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Mobile homes and residence?

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A question or two to the panel please; Can mobile homes be used as permanent addresses in France? If not, are they classed as second homes or holiday homes, if there is a difference? Can they be used for full time residence or is there a limit? (That is not quite the same question as the first). Will they fall under the second home regulations or are we gonna see an increase in these as a result of the new tax, I wonder?
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We live on a mobile home park that is open for 9 months of the year. Allegedly it is not in an area where proper houses can be built (sort of  green belt ) I guess the land was cheap . We do not pay any individual rates to the council  ( mobiles are less than 40 sq metre) -only charges to the park ( a lot of money ) .

We have used the mobile as a permanent address ( we are here for around 6 months every year) for a bank account  and we bought a camping car here  and used this address for all legal documentation etc .   But wether this was really legal or not or  wether the camping car sales place just wanted our money - who knows

I  know it really doesnt answer your question wooly - but for your info there must be over 30  couples who spend a long time here a year so maybe its their way of second home ownership .

There is at least one couple who have a mobile here for the summer and a have a cheap flat in Spain for the winter

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We did a lot of research into mobile homes and caravans a little while ago. The planning regulations have a whole section on them. Like everything else in France they are highly regulated. I may be wrong but it seems to boil down to that any permanent placement must be on an approved caravan park. I don’t think that it is officially possible just to ‘park’ a mobile home on your own plot of land and use it occasionally.

(however on saying that there is one near us, so it could be just my lack of understanding of the French system or they are keeping a low profile and the local authorities are just ignoring them as they do no harm)

The proposed new tax is annoying when one has not budgeted for it. I have not been able to even estimate what ours will be yet but I am hoping as we have a very small quite modest property it will not be too much.

Mobile homes and houses have different advantages dependant on lifestyle, number of occupants and location which in some ways overshadow simple economics.

Therefore I suspect that in the long terms it will just be looked on as a cost which one has to pay as part of the ‘package’ and probably have little effect on peoples decision on their second home choice.

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Below  is what a site I found says. Sarkozy is trying to make it very difficult for anyone who wants to live a slightly nomadic life. My son was telling me about this a couple of months ago. He has friends who bascially live  in Camper Vans as they are seasonier, they travel all over France following the work. Apparently they can have their vans destroyed if found to be living in them permanently. I have looked this up and that is what it said: Cette loi, si elle est votée, permettra à l'autorité de détruire l'habitation sans engager de procédure, avec juste un avertissement 48 heures avant la destruction. I don't know whether this has gone through or not yet though. Sarkoszy is an evil nasty man, IMO bien sur.

I don't know how anybody should go about getting a mobile home really. I know of several people who have lost a fortune after buying them and then needing to sell them later and not that long later either.  They would have been better off if they had rented.


So here is what it says about mobile homes:


Habiter à l’année dans un camping est illégal. Et ceux qui se logent ainsi se retrouvent privés de la plupart de leurs droits. Certains particuliers vivent toute l'année dans un camping par choix, recherchant plus d'espace et de liberté(nature,environnement,voyage).

Des familles sont cependant contraintes de vivre dans un mobil home car les loyers des appartements/maisons sont trop élevés.Ils sont aussi dans l'impossibilité d'acquérir un bien immobilier par manque de moyens/revenus.


Il existe des Aires de Loisirs en France habitables "toute l'année" à condition d'avoir une adresse postale ailleurs.


Cet hiver, des campings vont encore afficher complet. Nouveau visage de la précarité et de la pression immobilière, le camping à l'année, illégal, est toléré par les municipalités et même encouragé par des services sociaux débordés. « On estime à plus de 100 000 les personnes qui vivent à l'année sur ces zones réservées au loisir », estime Delphine Picard, auteur d'une étude pour la fondation Abbé Pierre. Le phénomène date d'une dizaine d'années.


En fait il est (théoriquement) interdit de vivre plus de 11 mois sur un terrain de camping. Mais comme ça arrange tout le monde, les gérants de terrain et surtout les autorités ferment les yeux !

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[quote user="woolybanana"]A question or two to the panel please; Can mobile homes be used as permanent addresses in France? If not, are they classed as second homes or holiday homes, if there is a difference? Can they be used for full time residence or is there a limit? (That is not quite the same question as the first). Will they fall under the second home regulations or are we gonna see an increase in these as a result of the new tax, I wonder?[/quote]

It would appear that you can live all year in a mobil-home and it can be your permant address (see paragraph starting "Si toutefois vous occupez ce mobil-home à l'année et qu'il constitue votre résidence principale" . .) AND as of 1 Jan 2010 you may be subject to a tax d'habitation on it.


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Reference the conversation with you son.

Bearcats and the authorities in general do not understand individualism. For one thing individuals may think and for the other they are more difficult to control. Therefore they will try to stamp out anything which does not fit into there prescribed way of existence. Orwell was only a few years out on his prediction.

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My comments are based on my knowledge of the UK, my knowledge of France and the French language not being as yet up to scratch. I made the supposition that human nature being what it is that all of those who have the handles of power probably behave in the same way.

However I may be wrong and France is a haven of individual freedom and light regulation.

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Sorry fisherman, I was agreeing with you, I think? a feeble attempt at humour on my part and  now you have me very confused, I am of little brain really. So read my post as: We will not have french people thinking OR being uncontrolable, at least that is what I believe the current president thinks and wants.

It starts at school in France, free thought and individualism is not well thought of, and knocked down if it can be. The good thing is that there are wonderful free thinkers who remain just that in spite of  'the system'. Also individual freedom in France, for me at least stops the moment every french person had to give their finger prints to their local town hall. Not through having done anything wrong, just because the law dictates that they have to, to get their ID cards, which are also obligatoire.

I'll reserve comment on 'light' regulation as the world has gone mad for regulation these days.

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The Gitanes in our area build little houses which seem to be left empty. They and their friends/family in multiple caravans use the toilet facilities and kitchen in the little house yet sleep in the caravans.

I guess if the house is kept empty they avoid habitation tax.

They then disappear, for some months finding work perhaps or to another of these little houses I presume.

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[quote user="Dog"]

I guess if the house is kept empty they avoid habitation tax.


I don't think that's right. Habitation tax is payable on empty properties as well, otherwise I want a refund!

They probably sleep in the caravans because they don't like houses :-)

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