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Everything posted by Frederick

  1. According to the Daily Express in the next few weeks .    I would think the arrival of migrating birds early would be a more reliable indication.  Anybody getting earlier than usual  winter arrivals in their area ? http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/358717/Coldest-winter-in-100-years-on-way Migration link : http://btomigrationblog.blogspot.co.uk/
  2. [quote user="Pommier"]They must have been doing something wrong (bad meat or bad cooking) to make people ill. They were given the chance to mend their ways, but didn't. I don't see what else could be done.[/quote] How many times do they have to be warned  ? Has somebody got to die before they accept their cooking methods are a danger to health  ?  They got what they deserved and now the publicity to go with it ... They should have taken the hint when it was quietly given ..not a good business decision to defy them was it .
  3. If like me Orange have contacted you stating they are no longer providing the free with  mobile phone broadband and want to switch you to the home package  If you have a long time still  to run on your mobile phone contract... You may find the following of interest .  http://conversation.which.co.uk/technology/orange-free-broadband-lifetime-mobile-deal-landline/
  4. [quote user="Rabbie"]We don't actually know that the photo in the article is actually of her kids and  the names could have been changed before publication. This is pretty common practice nowadays. At least one picture in the article says it is using models. The kids only appear in a picture from the newspaper so we can't see if it used models or not.[/quote]  A regular contributor of articles to the paper... Just click on her name under the article heading for her other stuff .......and photos !
  5. What was this mother thinking of to line up her kids for in school teasing  by including them in  an article like this ? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2229461/Were-middle-class-successful--poor-church-mice.html
  6. As Obama has said he  has learned a lot from the election and wants to work with Mitt Romney . I think he is playing a good hand . If he gets Romney to work with him on putting together matters that end up on the floor of the house . Are the Republicans going to continue playing  the blocking games you mention if the guy they chose to stand for President has his name on them ?  Interesting times ahead .
  7. If my situation was different and did not have lots of family I wanted to stay close to then I might just head for India . A bungalow with cook housekeeper near a beach and a hospital with  consultants trained in the UK near at hand  would fit the bill nicely .
  8. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2227112/Hurricane-Sandy-Bar-blown-away-superstorm-washes-SEVEN-MILE-voyage-intact.html
  9.  I recall the France Telecom suicides which were the subject of a government investigation came about at a time of major change within the company.   That in my opinion could be the main cause .. The inability to accept and adapt to change in the workplace. The insecurity that may be felt by those who have been subjected to  workplace changes when they believed they were settled in the same job for life was something they could not face up to . The UK workforce is more mobile and people now accept they  may not be in the same workplace all their working lives.    Something France has yet to come to grips with
  10. C de L  wrote :I probably won't be able to continue this debate for a few days, I'm getting prepared to be hit by a big hurricane that's coming my way! It has been reported that the Obama camp are worried about this storm. It seems that if Obama is seen inspecting damage and disruption.Then damage and disruption may be seen by many as a way to view his term in office and he will lose votes    Unbelievable !  ..... but then again that's America . Take care out there C de L and stay safe .
  11. With France and Germany now sliding deeper into recession  with no sign of coming out before 2014 . I suppose they would look to raising as much as they could get away with from the UK . However as far as electricity and gas goes EDF have to ensure their prices are competitive as it only takes a couple of clicks on a web site to change  to a cheaper supplier. EDF are offering a fixed rate for gas and electricity to March 2015 so anybody who has signed up for that  should not have to face any increase
  12. [quote user="NormanH"]It has arrived!  Will be trying a roast over the weekend... [/quote]   And ....  Norman.......you will save the planet and keep a few more euros in your pocket'   http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/consumertips/household-bills/9611963/Ten-energy-saving-tips-you-havent-heard-before.html
  13. It should be shown to the  Indian parliament ......and the members should all then hang their heads in shame . http://gulfnews.com/opinions/columnists/india-poorer-than-africa-and-richer-than-britain-1.1081394
  14. [quote user="ebaynut"]I thought the the placard held up by someone outside the court summed it up nicely.   SLING YER HOOK!!!!! [/quote] I read the Americans have taken them off him .....
  15. Why Heathrow ?    There are airbases in Suffolk the USA have that will take him for free surely ?
  16.  I believe in the NHS being there for people who are in ... Poor Health ..  If due to illness .. accident ..or  defect of birth  people are in need of help to give  them a opportunity  to  live and support themselves in society with full mobility  free from pain  then long may the NHS  continue and free to all .. However those who are fit and active holding down jobs   or not ... and living among us  and are   just  "unhappy  " because they dont like the face / body  they were born with or have gender issues    If they want to seek to alter that then the NHS should not be open to them .   As for choosing  when to give birth  and needing help because they  have postponed  their pregnancy ... Why should I out of my taxes have to fund  them  ? They made the choice ...Let them save up and pay for their own  treatment  they must know there will be a chance they are going to need it  .  And the overweight ones who need special handling by jumbo ambulance etc .... give them a bill l
  17. I read that there are only two other organisations in the world who employ more people than the NHS......The Chinese army and the Indian railway........ Do people really expect the NHS to go on growing ?   Is there  to be no limit on how much tax money it needs to suck  from us all  ? There is a hell of a lot the private sector should in my view take off the NHS and ......charge people  for ... Supporting people to  have kids when they find it hard to produce them for a start ...   Tough luck for some but its not the sort of thing the NHS was invented for . i
  18. All my geraniems are UK ones and the do very well indeed
  19. [quote user="Frederick"]    The future is bright  ...the future is Chinese .... While the French argue over labels and regions  the vinyards  and  more chunks of France will be sold off .     http://www.jingdaily.com/en/luxury/after-vineyard-acquisitions-in-france-and-chile-chinese-winemakers-targeting-italy-australia-us-south-africa/ [/quote] The link may be not opening ?     This from another publication : http://www.telegraph.co.uk/foodanddrink/wine/8392475/Chinese-buyers-snapping-up-French-vineyards.html  
  20.    The future is bright  ...the future is Chinese .... While the French argue over labels and regions  the vinyards  and  more chunks of France will be sold off .     http://www.jingdaily.com/en/luxury/after-vineyard-acquisitions-in-france-and-chile-chinese-winemakers-targeting-italy-australia-us-south-africa/
  21. It appears farmers were selling sacks of potatoes knowing they were being used to make vodka by immigrants  . And locals knew an illegal still was in the industrial unit .   Today will they wish they had reported it ....?   five families would not  be grieving now if they had  http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-stories/2011/07/13/boston-industrial-estate-explosion-kills-5-115875-23269424/
  22.    And now this : http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-14107410   Methinks somebody is going to the Tower .... if not there than Wormwood Scrubbs !
  23. Know how you feel John... A friend and I found one in the garden of a house he bought years ago  .It was covered with a bit of tin sheet and  vegetation and as we had small children then scared us a bit ....  This sort of thing  from your local forge if you are not going to fill it in should not be too expensive  . http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/WROUGHT-IRON-WELL-COVER-/220810053797?pt=UK_Antiques_DecorativeAntiques_Collectables_EH&hash=item33694e08a5
  24. It cant be peacefully carried out when on the EDL web site people are advocating taking bags of pigs blood and pork bellies to be thrown at the marchers . The support for the EDL has just shot up it seems over this .
  25. There is a Facebook campaign with over 120.000 signatures in less than 48 hours by people showing alarm and distress at the Islam4UK proposal for the march. Family members of fallen soldiers in Afganistan have stated they will be there .. I think the facebook site might just show these Islamic Extremists what they could get in the way of a reception in Wootton Bassett... I dont think they will have the guts to turn up on the day . They are going to need a lot of extra Police thats for sure . This from news site 2 hours ago .. A spokesman for rightwing group the English Defence League said if the march took place it would "descend" on the home address of Anjem Choudary and demonstrate outside two mosques he frequented. Tom Robinson said the group had discussed organising a counter-march in Wootton Bassett but felt the best way to register its objections would be to protest outside addresses connected to Choudary. He said he did not believe the march would actually take place in Wootton Bassett. The EDL has organised demonstrations in a number of cities in England and its Welsh arm, the Welsh Defence League, has done the same in Wales. The EDL marches have caused community tension
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