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French housing 'crisis' on the BBC

Pierre ZFP

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I suppose people living in university cities might get more local broadcasting on this kind of thing than us country mice, but this is news to me.  I knew about squalid housing conditions, and the difficulty students face in finding accommodation, and squats being unofficially rented out, but I had no idea about "contre services" letting agreements.  Students having to stay at home with their parents is not the end of the world, especially if the alternative is having to pay for their lodgings with sexual favours [+o(]
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With everything weighted against the landlords, it is not surprising that a lot of houses remain empty rather than being rented out to those who need them.

I suppose the unofficial 'payment in kind' is one way round the problem [;-)]


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[quote user="Cat"]Students having to stay at home with their parents is not the end of the world,[/quote]

In a system like the UK no, where they can finish a degree by 21, but a lot of students in France are still mooning around finishing off degrees at 26 and 27.  

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I think if it is by mutal agreement and both sides know what they are doing I see no harm in , how many students are giving it away every night for free? whats the difference, you dont enter ito some thing like that and then moan later , that I have been abused !! If the students didnt want to do then they wouldnt [Www] 
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I actually caught this programme while driving and it made sobering listening.  Joking apart, it sounded like a few landlords at least are vitually demanding sex, not in lieu of rent, but as a condition of being allowed to rent. Part of the programme was about Saint Denis on the outskirts of Paris and the dreadful physical condition of some of the rented accommodation there - real slums in 21st century Paris. According to the authorities questioned there has been a shortfall in housing provision in France's major cities for the last 15 or 20 years at least, and just as in Britain the rising divorce rate is contributing to a greatly increased demand for affordable housing. The figure of at least a million people homeless or in very substandard housing was mentioned - hardly the French idyll some British expats go on about....

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[quote user="Pads"]I think if it is by mutal agreement and both sides know what they are doing I see no harm in , how many students are giving it away every night for free? whats the difference, you dont enter ito some thing like that and then moan later , that I have been abused !! If the students didnt want to do then they wouldnt [Www] [/quote]

Are you sure you mean that ?


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Mmmmm 50/50 , Its called prostitution goes on over here too. not all of them are victims , Many of them choose it as a life style, unless made to do it by force which is wrong . people who make the choice to do , do so because they want to. there are many hard people out there who can do  any thing for money . I have first hand experiance as a very good friend of mine choose this as a living, she came from a good family who owned a well know public company. She was brought up by parents who were swingers so grew up to believe sex was just that , nothing to get emotional about , no job would give her the life style she grew up with , so this to her was easy money, her mother knew about it and was cool with it. She never knew it was wrong or felt abused. she has made a good living has homes in England spain and greece and no longer needs to work at 47.(edit : this was done with her own money nothing from her parents )

 If these students choose to do this , its work or sex , which is the easieist ??

You and I know its wrong . but lots of people just dont care and take the easy option.

There are plenty of people who are poor in france who dont do this so why do some ?   

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It's one thing to do it from free choice, yet another to do it because its the only way to get accommodation or some other necessity - if  "society" allows this debasement of the human spirit ( well I know what I mean !) then it can hardly complain at the consequences.

My feeling is that unless we encourage people to value themselves, 'we' are in very big trouble

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But Russet house its not the only way to get accommodation, or to get money or what ever you need . You can work, or move to where there is what you need. Its what I my husband and many other people did to get what they wanted. I never wanted to move to London when I was younger but I came from an area where there was not much work, or accommodation. so its what I had to do. or i could of stayed at home and done seasonal work . but I would still be there . not where I am today . its all down to choice . society dosnt allow it any more than it allows young thugs terrorising people in there homes , in fact the oppersite , most people hate it, ask them why they do it ? because they want to because they cant be bothered to do anything else . Why are you or I not thugs , sex sellers ect................ because we dont want to be      
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>> I knew about squalid housing conditions, and the difficulty students face in finding accommodation, and squats being unofficially rented out, but I had no idea about "contra services" letting agreements.  Students having to stay at home with their parents is not the end of the world, especially if the alternative is having to pay for their lodgings with sexual favours <<

I'm talking about students being obliged to pay for accommodation with sexual favours - are we on the same page ?[8-)][8-)]

I think it is all connected with a a lack of self worth, if you somehow get the idear that you are worthless and not capable of anything I should think its easy to be tempted into an 'unwise' way of life - after all what difference will it make?

If somehow your parents or perhaps teachers have managed to persuade you are or could be a worthwhile human being then you have something to build on.


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Not to sure if you are talking to me or the person who wrote above your question.? [:)]

But :

People who go down this route arnt people with self worthlyness(sp[8-)]) Issues. Most women I have met who are like this end up married to pigs and live a life of druge to the husband and kids .and end up in battered wife groups . it takes a certain type of balls to go down the route of selling your body ( or a bad drug habit)

I have worked for years with the samaritains and other women help groups. most women chose this choice to fit in with child care for good money etc.... You dont stand on a street corner with some pretty tough people out there if you cant stand up for your self

As to these students they are able to make the disscission over which is right or wrong and its the ruthless one who chooses , free /cheap rent in exchange for sex. If they wernt capable they wouldnt be going to colledge they would be at home still or doing some crap job for the rest of thier lifes

Russet house I hope you dont think Im being argumentive !![:)] but its a subject I know a bit about . and its nice to have a good conversation with somme one with a different point of view than me , or for that matter some one who has a point of view. on this subject . Most people dont care !!  

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Yes your right they do , but were they always there or are they created by the life stlye ? I think like you said we are both right , there are women who take this path for a number of different reasons . the clever ruthless ones make a living and get out , the weaker ones fall into the trap of the life style , the drugs , the user men (pimps ) , getting pregnant and having to keep going to fund the kids , and it becomes a viscious circle for them, . But we all make our choices, there is day one when you say shall I do this ? or do some thing else. We have all been there hard choices to make . Fall or rise its in your own hands !
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What a pointless discussion.

Russethouse (rightly) says that students are being put into a situation which, in other circumstances, would be called rape.

Pads (rightly) says there are calculating women who use sex as a means of getting what they want.

Never the twain shall meet.

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