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  1. I bought some for 35 euros, Hercules, the sound is very good if the music was recorded at high definition. It has fooled listeners with very expensive sound systems. I bought the same for the flat screen TV.
  2. Crumbs don't say that he'll get a multizillion contract for advertising man perfume.
  3. [quote user="audio"][quote user="Dog"]Lol that would be fun to see... apart from the fact you wouldn't know where I was as the line is impossible to see and I could be 5k away. With cross winds it is not at all obvious where the flier is. Most people that see the kite think it is radio controlled. Should you manage to find me the cotton has a breaking strain of 3lbs and the bamboo is 4mmx3mm and can be easily snapped by hand, the paper sail won't do much damage either. I suppose you could wrap 5k of line around my neck but I doubt I would stick around that long. Targeting boats is fun leaving a kite flying from the mast - it could become a sport seeing how many you could attach to a boat.[/quote] Frederick We can bring down Dog’s kites no problem; I’ll come out with you with my gun. More fun than shooting at clay pigeons and Dog will soon run out of kites.[/quote] I have in stock 300 kites at the moment and your shot would fall well short at even 1000 metres. In a reasonable breeze I could be that far away before you have loaded and put the gun to your shoulder. In the unlikely event your shot hit the kite it wouldn't matter as they fly well with lots of holes in them.
  4. Morgan has wriiten in a book of his how easy it was to access phone messages.
  5. [quote user="Salty Sam"] [quote user="Dog"]I think he turned away from Christainity the second he joined the freemasons.[/quote] Why would you think that? There are plenty of senior church officials proud of their association with Masonry! [/quote] Name some... please....
  6. [quote user="Quillan"] It was in your link you gave earlier and also in the links referred to in that link. As for the rest of your comments, well it just shows how ignorant you are when it comes the Freemasonry but then you yet again digress which is the norm. Anyway all this stuff is pure speculation, we will hear his reasons on Monday when he makes his statement. [/quote] In your own words put up or shut up. Let's have the links. If you know so much about Freemasonry answer the questions. The only way that I am ignorant about Freemasonry is that I have resisted the need to join and I am overjoyed daily at one of the best decisions I have ever made.
  7. Manifesto cannot do video on dialup.
  8. [quote user="Quillan"]IF he was a Freemason (as has been alleged) then he would be a Christian as he would have sworn his three oaths on a "Norwegian Bible Society" approved Bible. But then as it was also alleged he left Freemasonry some time prior to the killings then he may have turned away from Christianity. Who knows what was in the guys mind or what he really was other than 'disturbed'?[/quote] There are lots of links to him being a Mason but I cannot find a single one to him having left. Perhaps you could give a link please. I think he turned away from Christainity the second he joined the freemasons. Even if as you alledge he left freemasonry he had been in some time to get to 3rd base, are they no checks or concern for members, surely he cannot just leave - would he have to swear out? I look forward to getting the link...
  9. [quote user="pachapapa"]Whilst the 1518 page manifesto by "Berwick" is heavy reading, a quick idea of the mindset can be obtained from the Trailer to 12.22. It has been already been pulled from youtube so all the youtube tags on blogs will not link. The trailer is still viewable on VEOH at the following link; just click on the over 18 years old option and it will open. Best viewed in full screen mode as some of the script is small and the black red colours dont help. http://www.veoh.com/watch/v21123164bZCBQeZ8 Loading the VEOH player will allow viewing of complete 12:22 minute video. [/quote] It's plagiarized from the Uni Bomber in US. Just certain words changed.
  10. [quote user="The Riff-Raff Element"]Just got seven damn great melons direct from the producer just up the road for the princely sum of €5. That's quite good. If you are fond of melons. [/quote] We just ate our melon crop in one go as we only had a solitary melon this year but it tasted wonderful. Cost - a little effort to scatter the seed.
  11. [quote user="sweet 17"][quote user="Dog"]Have you seen the price of boot laces in France? 4 Euros!!! Same in UK £1. I now keep all my broken laces and lace my walking boots without using one lace. I lace the first three holes on their own then the next three. This means it's easier to tighten the lower holes and puts less stress on the laces. Plus you use old shorter broken laces. I did end up with a previous pair of boots with every two holes with its own laces. Isn't it fun getting old grumpy and mean.....[/quote] Sounds good, Dog, except that it's sometimes near impossible to thread the laces through when those rigid plastic bits at the end of laces get broken off! In the "good old days", the ends of laces used to be metal and now they are nearly always an inferior type of plastic, absolutely useless! [/quote] Don't worry I solved that problem - first cut the broken lace so it's a clean cut and not ragged. Then take approximately 15mm of sellotape and affix to the lace at an angle and carefully roll around the lace - et voila a tapered end to feed through your eyelets. To make sure the laces doesn't slip back through put a knot in it. I have also solved raised eyelets that pop out of your boots leaving no hole, either relace leaving out the non-existant eyelet. Alternatively take a strip of tough nylon attach laces to it and attach under and around the boot to keep it on your foot. Sounds mad but works well and over long periods.
  12. Dog

    Naan bread

    Did the dough rise? Put it in the iron pan on fairly high heat, when it gets half cooked brush with oil or butter and garlic/herbs.... If you don't want to use Naan try cassava, deep fry - I love the stuff. Serve as is or with a tamarind sauce mmmmmm. Special Chat is stupidly easy to make if you can find some gujarati mix. We have been feasting on haloumi, vine tomatoes and onion curry this week. Thought tonight had a wood oven pizza with black tomato sauce and various goodies. Bloomin' autumnal here - and lots of visitors arriving soon from USA and UK. You ain't that far from Perigueux you'll have to come for dinner.
  13. We have a few, but which part of a prune are you going to give the bottlebrush? I would eat the prune and err - well work it out... I will ask the gardener what to do with bottle brushes and get back to you.
  14. Have you seen the price of boot laces in France? 4 Euros!!! Same in UK £1. I now keep all my broken laces and lace my walking boots without using one lace. I lace the first three holes on their own then the next three. This means it's easier to tighten the lower holes and puts less stress on the laces. Plus you use old shorter broken laces. I did end up with a previous pair of boots with every two holes with its own laces. Isn't it fun getting old grumpy and mean.....
  15. [quote user="Rabbie"][quote user="Dog"][quote user="idun"] When I took a deep breath and put the news on late last night, I heard that some extremist muslim group was saying that they did it. Now I get up and at least the island massacre was perpetrated by an extremist christian and the rolling news is so confusing that I cannot make out if he or he with a group had carried out the bombings in Oslo too. Relgion. What is it about it that breeds such evil and has done throughout time. And not just individuals or small groups, but those in power have used it's devisiveness for pure evil too. The other day a pastor got rid of the bad parts of the bible the other day, maybe all these 'bibles' of all faiths should be gone through and all the bad and hate and mysogyny bits got rid of once and for all. I may have a litte more time for 'religion' then. [/quote] Surely that's the point he had effectively denounced religion once he became a freemason, the freemasons will say that they take anyone that believes in a supreme being. Quite how they know this is up to them, but you cannot be a devote Christian and a freemason. If freemasonry is about raising standards and putting men on a better path here is yet another example of its darker side. In just a few weeks freemasonry has been shown in a very bad light yet again.[/quote]As christians believe in a supreme being I can see no contradiction between freemasonry and Christianity[/quote] Rabbie be precise are you a christian or a freemason? The core problem theologically is syncretism. Freemasonry abstractly worships a 'supreme being' and papers over important differences among faiths. Like other universalist traditions, this undermines notions of the Trinity and the importance of Christ.
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