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Water Bill query


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We have just received our latest water bill from Sogedo and there was a Notice D'Information enclosed entitled SUR LE SERVICE PUBLIC D'ASSAINISSEMENT NON COLLECTIF ( S.P.A.N.C.). It seems to be something to do with new installations for water treatment. Has anyone else come across this and do we have to do anything about it?
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It means that your fosse septique and any consequent run off will now be subject to a four yearly inspection.

Presumably you'll be contacted to arrange an appointment for a technician from the water company to perform the inspection. Expect a charge of around 70€ for this service.

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We pay an annual charge of 40€ for the fosse inspection. It seems to be a standard service now whereby the water company, or in our case, the local authority, have taken control of the water treatment for new fosse installations. In the 'old days' you could get a local farmer to empty the fosse and he would just spread it on his fields! [:-))]

Our contract provides for an annual inspection and, if deemed necessary, one emptying in a four-year period. At the end of 4 years we start a new contract. Our fosse is 2 years old this month; I'm not aware of anyone having been to inspect it since it was approved at installation time. That's not to say that someone hasn't been; if it just requires the lifting of the inspection covers I'd be unlikely to notice. We tend to leave well alone!



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I don't go poking my head down there on a regular basis either sid.[+o(]

I suspect that the first you'll hear about the four yearly inspection is when your fosse is at or over that age.

Interesting that they've covered the regular emptying as well as I guess a lot of the old folks round here get the local farmer to do it when it's full rather than on a pre-determined basis.

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I think it's a good scheme and the price is good; one of our friends paid 400€ recently to have a nearly-empty oil tank cleaned.

I'm sure I've heard recently that it's now illegal for farmers to empty the fosse; part of the improvement in pollution control?


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It is all following on European legislation on environmental protection.  The cost varies from Commune to Commune.  Our fosse was inspected by SPANC in 2006.  The cost was about €100 for the inspection (can't remember the exact figure) .  As the Commune had organised everything they also made arrangements with a contractor to empty fosses at a negotiated price of €130.  The fosse must be emptied by a registered contractor who provides a certificate to say that the fosse has been emptied and showing where the effluent has been disposed of.  This must be an agreed place for disposal.  Farmers can no longer legally empty your fosse and spread it on their fields.

Our Commune was well forward in the process.  Some others throughout the country do not seem to be so far forward in the process.  Inspection takes place every four years and the fosse must be emptied every four years too. 

The inspection process was more to advise as to whether the fosse conforms to the regulations and advice as to what to do if not.  It wasn't done officiously at all and there was no immediate demand for something to be done.  As it happens our fosse is relatively new so conformed to the norms.  Our French neighbour has no fosse at all! He was advised that he would have to do something about it with a the suggestion that in four years time he would have to have a conforming fosse installed.  We will see!

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Thanks for this everyone, this will be interesting as currently we do not know where our fosse is and as it has not caused us any problems we have ignored it. From the flyer that went with the water bill it looks like SOGEDO is going to hold a public meeting to discuss any concerns, it also looks like they are going to take the cost of  the fosse maintenance out by charging us so much a semestre on our bill
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