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Posts posted by betise

  1. 3 hours ago, Ken said:

    ALBF 'Why do peeps living in France beat the UK down ?'

    Well you have asked a question!     As you have pointed out, Britain is a great country, has its problems of course but essentially it nurtured everyone here so it can't be bad! So what is the reason ? My belief is that those who continually knock Britain are, in the main, embittered 'remainers'. 

    Oh! I read of all sorts of reasons as to why Britain is poor at this or that but it is always Britain, rarely France or any other country. No doubt feelings here will be 'Brexit' again' he can't leave it alone! The fact is there has to be a real reason for the continued criticism of the U.K. They don't like it but I feel that is the reason.

    Rule Britannia!


    If you want to hear about people knocking France, you probably have to read French (language) forums.

    • Like 1
  2. 34 minutes ago, alittlebitfrench said:


    They are crying out for peeps to become pompiers in France.

    If my house is burning down or my family are trapped in a car after an accident, I really don't care who is the nationality of the person saving my house/or my family.


    It is a French attitude problem. 

    If your son speaks fluent French then he should be able to become a pompier. IMHO. 

    With you on that, they will take foreigners as voluntary pompiers, but to become a professional you must be French.  But both are equally able to rescue you or your family ALBF.

  3. 16 minutes ago, DraytonBoy said:

    He's been a volontaire for several years but to be a full time pompier he needs French nationality, it's a Brexit problem.


    Indeed, full time professional pompiers in France are fonctionaires, and to be a fonctionaire you have to have French nationality.

    • Like 1
  4. Ken, your comments are both patronising and insulting. Before judging others, take a look at yourself. 

    I am French, yet I can criticize France if I wish, I am British, yet can also criticize the UK, I am not blind to the faults of either country.

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  5. 2 hours ago, Ken said:

     Then again you are not British. I  think Britain has shown the way. Britain is at the forefront of resisting the invasion of the Ukraine. Instead oaf knocking it you should be supporting it, but of course you are not British.

    Ken, unless he has renounced his British nationality then he most certainly is.  Dual nationality, ever heard of it? 

    I do applaud your tenacity, but if you are going to continue this thread much longer, you should perhaps refer to Ukraine by its preferred moniker, and drop the article that predates its independence from the Soviet Union.

  6. Mint, I just tried a test message to you, and it seems to have worked.

    What you need to do is hover (don't click) your mouse over the name of a user . A box will open, and at the bottom right is a "message" button, click on that.  The rest is simples.

  7. 10 hours ago, alittlebitfrench said:


    On that note, on TV you see thousands of young woman with their babies fleeing the country and their husbands being held back to go and fight.

    We as a family would be more than happy to put a family up. But there does not seem to be at the moment anyway we can offer our help. 


    An email address for families who can accommodate Ukranian refugees hebergement@ukr.fr 



    Chers tous,
    L'information pour ceux qui veulent accueillir les refugiés:
    Propositions d'hébergement d'urgence:
    Ecrivez à Liudmyla Mudra , Iryna Korotkova par mail: hebergement@ukr.fr
    afin de ne pas saturer la boite e-mail principale.
    Cela permet aussi de coordonner les efforts entre les régions.
    Merci à vous tous pour votre solidarité avec le peuple ukrainien.
    avec: Olga Kroshko



  8. 2 hours ago, alittlebitfrench said:

    Most Brits who can't afford to return to the UK will get cremated in France. They can't afford a place in a French cemetry either that is for sure. ? It will cost more than their house. Even with a few gîtes.




    Oi ALBF, Lori is not a Brit, and I'll be cremated because I've no truck with religion, and care not a hoot about my earthly remains. As I said, they can twang me put of a tree for all I care. Once I'm gone I'm gone.

  9. On 24/01/2022 at 22:05, anotherbanana said:

    Yes, the world has changed, folk have left us, moved on or even passed away. Not so many left in France these days. We have lost something.

    Oh my, I have just spent a happy half hour revisiting posts there, so many familiar names, Coops, Claire, 5-element, Bugsy, even me (before login problems force me to reinvent myself).

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