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Everything posted by Harnser

  1. But electric car enthusiasts think they are powered by pixie dust don't they?
  2. I was strangely amused that Michel Barnier, the EU failed dropout candidate, who had delusions of grandeur of being a candidate in this presidential election achieved the sum total of one signature. One? Really? Oh Dear.
  3. With Europe focussing on the man who has his hand on the Russian gas tap, energy security is the most important subject for the forthcoming presidential election bar none. As President you must make your best efforts to keep the people warm and fed and with the affordable means to travel to their work and to the shops. Squeaky bum time for Macron?
  4. Take a look at the policies of Valerie Pecresse compared to those of Marine LePen - there are marked similarities. But nobody is shuddering at the prospect of Pecresse getting elected.
  5. "The pens are still there and are quite incredible. A visit well worth doing if you are interested In in 2nd WW history" I've been there as well, impressive structure, and features in the book/film Das Boot. As well as numerous references to the off duty antics of the crews around La Baule. https://uboat.net/forums/read.php?3,16891
  6. Been there, looked all around the Forme Joubert and the old defences and cupolas, also the deck gun from the Cambeltown was on display at the Place du Commando, it was dredged up in the 60' or 70's after being blown off the deck by the huge explosion which wrecked the dock gate. https://www.saint-nazaire-tourisme.uk/offers/canon-du-campbeltown-saint-nazaire-en-2501079/
  7. Been there, looked all around the Forme Joubert and the old defences and cupolas, also the deck gun from the Cambeltown was on display at the place du Commando, it was dredged up in the 60' or 70's after being blown off the deck by the huge explosion which wrecked the dock gate. https://www.saint-nazaire-tourisme.uk/offers/canon-du-campbeltown-saint-nazaire-en-2501079/
  8. Already been flushed away by the look of it.
  9. The previous pot of yours crowing about how much free electricity the windmills are making is in doubt. They are currently making 1.07 GW not 86 GW https://www.gridwatch.templar.co.uk/ The same website has the information about France. The aeolians francais are making 1.56 GW The nukes plus hydro are making 45.32 GW https://www.gridwatch.templar.co.uk/france/ Windmills - useless contraptions.
  10. Briefly, activists (agri-terrorists) build a barrier out of breeze blocks to stop a train carrying grain (wheat?) to an animal food factory near us and having stopped it, proceed to open the valves/doors at the bottom of the tanks carrying the grain and let it spill onto the tracks. And then ran away. Another news site said that they thought the grain was soya ( So what?) As the valves or doors cannot be closed because of the weight of the grain above them, there is a risk that all of the grain could be wasted as it's contaminated if it has to drain out onto the ground if the train is moved. https://www.ouest-france.fr/bretagne/centre-bretagne-des-activistes-bloquent-et-vident-un-train-de-cereales-pres-d-une-usine-sanders-4956d89e-a767-11ec-95bd-846f9f6707ea These activists when they are not dressed in white suits and masks look just like you and me don't they? https://www.letelegramme.fr/morbihan/langoelan/collectif-bretagne-contre-les-fermes-usines-joie-allegresse-et-delivrance-a-langoelan-11-12-2021-12886522.php Nice normal sober serious people, conspiring to waste grain which could be in short supply globally because of the Ukraine war. Think before you protest! They want to stop agri business and revert to how food production was 50 years ago.
  11. https://pressgazette.co.uk/newsquest-buys-rival-regional-publisher-archant/#:~:text=The UK's second biggest regional,firm Rcapital in September 2020. Will it affect this forum? Is it run by the same part of Archant that got sold off? Will we all get made redundant? Was ALBF part of the deal? Is it all the fault of the unions?
  12. That is the reason I wear FFP2 masks - the medical version which increases the protection considerably.
  13. Listening on radio today to an employment lawyer, there seems to be a legal vacuum where the employer is not UK based, and the ship is Cyprus flagged. But another opinion heard was that as the seamen are UK based - ie they do not sleep on the ship as do crews on cruise ferries to spain etc, this apparently makes a lot of difference, I have no idea why. The elephant in the room to me is "Where are the Dover dockworkers and their union?" they could refuse to handle those ferries. Their union used to be the TGWU which morphed into Unite. I just looked on the Unite website, a couple of whingeing articles about politicians causing the 800 redundancies (How?) but no news of any action.
  14. You are obviously not aware that the UK leaving the EU has not affected "basic worker's rights" in the UK in any way whatsoever. All of the U.K. employment law that stemmed from EU law (such as the Working Time Directive) was already in effect, cut and pasted into U.K. law by the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, which created the concept of "retained EU law." So in the immediate future, U.K. employment law will not change and is unaffected by the agreement.
  15. This is the website that I am referring to :- https://app.dvf.etalab.gouv.fr/ But it seems so out of date, having entered the location of a property I know changed hands 4 years ago - Is there any other more up to date site(s)?
  16. That Chris Bryant daren't utter his accusation outside of the HoC is rather telling don't you think?
  17. Nige in very combative form on his TV show from Dudley. Apart from addressing Guy Verhofstadt he also mentioned what Bryant said in the HoC. He eloquently said "Please repeat it outside as I have a writ ready and I want a new car" An explanation for the hard of thinking:- Any MP can say anything within the HoC and is not liable to be sued for defamation. It's called parliamentary privilege. Say it outside of the HoC and a court action for defamation is on the cards as per Nigel's remarks. A deafening silence from Chris Bryant is the result. So he has no evidence and cannot back up what he said with facts. No surprise!
  18. If it's the forum I think it is they are a pathetic bunch of small-minded bigots that mostly keep on and on about the same subjects - Boris, the Tories, Brexit etc - ad nauseam.
  19. TikTok - Oh dear you are scraping the bottom of the barrel? Labour party MP trousered half a million £ from the Chinese. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/barry-gardiner-mi5-mps-chinese-labour-b1992599.html
  20. Look at it positively, with fuel prices going up daily the fuel in your tank that you bought last week is now worth more , so if you don't do many miles that increase in value pays for this week's trip to the shops.?
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