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Everything posted by Harnser

  1. Harnser


    The theory is that as this virus has been manufactured in a lab:- "In a challenging question, Dr. Jean-François Lemoine inferred that the coronavirus under investigation may have come from a patient who is otherwise infected with HIV. No, “says Luc Montagnier,” in order to insert an HIV sequence into this genome, molecular tools are needed, and that can only be done in a laboratory" https://www.gilmorehealth.com/chinese-coronavirus-is-a-man-made-virus-according-to-luc-montagnier-the-man-who-discovered-hiv/ As the virus has had strands of other viruses, - HIV attached- to it by molecular tinkering, it cannot behave as a natural virus, but as it mutates it will degrade and become less harmful and become more like a natural virus, is this what is happening with the Omicron variant? "As the virus is mutating it seems to be mutating in those areas where the HIV segments were added. According to him, the altered elements of this virus are eliminated as it spreads: “Nature does not accept any molecular tinkering, it will eliminate these unnatural changes and even if nothing is done, things will get better, but unfortunately after many deaths.” https://www.gilmorehealth.com/luc-montagnier-insists-that-the-virus-came-out-of-a-lab-in-follow-up-interview/ We won't know until the next variant emerges.
  2. Harnser


    Apparently, the theory that herd immunity will end the progress of this virus is not going to happen as it is becoming more and more certain that this virus was manufactured in a laboratory using molecular tools. Herd immunity cannot occur with manufactured viruses.
  3. Harnser


    The third jab strengthens the immune system, so after the fourth dose you are protected, and when 80% of population has received the fifth dose we are close to a resolution because the sixth dose stops the virus from multiplying and prevents it from spreading, which means the seventh dose will solve our problems and we no longer have to to be afraid of the eighth dose because clinical studies with the ninth dose have shown that antibodies are more stable after the tenth dose and the eleventh dose ensures that there will be no new mutations, so there is no reason to criticize the idea of a twelfth dose. Tongue in cheek?
  4. I've got airhorns on our truck as a pedestrian shifter and for reminding snooty Audi and Merc drivers that :- "Yes - you do need to look to your left for me when you are entering the rond-point without looking or caring"
  5. I'm peed off that you are not peed off that Macron wants to pee the unvaccinated off.
  6. Yes - he's at it again, following his flag faux pas, his ongoing campaign to not get re-elected in March is on track. https://actu.orange.fr/france/pass-vaccinal-les-non-vaccines-j-ai-tres-envie-de-les-emmerder-declare-emmanuel-macron-magic-CNT000001IeYSc.html Whatever your personal opinion of the unvaccinated is, his remark during a live interview brings the office of president into disrepute again IMHO. Some of the 700 + comments are interesting and not a little amusing!
  7. Congratulations on getting a road name and number, we were awarded this honour a few years ago, handy Andre from the commune arrived and fixed the expensive looking enamel number plaque to the gatepost, and the next number in the sequence to one of our barns which abuts the road which fortunately is now covered with ivy!! What you will find is that the posties and the commune know about your new shiny address, but it will probably take delivery drivers years to get their sat-navs updated.
  8. You omitted to mention what your french in-laws thought of your tirade?
  9. If we can all remember Macron's debut after he was elected I was gobsmacked when the EU anthem was played before the Marseillaise. My thoughts were "You just don't do that in France, nothing takes precedence over the Marseillaise" I expected some sort of a protest, riot or booing to start, but sadly, nothing.
  10. https://actu.orange.fr/politique/le-drapeau-europeen-retire-sous-l-arc-de-triomphe-comme-prevu-assure-l-executif-CNT000001Iayvk.html The unknown soldier who lies under the arc de triomphe represents all the French soldiers who died for France not for europe. This Macron government should at least respect that. But it becoming increasingly obvious that France does not matter to Macron and his cronies. His ambition, business and love for the EU are above all else.
  11. In particular, the European Union worries that 98 percent of the rare earth metals that it needs in a host of industrial applications come from China. A shortage of magnesium from China has also become a major headache for producers of cars, planes and electronics. I wish the EU commissars the best of luck when they march on Bejing to "sequestrate" their rare earth metals. Where can I buy tickets to watch this live?
  12. Keep faith in what exactly? The scientists? "Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts." — Richard Feynman The politicians? "Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it whether it exists or not, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies. Groucho Marx after Ernest Benn The French voting system? "They vote for who they don't want to keep the other ones out - and end up with five years of Macron" Harnser
  13. Had they actually elected JK Rowling as their "person" of the year according to the results of their online poll, they would probably have lost half their readership - which tells you a lot about their readers! The Grauniad always trumpets that it is a defender of democracy - as long as they get the result they want!
  14. It must be time for your medication - what is it you take for an over-active imagination? ?
  15. I fully appreciate what you say in that any charges seem to be made at random - on a whim - despite the reams of regulations that apply to imports. But the IOSS works - I was a guinea pig for the first IOSS shipment in January which went wrong and the supplier reimbursed me for my costs. It went wrong because DHL whom they ship with, and who are the handling agent, got it wrong.
  16. Goods entering france from outside the EU are subject to VAT plus any duty that may be payable, plus a handlng charge by whoever handles it - even if VAT has been paid in the country of origin. The only way to avoid this is to buy from a business in the UK that is registered for the IOSS scheme or for example an alternative Royal Mail scheme. https://www.royalmail.com/business/international/guide/delivered-duties-paid-ioss Both Amazon and Ebay use the IOSS scheme. ( IOSS = Import one stop shop) I use a supplier in the UK that has registered for the IOSS scheme which means that if the invoice value is €150 or less, (not including delivery or UK vat), it will be imported into france vat and tax free. I pay the vat to the supplier at the UK rate of 20% and it gets delivered to france without any tax, duty, or handling charges. The vat collected by the supplier at the point of sale gets paid into the EU IOSS scheme by the supplier.
  17. A very nice lady delivered our old 'uns gift parcel today, it contained the usual chocs, a nice bottle of red and the usual jars of pates. One was a pâté de poisson of dorade ( unusual I thought!) the second one was I thought at a casual glance, Austrian pate - Hmmm- Austrian pate? In France? Yes- "autriche" is austria - I looked it up to confirm my memory. But "autruche" is ostrich - Ostrich pate? - Tastes just like chicken? An easy mistaka to maka!
  18. I haven't built a model plane for ****y years but if you want a wander down memory lane - https://www.jetex.org/index.php
  19. Noooo - that's sodium chlorate. Very effective explosive mixture rammed into a 12 inch length of bike frame tube flatten the ends and drill a small hole for jetex fuse - light it and run like hell - So they tell me!? In those days out in the country nobody took a blind bit of notice of the loud bang!
  20. Yes - it should be CaCl 2 for the chemists out there!
  21. For our gravel drives we recently have used calcium chloride. It's the white crystals in the dehumidifier packs and can be bought in bulk. Totally harmless to us and pets and animals it's used as a food additive in canned veggies, cheese, beer etc and it doesn't build up in the soil. When the dehumidifier pack crystals have dissolved in the water they attract from the atmosphere, the resulting water in the bottom of the container is a concentrated solution of CaCl which burns weeds and grass brown in 24 -48 hours and prevents them growing again for a time, three months we find or until rain washes it away. You can dissolve the crystals in water in a watering can but beware the water will get hot ( put crystals into the water and stir with a stick- not water into the crystals) and just water it on with a sprinkler bar. You need 2 x one kg packs in a watering can. Don't wear leather work gloves to handle it, it shrinks the leather. It's called chlorure de calcium in French. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calcium_chloride
  22. We find that the easiest low-cost method of getting sterling into euros and transferring to a french bank is to have the sterling payment paid into a UK bank account and then use Wise (It was called Transferwise ) to change the sterling to euros paid into your french bank account for which there is a small charge and you get a very good rate. The last transfer we did was scary fast, by the time we accessed our CA account it had landed, and there is never any fee to pay it in to the account.
  23. Presumably the spammers have to have registered as a member to be able to spam? Just suspend registering new membership for a month - they'll go somewhere else. Or require a minimum of three or maybe five sensible posts before they are confirmed as members - other forums do this, and don't have huge problems with spam. I'm not talking about french forums here, all sorts of car, engineering and motorcycle forums in the USA do this..
  24. Assuming you employ crafts people/ artisans I would investigate the possibility of selling the company to the people that currently work for you. I vaguely remember that there was some sort of financing scheme for this.
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