing it to the surface now, but it doesn't change the fact that she, and her party, are well known for "mismanagement" of funds. 




  8. 1 hour ago, couldstay said:

    Don't feel too worried about these things, times have changed

    I'm sorry couldstay, I don't understand your post? Should we not worry about the atrocities committed in Bucha and Kramatorsk ? 

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