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Everything posted by Harnser

  1. "So, the "feurte" thingies for windows do not work; that doesn't surprise me as I looked at the pictures and had my doubts." I can't say that they don't work, it just seemed a lot of messing about sticking velcro tape along the edge of the windows, if your OH is not keen or able to do the solid insert give it a go, you may very well be able to make more sense of it than we did.
  2. Answering or adding to my own post here, there is an alternative to making the insert as I did, it's a sort of fabric contrivance sold as a kit for about €20 - we bought one with the aircon unit. Took it out of the packet, read the instructions, shook our heads, folded it up, put it back in the packet and it went back to lidl for a refund on the way to the diy shed for the plywood. Up to you of course, if you or OH is not interested in a bit of swift diy making the insert.
  3. Zeroing in your specific questions- So, what I want to ask you, Harnser, is whether yours has a large tube to put outside your window? We do have a window in the bedroom but in the sitting room, the only window is a French type that opens onto an enclosed verandah. Not sure how we could get the tube through the door and then seal the rest of the door that would be ajar and thus letting the hot air back in? Yes menthe it has a large flexible tube/hose a bit like an oversized tumble dryer hose to get rid of the heat that is extracted from the room. If you have french -style inward opening casement windows like our bedroom, the right hand half opens first so you keep the left hand half closed and make an "insert" to fit the right hand opening from 15 mm plywood with the outlet hose in the bottom 8" or so, I cut a window into the insert so as not to make the room darker and glazed it with plastic glass "polyglass" various plastic fittings come with the unit to do this. You could do this with a "french door" type also - the full plywood sheets come as 2500mm x 1250mm I HAVE seen air conditioners that do not need an extractor tube but not sure if these are just glorified fans and would do a proper job? These are not true air conditioners, they evaporate water or use ice cubes with a fan blowing over/through it. I doubt that's going to work in a large room, probably ok to put on your desk in an office blowing at your face. Getting hold of a unit Amazon.fr have them, here 7000 btu which we have and a bigger 9000 btu unit. I'm not specifically recommending this particular make or model but from our experience they do the job. Bear in mind they do make a noise but that's preferable to being a big sweaty mess and not sleeping properly. (from my school science memory the BTU is the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree fahrenheit.) 7000 BTU unit https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B07KJT9K9M/ref=redir_mobile_desktop?_encoding=UTF8&aaxitk=1d66e626e91199f8b7c7490bec577e06&content-id=amzn1.sym.962b535b-a8b7-499f-8ba5-164fe04b0459%3Aamzn1.sym.962b535b-a8b7-499f-8ba5-164fe04b0459&hsa_cr_id=5808331370602&pd_rd_plhdr=t&pd_rd_r=671e380a-17d1-42dc-8493-c25e0dac7d62&pd_rd_w=m0QLk&pd_rd_wg=aOclk&qid=1660381070&ref_=sbx_be_s_sparkle_mcd_asin_1_title&sr=1-2-fd947bf3-57d2-4cc9-939d-2805f92cef28 9000 btu unit https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B07KJYD1ZP/ref=redir_mobile_desktop?_encoding=UTF8&aaxitk=1d66e626e91199f8b7c7490bec577e06&content-id=amzn1.sym.962b535b-a8b7-499f-8ba5-164fe04b0459%3Aamzn1.sym.962b535b-a8b7-499f-8ba5-164fe04b0459&hsa_cr_id=5808331370602&pd_rd_plhdr=t&pd_rd_r=671e380a-17d1-42dc-8493-c25e0dac7d62&pd_rd_w=m0QLk&pd_rd_wg=aOclk&qid=1660381070&ref_=sbx_be_s_sparkle_mcd_asin_2_img&sr=1-3-fd947bf3-57d2-4cc9-939d-2805f92cef28 Free delivery with prime!
  4. Errrm - I think you will find that the aforementioned new car from Lidl is a poisson d'avril - look at the date of the original post.
  5. It was only 13 C here last night - OH was complaining of cold feet in bed!
  6. "Hope you can all find a way to keep cool" We just bought a portable air-con unit to cool our bedroom down when it's too hot to be comfortable. Monday 18 July was peak heat here in south central Brittany following weeks of hot weather. Monday's forecast temperature was high 30's to early 40's after a few weeks of early to mid 30's, so this old stone house had absorbed and stored that heat, which was making our normally cool bedroom increasingly uncomfortable. We spotted that Lidl had an offer on a portable air con unit on the previous Friday, not their own rubbish Silver Crest brand but a widely available brand called "Comfee", so took the plunge and bought one. www.archyde.com/lidl-comfee-air-conditioner-cheap-.../ - That price is a tad out of date, we paid €200 at Lidl Went out next day and bought a sheet of 15 mm plywood and a sheet of polyglass to made an insert for our inward opening casement bedroom window for the warm air exhaust from the air con unit. The maximum daytime temperature on that Monday outside our kitchen door was 44 C ! We ran the air-con for about 18 - 20 hours in total including for 12 hours overnight on the monday as the bedroom was 35 C - really cooled it down to around 23 C. We also used a fan in the room to circulate the cool air to cool down quicker. We also ran it for a couple of hours on Wednesday last as the bedroom was too hot for comfort, cooled it from 35 C to 25 c - much more comfortable !
  7. I wonder if the techies assuring us that the problem is fixed from their view INSIDE the website, have ever tried using the website from OUTSIDE the website as a user like us? Many times I have had to tell a company that i am trying to buy an item from that their website doesn't work properly and ask them do they ever enter their own website as a customer does? - the usual answer is no!
  8. You may not be aware that the proposed but now cancelled CT for bikes was for all bikes over 125 cc, so not including the death-trap scooters and mopeds that are either not maintained at all or suffer from teenage mechanic's attentions. They were excluded from the proposed CT so as not to cause the riders who were mostly from low-income backgrounds, a financial burden apparently! Being an apprentice trained engineer, having worked for a well known engine manufacturer and subsequently a partner in an engine and transmission shop I carry out all my own maintenance on the basis that I take care of what I'm doing, the majority of dealer workshops don't.
  9. I'm thinking how hard can it be to enable forum members to post new topics, surely that's the whole point of a forum?
  10. As it is still impossible to post a new topic on this forum I had to find an existing thread to hang this news item on. The motorcycle CT planned for introduction in 2023 has been cancelled for good. https://www.sudouest.fr/economie/transports/le-gouvernement-enterre-definitivement-le-controle-technique-des-deux-roues-11778470.php
  11. Replying to my own post here - the edit time window doesn't stay open for long does it? For all those having trouble with Barclays closing their account:- I went through this with Barclaycard - all they want is a UK address, you don't have to prove residency. I gave a relative's UK address, a UK based email address and an old mobile phone with a UK PAYG sim in it. It's just an ****-covering exercise by Barclay's management who insist that EU regulations say that they cannot operate your account if you don't live in the UK I dispute that as we have several NatWest accounts and they are quite ok with us living in France. Or more likely, they just want to get rid of accounts that don't make them money. If for some reason they find out and object - what can they do to you? The square root of zero.
  12. Unfortunately, Nat West Jersey require an applicant for a current account to be resident in the Channel Islands, Isle of Man or Gibraltar. For a savings account - resident in either the Channel Islands, Isle of Man, Gibraltar or the UK and be an existing NatWest International current account customer.
  13. Here is a breaking news item from Normal Central. "We are the normal 99% and we will not tiptoe around the "feelings" of the deviant 1% in case they get upset by what we call them or think of them. If you are or want to be part of the 1% please go away into a dark corner and practice whatever perversion floats your boat but don't expect it to be accepted or applauded by us - the 99%"
  14. There's only one problem with the LGBTQ community None of them can think straight.😂
  15. The obvious solution when addressing one of these gender-badge wearing types is to refer to them personally as "Itt" as in cousin Itt of the Adams family, a diminutive hirsute being.
  16. Global Monitoring Laboratory – Carbon Cycle Greenhouse Gases Doubling N2O will happen in about 300 years, and will only increase downwelling longwave radiation by 0.1%. The contribution from the Netherlands is irrelevant and probably not measurable.
  17. So why do the Dutch authorities want to reduce the number of cows? No mention of vehicle exhaust emissions in the article i linked to.
  18. And the next scam after the CO2 scam looks like being the Nitrogen scam. https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20220622-dutch-farmers-protest-livestock-cuts-to-curb-nitrogen Earth's atmosphere is composed of about 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen, 0.9 percent argon, and 0.1 percent other gases. Trace amounts of carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, and neon are some of the other gases that make up the remaining 0.1 percent.
  19. testing testing 123456789 before I waste my time trying to post something ?
  20. Thanks for the news - I have noticed that it's hit and miss, sometimes you can post, other times not.
  21. You might be interested in these tide gauge data sets concerning global sea level rise. From the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - (NOAA) "The graphs compare the 95% confidence intervals of relative sea level trends. Trends with the narrowest confidence intervals are based on the longest data sets. Trends with the widest confidence intervals are based on only 30-40 years of data. The graphs give an indication of the differing rates of vertical land motion, given that the absolute global sea level rise is believed to be 1.7-1.8 millimeters/year. The calculated trends for all CO-OPS stations are available as a table in millimeters/year and in feet/century A complete table of non-CO-OPS station trends are available as a table in millimeters/year and in feet/century" https://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/sltrends/globalregionalcomparison.html It puts the hysterical scaremongering of the green looneys in perspective.
  22. How can fossil fuel ever be outlawed? How is agricultural machinery going to be powered? Tractors - ploughing - harrowing - seeding - rotovating - grass cutting for hay etc etc. Harvesters - grain - maize - legumes - sugar beet etc and every crop that grows and needs harvesting. The average combine harvester is powered by a diesel engine of 200 to 300 hp. Really large combines can be up to 600 hp How can you power these with batteries or hydrogen ? ( the dumbest projected way ever to store energy) Are there going to be charging points in every farmer's field? "The John Deere Company electric tractor, SESAM (Sustainable Energy Supply for Agricultural Machinery), announced a prototype in 2016, which is fed by a 150 kWh battery, weighing 1150 kg. This tractor can run for one hour at full power; i.e., 130 kW. The battery of the electric tractor takes about 3 hours to fully recharge, a factor that has design engineers working hard to improve." ( 130 Kw is equivalent to 95. 6 metric hp) One hour? Then a 3 hour charge time? Ok so recent research doubles the capacity of the battery to two hours. 95hp available for two hours - wow!
  23. Has this issue of being unable to post comments been resolved yet please? Just posted this so I guess the answer has to be yes.
  24. Using gas-to-liquids processes, refineries can convert some of their gaseous waste products (flare gas) into valuable fuel oils, which can be sold as is or blended only with diesel fuel. The World Bank estimates that over 150 billion cubic metres (5.3×1012 cu ft) of natural gas are flared or vented annually, an amount worth approximately $30.6 billion, equivalent to 25% of the United States' gas consumption or 30% of the European Union's annual gas consumption,[12] a resource that could be useful using GTL. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gas_to_liquids We have used GTL kerosene for heating in the past and it had very little odour. We knew is was GTL as there was a round sticker confirming it on the bidon.
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