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Snow Again!

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[quote user="Chancer"]Still no snow here, its bloomin cold but dry as a bone, not even frost on car windscreens, the sun is beating down and its really good waking weather [:D][/quote]

Brilliant [:D][:D][;-)], I have only just read this.

I have only just got over my little 10k walk, it was a brisk 2 degrees but the wind blowing over the plain cut right through me.

In hindsight an "N" might have been the safer option [;-)]

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Thought you might like to see the photo my brother sent to me of the snow this week at Perpignan, the table cleared in the foreground shows the depth of the snow that fell overnight.

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Sorry but uploading the photo is doing my head in - it looks great in preview but won't come out in the message all I am getting is the 'hmtl' or whatever address - as you see it is minus the end img - but honestly it is there, so I will keep trying.....
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