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Posts posted by betise

  1. I am sharing this here in the hope that the British owners can be traced.  

    The fact that the cat has no chip could mean that the owners are resident in France.  

    "SOS appeal to find the owners of a cat recently found in a service station in Normandy, France but whose owners tragically can not be traced. We are also appealing for people with contacts in the UK media to help get this story covered. Full details below.
    Some British people travelling in a camper van lost their 3-legged tortoiseshell cat (one leg had been amputated) in July this year (2023) at a service station called “Aire des Haras au Sap André 61” on the A28 Autoroute (motorway) in Normandy, France.
    They returned to the service area several times to look for her and left posters in the petrol station and food area.
    In August, on one of their visits, they were told that a tortoiseshell cat had been found run over and killed in the area and it was thought to be their cat. After this they stopped going back there and the posters were all thrown away.
    However we now know that the cat who was run over had 4 legs so wasn’t their cat.
    Fast forward to early November (a few days ago) and a truck driver (who it turns out was there when the British people lost the cat originally so knew all about her) pulls into the service station and finds her. He’s sure it’s her since she has 3 legs, just like the missing cat. He picks her up and contacts local rescue groups who take her to the vet only to find that she doesn’t have a chip (and an X-ray is done to ensure the chip hasn’t migrated and shows definitively that there is no chip). So there is no way of contacting the owners other than to appeal on social media which has been done but the owners haven’t been located.
    We do not know if the owners live in France or the UK. The fact that she doesn’t have a chip leads us to believe that they may live in France but we also know that on rare occasions microchips fall out.
    I am hoping that the media will cover this story and help us to reunite her with her family. And please everybody share as far and wide as possible on social media.
    Contact - you can private message me here on Facebook or e-mail to pepeperkins@hotmail.com."
  2. 1 hour ago, DaveLister said:

    Beautiful view, just waiting for that lottery win. 😀 Where I live at the moment is terribly touristy in the Summer so I tend to hibernate July and August. I just fancy doing it in lower ambient temperatures. What I might try next year is booking a BnB for a month or so to see how bad it is. Try before you buy.😉

    Or, you could try a pet/house sit. The advantage being that it is free, and you would be living in a real home, as opposed to a tourist pad.

  3. 18 hours ago, pspspscal said:

    Hello everyone!

    I am going to France to work as a PhD student. As far as I understand, since I will pay taxes from my salary, I will have access to the French healthcare system. I have type 1 diabetes and have a few questions related. I will be grateful for any piece of advice, help, or links where I can find this information.

    1. How does the process of diabetes drug prescription work in France? Should I visit an endocrinologist or a general practitioner? Should I visit them every time I need to get insulin (for example, every month), or are their prescriptions long-term?

    You will probably have to see an endocrinologist the first time, but after that you GP will be able to write your prescriptions for you, in the first instance renewable 3 times. You will be covered 100% as someone with an ALD (affection de longue durée)

    1. What can I get as a diabetes person involved in the French healthcare system besides insulin? Test strips for glucometer, needles, lancets? Particularly, I am curious about the possibility of getting a Glucose Monitoring System, e.g. Freestyle Libre. I wonder if the state insurance covers these sensors?

    Your test strips, lancettes, needles, glucometer  and stylo (if you use insulin cartridges) are free and included in the prescription.  Freestyle libres are also free in France, but it must be your endocrinologist who prescribes this. 

    1. How do doctors decide which insulin you can get? If I just say that Novorapid and Lantus work better for me than other insulin types (such as Fiasp, Humalog, and Levemir), will the doctor agree to prescribe them to me? Will be translated proofs (I am from outside of the EU), such as my endocrinologist' notes, enough?

    No experience of this, but if you have already tried others, then translated notes or prescriptions should be OK. Novorapid and Lantus are usually the default insulin choices.

    1. How is it going with diabetes check-ups? I am interested in blood tests, ultrasound, ophthalmologist and neurologist visits. For example, in my country, I have blood and urine tests every 6 months (or even every 3 months) and eye checks once a year. I am interested if it works the same way in France.

    Blood checks are usually every 3 months, or 6 months if your HbAC1 results are good and stable. Eye checks are about one every 2 years, and heart checks about the same.  All are covered 100% by the state.


    I will be grateful for your help and answers. 

    Merci beaucoup!


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  4. What we do know for a fact, from the autopsy report, is that he was shot in the arm, but the shot ricocheted. That is certain.  All the rest, the supposed point blank shot to the head or chest, the temoinage of the passenger, the stories circulating on the social networks, is just so much speculation or blame deflecting.

  5. 16 hours ago, Ken said:

    I have lived a life, not without its ups and downs but wonder just what we have now arrived at. In my upbringing  there were men and there were  women; i. e. she had vaginas and men had, well dangly bits! Now there are women who want to be men, and of course men who want to be women. In between there is anything that you want to be!! In addition we now have children who want to be identified as cats or dogs and there  seems to be support for these weirdos! , I gather my pension and think that if, or when, the world ends, I don't give a fu--ck!. I will live my life without these weirdos!


  6. 7 minutes ago, Ken said:

    So vociferous! I presume the 'pot belly' jibe struck home!!

    So sorry, I thought I had expressed myself quite clearly, you are wrong.

    Now, I really must toddle off and do something useful.

  7. 2 hours ago, Ken said:

    You think my view of 'pot bellied' is 'warped'? It is usually the 'pot bellied' ones who react!! 

    Am I speaking to Ken, or Ken mark 2, or an algorithm?  I really don't think you can be an algorithm though Ken, as they necessitate being based on logic.

    But even a broken clock is right twice a day, so better luck next time.

    Tick tock ...

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