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Complete France Forum


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Everything posted by Harnser

  1. Considering that at least 50% of vehicles on the road in France are diesel powered, they are going to be really busy!
  2. As we all probably know, there are a couple or so of Brit expat forums that are forever fixated on the minutiae of Brexit, Boris and the (alleged) corruption of Boris and the Tory party who MUST be supported by Russian funds because they are Tories, of course ignoring another political party whose MP's and party organisation garner millions from communist run trade union donations. It doesn't matter whether other countries stand or fall - they'll still be whinging about Boris, Brexit and the Tory party to the exclusion of all else- except knitting, gardening and the exorbitant cost of importing custard powder, bisto, marmite and secondhand UK cars since Brexit. When someone outside their little bigoted circle dares to point out that the aforementioned groceries and more are actually available in French supermarkets, they are criticised and in some cases roundly abused for daring to intervene. Why? My opinion is that most of them do not bother to find out what is going on the rest of the world, France, or their own commune, so all they are capable of gossiping about is the UK.
  3. Meanwhile, Biden wants to buy oil from Venezuela, having banned the USA/ Canada pipeline, restricted drilling licences and banned fracking in the US. Doh! https://dailycaller.com/2022/03/07/white-house-crude-oil-venezuela-nicolas-maduro/?utm_medium=email&pnespid=qrtrCSJELaofhOGbvj6mH8qQoBmtWYIpJO7gzrc1pxdmURl3_Gu3VhTirKKmkwb9T9opOwvo
  4. US President Donald Trump warned Germany not to become dependant on Russian energy, Speaking to the United Nations General Assembly in New York on September 25 th 2018. And they laughed at him. I'll bet they're not laughing now! Donald nailed it - again. https://rumble.com/vwpzyf-trump-warning-about-being-reliant-on-russian-energy.-germany-laughing-at-hi.html
  5. That's hardly an accolade is it?
  6. Mad dog Putin doesn't seem to care who he attacks now - but not confirmed it was a russian attack- yet. A bangladeshi bulk carrier was attacked with a missile while at anchor within the port. https://gcaptain.com/bangladeshi-ship-hit-by-missile-at-ukrainian-port-reports/?subscriber=true&goal=0_f50174ef03-b032197207-170341658&mc_cid=b032197207&mc_eid=9beb91a157
  7. What are we supposed to do if the sirens sound at any other time except on the first Monday of any month?
  8. "Details relating to imports of goods intended to furnish a secondary residence" https://www.douane.gouv.fr/demarche/vous-souhaitez-connaitre-les-franchises-applicables-lors-du-transfert-de-votre-residence Half - way down that page. It looks like you may have to pay taxes and/ or duty.
  9. Wind? Consistently? In your dreams. Their output is up and down like a fiddler's elbow.
  10. Why are you quoting figures for the UK when we live in France, and we are discussing French wind turbines? If you want figures for the UK use https://www.gridwatch.templar.co.uk/ For the French figures use https://www.gridwatch.templar.co.uk/france/
  11. Harnser


    Putin seems to be increasingly employing the methods and tactics previously associated with **** Germany.
  12. Harnser


    Maybe there will not be any body bags returning to Russia?
  13. I don't know where you are getting your figures from but they do not seem to agree with reality. Nuclear 66.5% Hydro 13.25% Gas 10.2% wind 6% https://www.gridwatch.templar.co.uk/france/
  14. Tusk and Putin have similar backgrounds as street thugs and bullies, so I tend not to listen to the propaganda from either of them.
  15. I thought I had made it clear that whatever power figure the windmills make, there is an equivalent base load generator fleet running in the background on light load, burning fuel, keeping hot, to take up the load when the wind craps out. Part of the decarbonsation my a*se!
  16. I notice that you didn't quote the power generation source %ages for when the wind speed is close to zero! Whether you like it or not, "decarbonisation" is a green activist's fairy tale.
  17. No - but I have a personal interest. An explanation. Paula Vennells was chief executive officer of the Post Office Limited from 2012 to 2019. Under her leadership, the Post Office prosecuted hundreds of subpostmasters for fraud, despite knowing that the relevant financial discrepancies actually arose from computer errors for which the Post Office was responsible. From 2002 to 2005, Vennells trained for Holy Orders on the St Albans and Oxford Ministry Course. She was ordained in the Church of England as a deacon in 2005 and as a priest in 2006. She has served as a non-stipendiary minister at Church of St Owen, Bromham in the Diocese of St Albans. She was reported to have 'stepped back' from duties in 2021. She also resigned from the Church of England Ethical Investment Advisory Group. My wife and I were brought up in that village of Bromham and we were married in that church. And that disgusting hypocrite Vennells was later on a minister at that church, preaching all the good stuff that ministers preach. She probably referred to the ninth commandment "Thou shalt not bear false witness" etc. At the same time she was in charge of the prosecution of innocent postmasters knowing full well that they were innocent. That's why I want to see her behind bars. I'm not any more religious than the next man, but it just seems so wrong.
  18. From the judgement in the case I referred to, and the judge's comments, you can see that perverting the course of justice is what they undeniably did, and there has to be a legal record of that somewhere. I don't much care which they are charged with as long as some of them go to prison for a significant term pour encourager les autres.
  19. Probably not because there would be a lack of what is called " mens rea" (guilty mind) together with "actus reus"(guilty act) occurring at the same time in order to prove manslaughter. Perverting the course of justice is much easier to prove.
  20. Corporate manslaughter is a non-starter. The offence being considered and bandied about by various legal bods is "perverting the course of justice" That'll do nicely. The maximum sentence a judge can impose on a defendant convicted of perverting the course of justice is life imprisonment. It is a common law offence that must be tried before a jury in a crown court.
  21. The reason that this situation developed to the scale of 918 postmasters successfully prosecuted between 1991 and 2015 was that the Post Office had a possibly unique position acting as it's own investigator and private prosecutor. IE - It was prosecuting it's own postmasters to cover up it's own dishonesty over the known faults in the Horizon software which falsely displayed accounting shortfalls. Example - Bates v Post Office Limited - Judgement - Mr Justice Fraser "the Post Office paid “no attention to the actual evidence, and seem to have their origin in a parallel world” [§138], that the Post Office “seemed to adopt an extraordinarily narrow approach to relevance, generally along the lines that any evidence that is unfavourable to the Post Office is not relevant” [§34], feared “objective scrutiny of its behaviour” [§28] and operated with a “culture of secrecy and confidentiality” [§36]." https://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=90a78f05-55b5-4dc0-972b-3f0b6083b24b Had the PO not had the licence to investigate and prosecute, any evidence of fraudulent accounting by postmasters would have had to be investigated by the police and the file passed to the CPS, which would probably have resulted in far fewer prosecutions due to lack of proper evidence and a realisation that many complaints by the PO meant something else was wrong, prompting a much earlier investigation of the facts.
  22. What is the point in these bl**dy contraptions? Apart from making a lot of money for their operators, while the electricity customer gets large increases in their electricity costs. I wonder if it works that way in France? "Wind farms have been paid to refrain from producing up to half of the electricity they are capable of generating, according to research that led MPs to warn that "inappropriate" decisions on wind power were "forcing excess costs onto consumers". An analysis found that, in 2020, three large wind farms in Scotland were paid a total of £24.5 million to fail to produce about half of their potential output. Researchers said the "constraint payments", which are ultimately added to consumer bills, were being fuelled by a high concentration of onshore wind farms in Scotland often leaving the electricity grid unable to cope on windy days. In one case, £7.7 million in "constraint payments" handed to the operator of a 23-turbine scheme in Scotland in 2020 led to the wind farm deliberately failing to produce 51 per cent of its potential output. In another, SSE, the operator of the 33-turbine Strathy North wind farm in the Highlands, was paid £5.9 million to avoid producing 48 per cent of its capacity. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2022/02/19/wind-farms-paid-not-generate-half-potential-electricity/
  23. Could you please explain what you mean by:- "Normally if you live within a certain distance of a turbine you get a reduction on your electricity"
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