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Numbers into French words


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[quote user="NormanH"]One thing to remember is that if it is just 600 you write six cents but if there is more to come after you drop the "s"
Best of luck with the Chemo. I hope you will be fighting fit again soon.

Norman, please clarify this:  so, you write deux cents, trois cents etc until you get past six cents and then you write sept CENT, etc until you get to mille, is that correct?

Believe it or not, this very subject came up last Sunday when we were invited for lunch.  The hostess said quite categorically that you did not write the "s".  She said it was the same as in English, two hundred, three hundred, etc, without the "s".

I wasn't entirely convinced but then, I was the guest, so I wasn't going to be rude enough to contradict the hostess.

You've just GOT to tell me or it'll niggle at me forever![:-))]

PS  Wendy G, please excuse me; I got a bit carried away.  Of course, I wish you all the very best with your treatment and I hope that you will be able to come back here and tell us that all has gone well [:D]

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Rightly or wrongly, I always wrote cents, as when they were bringing in the € they said that we would all have € and cents.

Then the french said that they couldn't as it looked like 'hundred' and everyone would get too confused. Bof until then, everyone I knew including kids were still talking in old francs so saying a million instead of 10.000 mille francs, etc etc etc. I simply refused to 'play' the 'french' game as there was no reason on earth for it, and they could/should have addressed that when they were deciding what the new money would be.

 No one pulled me up. Our cheques always went through.

Incidentally, all this talk of writing cheques properly, well, many french people cannot write well, and would ask the cashier to fill their cheque out for them, even at the supermarket etc. Later, the machine would auto fill the cheques and now I would imagine that most use cards.

Don't worry about it, just make sure that it is quite clear, that the chiffres are clear and the lettres have euros marked after the euros you are paying and then the cents. Plural etc, well it is nice to get things 'right' but it isn't a guillotineable offence to get it wrong!

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