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We are at the very early stages of planning our 'new life'.  Our major consideration is the future for our 5 yr old son.  One concern (of many!) is whether conscription is still used in France.  Can anyone enlighten us or point us in the right direction to find out? 
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[quote]We are at the very early stages of planning our 'new life'. Our major consideration is the future for our 5 yr old son. One concern (of many!) is whether conscription is still used in France. Can a...[/quote]

Conscription in to the armed forces has been phased out to my knowledge here in France but I seem to remember being told by one our daughters friends about a one day thing that the kids attend, or at least used to. Maybe someone else will know more about that.

As far as your son goes, I think that even before the phasing out, that unless he was a French national he would not have been able to serve in the French forces.


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As Miki said, it has been phased out, well they do a day I think, but he would have to be a french national to do it anyway. OR have come from a country where there was also national service and had a reciprocal agreement, this certainly happened in the past.


I can think of other things that I would be far more concerned about ie education.

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Yes they still do a day with the military. My daughter's best friend had to be in Brest for 5am one morning until very late at night. Luckily her sister had a student flat nearby so she could crash there but for others it meant the parents turning out twice and they have to go. Every few weeks in the papers there is a notice calling all youngsters born in a certain year to sign up for their military service but only french nationals.
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Just to add that last school year all my pupils who were 17 were told to register with the mairie for the "journée du citoyen" (I think that's it) and bring back proof or we wouldn't be able to register them for the brevet. None of them were non-French so the question didn't come up. But as far as I know, it's only French nationals (the old service nationale certainly was)

It's just a one day thing now but they are trying to fit in everything they used to put into the old three days.

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