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anyone made any successful nougat?


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I have tried to make nougat several times and it is always too soft or even runny. Edible, but not nougat. Now we have a friend on a mission to make it and theirs is turning out just like mine.

I used to use a sugar thermometer, and they have too.


So, if anyone has made it successfully, I would rather like the recipe and more importantly any astuces in how to get it 'right'. Thankyou[:)]

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Idun, I admire you and your ability to turn your hand to almost anything in the kitchen. Unfortunately I can't help with nougat, but I used to make Scottish tablet. It does your teeth in as well, being made from only sugar and butter. Delicious though.

Good luck in your quest.

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Your scottish tablet sounds rather like some of the toffee I have made recently, so recipe please.

I have been melting brown sugar and then mixing in butter and a touch of salt.  No recipe, just what I have been making.

And then when I decided to make a toffee cake and  it evolved  by adding cream to this mix too to soften it more. Then I put a thin coat of this lovely stuff on the cake and then with this toffee, mix it with icing sugar to make a toffee cream to put on top of the thin coat of toffee. It is rich and it is good.  I should be like a house end, but fortunately am just well rounded.

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No way do I have anything useful to say about making nougat. But since you are talking about toffee, I have recently become rather partial to "caramel au beurre salé" including in ice-cream form (every other dinner host here in France is currently making that it seems) and as I bought a jar recently... after reading this thread I think I might try to make that caramel http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6h83d_creme-caramel-beurre-sale_lifestyle it seems so simple!!! - do you make that sort of thing Idun???
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Yes, it is as easy as that.

Just make sure that the heat under the sugar is quite low or it will burn. I have made it just like that, only I do things au pif.  And I have played with it and personally I prefer to use a brown sugar and even if I use salted butter, I always put an extra pinch of salt in it. Also instead of just cream, I like creme fraiche in it. As there seemed to be an AVG warning when I played the video, I daren't put it on again, but once the butter is melted I boil it all up again stirring for a couple of minutes.

With extra cream, this is  the caramel sauce that I marry with a date pudding, to make sticky toffee pudding. (There are many variations of this sauce all down to personal preference).When cool even the sauce for sticky toffee pudding thickens, but soon goes runny when reheated.

And as I said, I have used this caramel in my toffee cake. I love cakes and puddings. [Www]

When we were in France I used to buy an italian ice cream with caramel in it, it was delicious.

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Does anything here help?


This person seems to have had the same problem as you


le nougat avait bizarrement tendance à couler. Pas grave, le fait de se

lever tôt autorise plusieurs essais sans trop entamer une journée

chargée.  Nouvelle version avec un mix des 2 recettes et cette fois, de

l’avis général des testeurs, une belle réussite avec un nougat  ferme et

moelleux à la fois,

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And I was being flippant as I never eat sugar except the tons of it contained in processed food which I now avoid like the plague.

I bought some sugar when I moved to France in March 2005, a 1kg box of brown cane sugar cubes, not for me but for the rare guests who will throw caution to the wind and accept a coffee from me, there remain 7 cubes [:-))]

99.99% of them have been taken by the one French friend who is not frightened to drink coffee made in a Senseo machine using Aldi coffepods but with an anglais pressing the button [:-))]

I have a neighbour who after 7 years of popping in to see me mid afternoon still cant take the mental leap to realise that I dont tale lunch at 12.30 sharp, he is always so surprised to see me eating, always remarks "ça sent bon!" but refuses steadfastly to gouter, I swear he does the sign of the cross at the same time, wonder of wonders the other week his curiosity got the better of him and he tried and enjoyed some of what I had cooked. Coffee is my next target.

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[quote user="Chancer"]

And I was being flippant as I never eat sugar except the tons of it contained in processed food which I now avoid like the plague.

I bought some sugar when I moved to France in March 2005, a 1kg box of brown cane sugar cubes, not for me but for the rare guests who will throw caution to the wind and accept a coffee from me, there remain 7 cubes [:-))]

99.99% of them have been taken by the one French friend who is not frightened to drink coffee made in a Senseo machine using Aldi coffepods but with an anglais pressing the button [:-))]

I have a neighbour who after 7 years of popping in to see me mid afternoon still cant take the mental leap to realise that I dont tale lunch at 12.30 sharp, he is always so surprised to see me eating, always remarks "ça sent bon!" but refuses steadfastly to gouter, I swear he does the sign of the cross at the same time, wonder of wonders the other week his curiosity got the better of him and he tried and enjoyed some of what I had cooked. Coffee is my next target.


Chancer, I had realised that you would not touch it with a barge pole. Nougat is pure wickedness. I seem to be hooked on wicked foods and unless I am under very strict orders to not touch them, I'll continue being so gourmande![Www]


I remember well inviting french people to dinner and them being very afeared about what I would offer. Apart from something Thai, which one guest could not eat, which was fair enough, everyone always scoffed everything.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Idun, re Scottish tablet: it's so long since since I made it, I can't remember the quantities I used and my recipe for it is in our house in France. However I've looked on the internet and this looks pretty much like what I used to make. I remember using a sugar thermometer, but was never very sure I'd got it to the required temperature. If you want to try it, here's a link. I'm sorry I don't know how to make it live. (I've got a lot to learn about using the computer).


did you manage to make your nougat?

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