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  1. Perhaps dogs in Africa bark at whites ? They go for black guys if the scars on the legs of the dustbin men in Joberg were anything to go by..I think the dogs used to wait for them on dustbin day !
  2. I had a dog that went for anybody who carried large objects. He had been kicked by a builder with a plank over his shoulder as a puppy, After that the window cleaner with his ladder was fair game . Never bothered anybody else .. I suspect a black person has given this dog an unpleasant memory
  3. I just happen to live in the UK in a lane that leads to a common . The council has decided to warn with lamp post signs the need for dog walkers to pick up after their dogs or fine . For every dog their must be three times as many riders you would be hard pushed to see what the dogs leave behind for piles of horse muck . What about a bag tied under the back end of horses ?
  4. I have just checked the new data base for UK speed cameras and yes the ***** got me ....You can now check if they have you on record if you have gone through one of the non flashing ones and are not sure if you are about to get a ticket....its on http://www.i.database.co.uk/index1.php. You can also chech if you have been done in the past and are still on record ...
  5. Hi Benjamin.....Thank you very much for your kind thoughts and offer re house check ....Although not far from you I am working on the assumption that as one of the villagers grandmother brought up 9 kids in my house its been battered before and will take it again ! Look forward to your report tomorrow ...keep safe
  6. Oh well ...Lets hope the new pier at La Tranche all stainless steel and posh decking stands up to this blow better than the previous pier that got swept away ....
  7. Lord Turner ...Gordon Browns man and chairman of the Parliament Climate Change Committee said the Governement should urgently consider imposing individual restrictions to help reduce polution caused by planes .......went on to say people should not be allowed to make as many unconstrained journeys as they could .........fine so now in the urgent need for the business community to get "out there " generate business in the wide world Labour dont want them to fly......you couldn't make it up could you.....Roll on the General Election ASAP please !!
  8. Wish I had been there ....I would have taken a barow full....they took over my bank .then told me to come in and see them as they could make my money do more for me ...Oh yea !
  9. Over the past few years we have read of the UK being called "Rip off Britain " "Threasure Island " etc because of the high prices we have had to suffer compared with others ...Items marked up for the UK in pounds when same company shows the item in same number of euros in their continental outlets when all the stuff is bought in Asia...I think a lot of firms have done very well in the past and now they might just have to accept lower profits in future if they do survive....no more Rip Off Britain for them I think ..
  10. Can they tell when you are still suffering from the night before ? thats what I need !
  11. Well they wont be going to PC World...my PC has gone belly up and they have only knocked 13 quid off the sale price one i had by eye on so using the lap top now ....to see what bargaions are on line ...thats what a lot of people will be doing
  12. School down the lane has broken up today and a small boy with his pals has just walked past my house singing at the top of his voice " Jingle bells Jingle bells Santas on his sleigh Jingle bells Jingle bells Santas on his way " making it up as he goes along ..He is so excited...... I will follow his example time to forget the doom and gloom and enjoy Xmas...I intend to have a good one and wish you all an enjoyable Xmas and a Healthy New Year
  13. When in France  which is quite a lot now we  are both retired we visit places of interest.work in the garden visit relatives etc.....In the UK  I give 3 days a week to taking people to Southampton General Hospital  for treatment  mostly from Dorset / Wiltshire villages for which I get a millage allowance . ...An observation ........Over the years I have met many guys who have nice cars in their drives who in their later years have sight .and other problems that mean they can no longer drive .or guys who are temporarly off the road through injury.. they sit looking at their cars .....wife sitting at home with them ...she cannot drive     When I ask  wives why they never learned  I hear  " My husband  never wanted me to touch his car ! " ..........Big... Big mistake ..you should always teach your wife to drive !
  14. Today... I discovered what trick or treat was about when I went to post two letters.....some childs idea of fun was to pour a jar of jam in the mouth of and down the front of the post box  last night ...no doubt the postman will find most of it in with the villages mail.  Somebody will have to be called out to wash inside and out the post box ....some trick .. I managed to slide my envelopes into the box in poor light this morning and  felt the Bl....y stuff ..    
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