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Sarkozy off to Chad !

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I read that Sakozy is off to Chad to express his concern over the 16 Europeans  being held there over the 100 children  being brought out to Paris  issue .....He seems to be a "get up and go " guy ...got to raise your hat to him ....I cant help thinking that if there were UK citizens  involved the best you would get out of our leader would be to call in an ambassador from Chad for a lecture ... and that would be it .... 
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"I cant help thinking that if there were UK citizens  involved the best you would get out of our leader would be to call in an ambassador from Chad for a lecture "

Brenda and Phil the Greek off to foreign parts while there are pheasants etc to kill ? Not much chance, methinks.



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I don't remember Chirac coming into power, so I asked Mr Cat if the former president had been so active when he first took office.  He says not.

Sarkozy is tackling issues that are making him unpopular, that's for sure.  On the French news yesterday they were listing all the strikes coming up in the next few weeks, due to...

High petrol costs, and no decrease in tax (fishermen)

The end of the "regime special" (train drivers, EDF, GDF, Teachers)

Better pay and conditions (Air France).

I find it interesting that so few French people are union members, but that they can, and many do, strike at the drop of a hat.  There was even a news item the other day saying that unions wanted government funding, as they had so few paying members.

The Chad issue is something else though, to me it seem like the sale of children, pure and simple.  They're being traded as if they were puppies or kittens.



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A lot of this, I think,  has to do with shaking up the ENAques who swan around the higher reaches of the diplomatic corps. It is a way of saying "Look, you're all completely useless. I can achieve in 24 hours what you would fail to do in six months of embassy cocktail parties. Pull your socks up because you are dispensible."

Rachida Dati did much then same in the Justice Ministry. Lots of manderins resigned in protest and the judicial system singularly failed to collapse as a result.

I think its rather fun.

And Sarko seems to be maintaining tacit approval amongst the populace. OK - there are some strikes planned. But so what? There really have not been that many since the election. Not compared to "normal" anyway. Oh and these strikes are planned in the run up to Christmas? So what is their staying power likely to be I wonder?

I have some philosophical problems with Sarko's stance on quite a lot of things, but lazy he is not. He probably deserves the pay rise.

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