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EDF website electricity prices


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Its a shame none of them will brader with the abonnement price, no-one ever seems to want to find an USP in France, I currently have 3 contracts soon to be 5 and will have 8 at the end, a couple of euros on each would make a significant saving.

With the 3 I have and the tenants being gourmande because they are not paying (directly) its time for me to try and make an economy, I looked at the direct energie web tariff and I could save 8%, it says that the remise is guaranteed each year but I'm guessing they mean une remise and not la remise or is it a guaranteed 8% of EDF tarif for ever Norman?

I dont like the monthly payment but they show a €9 charge for changing to facturation bi-mensuelle, do you know if this can actually be done? Or is the scam that they will charge you €9 every time you are billed?

I'm guessing that they will apply this to each contract.

how do you find their Customer web interface, can you do all the things that you are (supposed to be) able to do on the EDF one, télépaiement etc, look at the evolution of consumption, old bills etc?   

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I am trying Directe Energie for the second appartment I recently bought, and Have not yet been through a whole year with the company.

What I don't like is that they insist that for the first 6 months you pay an estimated amount by prélèvement (you know my reservations about those)

The abbonement is a little higher than the EDF.

The tarif quoted is ttc which I like since you can simply multiply consommation x Kwh then add however many months abbonement but it makes comparison with EDF a bit complex since the latter is so hard to follow.

The 8% is for this yeat

Of course each year they could change their tarif but you are only tied in for the current year and nowadays have the right to go back to the EDF if you want to

The site is pretty good with the ability to see old factures and you there is a feature to see if what you have paid covers the amount you have used.

After the first period you can do a self -reading each 2 months.

On the site there is a calculator where you can put in the figures for last year and see how you would fare with Directe energie

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I notice that they fine you if you dont submit the relève every 2 months, only in France [:(] Bet they dont remind you either.

After the first 6 months, when you supply your readings is the bill still paid by prélèvement or can you pay it by different means?  

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I don't know yet about the prélèvement.

In fact it is a bit weird, since they have taken 6 months worth and my metre was read in November, but I have not yet had a bill or adjust ment either way

It was this thread which prompted me to look at it since I expected a change about now..

Hey ho [:(]

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I make no effort whatsoever to save electricity and have also stuck to flat rate so as to never be constrained on when I use it but even so my bill is currently averaging €97/mth.

While the 3rd party offers might save me 5% on the basis that I'd have to keep checking and probably have to change on a regular basis to keep ahead of the game I simply cannot be ar5ed.

I suppose if it got to a point where that level of saving was the difference between make or break I might think differently but it hasn't come to that yet [;-)]

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While the 8% advertised by Directe Energie is not a huge amount of money (say 100€ annually for my main house) I find that the major historic players in various areas (Orange, EDF, for two) have a good technical record but dreadful adminstration and customer service, so I am with Free for Internet/telephone, and now with Directe Energie for Electricity.

Hoping to find an improvement there. Free already was very helpful over a question of a corroded connection from the street into the house.  Will see how the Energie company performs, but could hardly be worse than the EDF for trying to call them.

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[quote user="Théière"]But you are not running your pool pump at the moment, that'll up the anti a bit

[/quote]I said 'average' Théière [;-)]

In 8 years I've not had no occasion to call on EDF customer services Norman so the efficiency - or otherwise - of that doesn't really figure too large in my reasoning.

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With my phone phobia getting ever worse, I don't willingly call anybody.  However, on the odd occasion when I have emailed or written a letter, the response and results have been satisfactory.

When they have been the ones ringing me, the results have been very good as well.

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