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Everything posted by Harnser

  1. He's didn't call it wrong:- Arctic sea ice coverage is maintaining it's coverage, many ships were trapped in the ice this last winter. The Greenland ice cap is building thickness rather than melting away as predicted. The Antarctic had record low temperatures in it's last winter period North America just had it's coldest winter for many years. Always look at the data that hasn't been faked by the IPCC, the UN, the BBC, the Guardian....... etc.
  2. Will we be able to produce predictable climate change, and a stable climate, by adjusting, at the margins, one human caused variable, namely carbon dioxide emissions, out of the millions of factors, both natural and human, that drive climate? The answer has to be: "Definitely not" This is the tipping point at which the complex science of climate diverges irreconcilably from the central beliefs of the 'global warming' myth. The idea that we can manage climate predictably by adjusting, minimally, our output of a politically-selected gas is both naive and dangerous. The truth is the opposite. In a system as complex and chaotic as climate, such an action may even trigger unexpected consequences. It is vital to remember that, for a chaotic, coupled, non-linear system, not doing something (i.e., not emitting gases) is as unpredictable as doing something (i.e., emitting gases). Even if we closed down every factory in the world, crushed every car and aeroplane, turned off all energy production, and threw 4 billion people worldwide out of work, climate would still change, and often dramatically. If you want to read up on what is really going on, from a scientist who uses measured data, not climate models, try this. It's a long dry read with a lot of formulae, graphs and charts. The State of the Climate 2021 Professor Ole Humlum Ole Humlum is former Professor of Physical Geography at the University Centre in Svalbard, Norway, and Emeritus Professor of Physical Geography, University of Oslo, Norway. https://www.thegwpf.org/content/uploads/2022/04/Humlum-State-of-Climate-2021-.pdf
  3. Perhaps you could expand on what you term "killing the planet" and how driving an electric car is going to stop us killing the planet?
  4. You are testing the electricity to check it's green?
  5. That reminds me of various adverts for "green" electricity suppliers guaranteeing that all the electricity they will supply you with will be "green" - of course it won't get mixed up with the nasty, dirty non- green stuff at all! Gullible doesn't begin to describe it.
  6. My opinion on the subject of the green lobby promoting the EV above all else, is simply that they don't know what they are doing and what is worse they don't realise that they don't know what they are doing. What's even more scary is that the politicians take their nonsense on board 100% The truth about the actual range between charges of electric cars - as opposed to the wildly optimistic claims of the manufacturers. https://ev-database.uk/cheatsheet/range-electric-car You can have your solar panels and your turbines on the hills; You can use the warmth of sunshine to reduce your heating bills. You can dream you’re self-sufficient as you weed your veggie bed; As long as you make sure to keep A diesel in the shed.
  7. I didn't know how often they moved, but I thought it was more than twice a year so I had to look it up. What a ridiculous organisation the EU really is.
  8. Twice a year? Among the costs accrued by the monthly relocation, however, includes transportation for thousands of parliament officials, political groups, parliamentary assistants and freelance interpreters, in addition to paperwork that is transported by truck between the locations. In a March plenary resolution on the EP budget, it was noted that the environmental impact is significant and stands at "between 11,000 and 19,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions" a year. That's the equivalent of driving between 2,000 and 4,000 passenger vehicles for an entire year. https://www.euronews.com/2019/05/20/eu-parliament-s-114m-a-year-move-to-strasbourg-a-waste-of-money-but-will-it-ever-be-scrapp
  9. We had part of our large barn dirt floor concreted 10 years ago, not for living in, but as a workshop, garage and storage. Dug out, blinded and levelled with 0/30, rolled and wackered flat. Then 1000 gauge polythene* laid with steel mesh on stools 25 mm higher than the polythene. Self-levelling sloppy concrete poured through one of the windows from a mixer truck and then the usual tamping with a plank on edge. *https://www.screwfix.com/p/capital-valley-plastics-ltd-damp-proof-membrane-black-1000ga-25-x-4m/88322 The ground outside was up to half a metre higher on two sides but there has been no damp coming up in 10 years. The terassement contractor who did it said that part of the reason for laying the polythene under the concrete is to stop the water in the concrete being sucked out of the wet concrete by the dry floor underneath and curing too quickly causing cracking, which seems to have worked. We kept off the floor for 3 weeks and sprayed it with water every day to let it cure before putting any weight on it - It was November when it was done.
  10. Looking further into this it seems that palm oil is also used by UK chip shops as it lasts longer. I've no idea what colza/rapeseed oil smells like when frying as OH cannot eat food fried in or containing colza as it upsets her stomach badly. My joke about the north was a workplace joke/ banter from long ago - apologies to anybody who hails from there.
  11. Colza oil or rapeseed oil is the frying oil of choice for UK chippies as they don't use lard anymore, as least down south, I don't know what they do up in the festering north with their whippets, caps and mufflers?
  12. Ooops! OH has just corrected me - it wasn't an abonnement it was an abattement - I knew it began with "a" !!
  13. Our latest leccy bill was very small - investigated the small print - apparently because we got an abonnement. Why? Aha - because we had a power cut and we got an abonnement of €54 per supply - we have two, one for the barn and one for the house. So €108 in pocket and I ran the generator for about 10 hours and refilled it with about 7.5 litres of essence that ties up roughly with the figures quoted for the genny of about 20 hours @ 50% full load on the 13 litre tank. Didn't have to ask for it, so isn't it nice when this happens!
  14. I just use the website that provides the input to the website you linked to = https://www.blitzortung.org/ but thanks anyway.
  15. I've been far too close to quite a few lightning strikes in my time to regard them as something to be enthusiastic about. And being underneath a bad electrical storm in our last house in east anglia where the lightning was simultaneous with the thunder, so bad that we got the kids out of bed as there was a chimney above their bedrooms and got them downstairs under the stairs in case the chimney got struck. Really scarey.
  16. Most people will have heard of the desperate cries for help from the Maldive Islands. "please help us we're drowning, the sea level is rising because of climate change and we are all going to drown - etc" The cabinet of the Maldivian government even staged a videoed underwater cabinet meeting and streamed it worldwide to highlight their plight. The UN responded by bunging them a few billion $. The UN obviously couldn't deny that there was a "problem" with sea level rise in the Maldives as the UN has been and still is one of the chief propaganda mongers for climate change. So one of the major scammers - the UN - got scammed by the Maldivians - nice one boys, you are obviously more intelligent than the chair polishers at the UN. What did the government of the Maldives do with the money? They built 5 new airports and loads of tourist hotels because they knew that the global sea level increase is only between 2 to 3 millimetres. Some of the islands have even increased in area. If you want to check out if the Maldives are drowning yet, check out these live streamed video webcams. https://www.skylinewebcams.com/en/webcam/maldives/south-male-atoll/akasdhoo/akasdhoo.html Looks nice there!
  17. Our household name for peanut oil is "spider oil" ARACHnophobia!
  18. You need a French qualified and insured electrician - I don't know what you mean by a "home" electrician.
  19. This article from Connexion details what you need to do. I wouldn't normally quote Connexion but it seems that it has the procedure nailed. But first of all contact your insurance company/broker/agent by telephone and follow it up with a registered letter to confirm what you said so they cannot deny it. https://www.connexionfrance.com/article/Practical/Property/House-in-France-struck-by-lightning-Here-is-what-you-need-to-claim-attestation-de-foudroiement-insurance
  20. Where on earth did the French get these words from? cacahuète = Peanut huile d'arachide = Peanut oil A total mystery.
  21. Living in Brittany since 2009 we are getting the impression that here at least, the general weather pattern seems to be getting cooler and wetter. Haven't got any figures to back that up but a good signal is OH's hydrangeas which she has grown since we got here. This last winter is the first time that they have been frost bitten in 12 years. When we get hot spells they are not as dangerously hot or last as long, also we now use more heating fuel over the winters than we used to.
  22. I didn't do a double post - what is the matter with the software on this b****y forum?
  23. You need to research historical droughts and famines in France - the current sleight of hand of "it's the highest temperature ever recorded in France" is deeply suspect IMHO. Why? Ok - here we go. In the days of yore, distinguished educated gentlemen of a scientific bent would religiously record temperatures at the same time time every day from their scrupulously calibrated mercury thermometers installed in a standard stevenson screen at the scientifically correct location for that device -away from buildings, roads, trees, and any source of radiated heat. This was to avoid any undue influence of the surroundings on the accuracy of the measurements. What do they do nowadays? Stick an electronic sensor on the top of a building in the middle of a town with black tarmac roads everywhere and call it an " absolutely true temperature reading - honest guv" Do you see what I'm getting at here? Notes If a sensor or a thermometer is installed within a classic stevenson screen ( that's those funny looking square louvered things on metre high legs painted white) if it's painted with modern paint containing modern titanium dioxide pigment as against the old standard pigment of limewash even that can raise the measured temperature by the contained thermometer by 0.8 F. You can see why nobody is objecting to this. The whole object of this deception is to prove that there is a warming trend. But there has been no warming trend in the USA since the 1930's - it's been cooling ever since then. The warming trend you are seeing in the media is due to fraudulently altered ( adjusted) data, the past records are "cooled" and the current readings are "adjusted" to "prove " warming, that's what is going on. All the above is documented and provable.
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