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Everything posted by lacote0_0

  1. lacote0_0

    p 60

    I've received P60s from 3 out of 6 annuity providers, and (for what it's worth) notices of coding for 2010/11 from the Revenue for 5 out of 6 .
  2. If it didn't advise you of this exclusion at the time, while knowing that you were English resident, then you must have at least an argument that Banque Populaire mis-sold the policy. The question would then arise whether Banque Populaire should be obliged to pay your claim in the place of AXA, or, at the least, should refund the premiums in full or in part. You need to consult an avocat.
  3. I think that the insurance is akin to this: http://www.banquepopulaire.fr/clients/p797_FR.htm The requirement for the assured to be French resident appears in relation to another policy: http://www.banquepopulaire.fr/clients/p795_FR.htm
  4. You could refer the matter to the bank's mediation service.
  5. The eligibility for identity cards is quite limited, and I believe that applications from the general public are being refused at present. http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Governmentcitizensandrights/Identitycards/DG_174258
  6. Have you tried Carrefour (www.ooshop.com)? Our local Super U did internet shopping, but has now stopped, for lack of sufficient demand to cover the costs.
  7. I think that the attitude may be at variance with the law. The owner of one of the bars in our village heard noises from his bedroom,and looked out to see two "gitanes" trying to get into a lorry parked opposite. He then took his rifle from under the bed and took a pot shot. The two would-be robbers fled, but one was badly hurt, and was left outside the hospital by his accomplice, and later died. The bar owner was arrested by the gendarmes, but his customers converged on the gendarmerie in protest. He was charged and tried for homicide volontaire, and is presently serving a long sentence, but there are still those who think he was within his rights.
  8. Not entirely ecological. There was a row at the time of the Albertville Olympics because the construction of the cross country arena at Les Saisies involved the destruction of a bog habitat.
  9. I go to sites in the Chartreuse, Belledonne and Bauges ranges, which are equidistant, and in the Vercors, which is a little further away.
  10. I've been doing ski de fond for many years. I'm not particularly good, but the advantage over downhill skiing is that you can take your time and still enjoy it.  
  11. AnOther Thank you for reopening this thread. I understand you are about to take out a QROPS. If I may ask, with whom are you doing this? Do you have a link to their terms?
  12. lacote0_0


     Would AnOther be willing to tell us more about the QROPS, possibly as a new thread?
  13. Have just bought tyres in UK via www.blackcircles.com. Service both from the supplier and the fitter was excellent, and cost about 30% less than quoted by ATS in UK, 50% less than local fitter in France.
  14. I do not read versement of a capital en especes as meaning any more than payment in money or money's worth at the term of a contract, by whatsoever means and to whomsoever the policyholder may direct, in which case the proceeds of a UK policy which has matured or been cashed in would fall within the term. Even if I were wrong and the "periodicite" of payments under regular premium policies meant that they fell under B, and annuities purchased with them were taxable as salaires de retraite, not rentes viageres a titre onereux, nevertheless annuities purchased with the proceeds of single premium policies (as were Equitable Life's policies, for example) would presumably still fall within A. There is a very fine line to be drawn here between arguing that annuities should both benefit from the allowances against income tax of rentes viageres a titre onereux and be exempt from ISF under the rather convoluted terms of article 885j of the CGI.
  15. The definition of rente viagere a titre onereux here: http://doc.impots.gouv.fr/aida/brochures_ir2008/ud_028.html includes Les rentes viagères perçues en contrepartie : du versement d'une somme d'argent, and les rentes constituées auprès de compagnies d'assurances moyennant le versement d'un capital en espèces. A purchased life annuity appears to fall fair and square within both tests; it is bought with a sum of money from an insurance company (and not limited to the insurance company administering the original “retirement” policy).
  16. Do they give a source for this statement?
  17. There used to be a variant on this whereby you were offered a free entry in a telex directory, but the form was set out in such a way that when accepting what you thought was the free entry you in fact signed up for a small ad at an inflated price. You then received chasing letters from the company and their tame German lawyer for the full amount.
  18. I think that there is a mistake in the shorter form, referring to the treatment available to someone who has resided within the UK for at least 10 continuous years in the past and now lives in the EEA or in a country with which a bilateral agreement exists (but does not have an EHIC). It says "It does include the routine treatment of pre-existing conditions, nor [sic] planned treatment." It should presumably read "It does not include..."
  19. Apart from the original issue of where exactly Lyon is situated (I'm told that to a French person it's in both the Sud Est and the Est), I don't think that there are any ongoing posts which would need to be sorted if Rhone-Alpes were to be made a new section on its own.
  20. Why not the French regions, possibly with a reminder somewhere of the departements which each includes?
  21. No problems whatsoever in running a Roberts internet radio via Free.
  22. [quote user="Chancer"] Given the relatively low (by todays standards) I.S.F. threshold of (IIRC) €732,000 and that the value of ones principal residence is included I would like to know if pension pots and other investments are counted. [/quote]Pension funds not yet in payment, whether French or overseas, belonging to a French domiciliary would normally be subject to ISF. However, there is an exoneration in article 885 A 1  in respect of assets outside France for the first 5 years after becoming fiscally domiciled in France. Toutefois, les personnes physiques mentionnées au premier alinéa qui n'ont pas été fiscalement domiciliées en France au cours des cinq années civiles précédant celle au cours de laquelle elles ont leur domicile fiscal en France ne sont imposables qu'à raison de leurs biens situés en France. Cette disposition s'applique au titre de chaque année au cours de laquelle le redevable conserve son domicile fiscal en France, et ce jusqu'au 31 décembre de la cinquième année qui suit celle au cours de laquelle le domicile fiscal a été établi en France. Rentes viageres (purchased life annuities) in payment are normally capitalised by multiplying them by a multiplier dependent on the beneficiary's age and set out in tables published by the fisc. ISF is then assessed on the capital amount. There is however an exoneration  for rentes viageres deriving from foreign pension funds which fall within a very specific definition in article 885 J of the tax code: La valeur de capitalisation des rentes viagères constituées dans le cadre d'une activité professionnelle ou d'un plan d'épargne retraite populaire prévu à l'article L. 144-2 du code des assurances, moyennant le versement de primes régulièrement échelonnées dans leur montant et leur périodicité pendant une durée d'au moins quinze ans et dont l'entrée en jouissance intervient, au plus tôt, à compter de la date de la liquidation de la pension du redevable dans un régime obligatoire d'assurance vieillesse ou à l'âge fixé en application de l'article L. 351-1 du code de la sécurité sociale, n'entre pas dans le calcul de l'assiette de l'impôt.L'exonération bénéficie au souscripteur et à son conjoint. Jusqu'au 31 décembre 2010, la condition de durée d'au moins quinze ans n'est pas requise pour les contrats et plans prévus aux articles L. 3334-1 à L. 3334-16 du code du travail, L. 144-2 du code des assurances et au b du 1 du I de l'article 163 quatervicies du présent code, lorsque le souscripteur y adhère moins de quinze années avant l'âge donnant droit à la liquidation d'une retraite à taux plein. Even if the exoneration under Article 885 J did not apply to a rente viagere in payment, it is arguable that the exoneration of Article 885 A would apply during the first 5 years of the payee's fiscal domicile in France, if it were being paid outside France.
  23. If you want to buy items in order to keep your Air Miles account current, see http://www.airmiles.co.uk/collect/collection-at-a-glance for a list of suppliers. In particular, for shipment to France at reasonable rates, try www.hmv.com or www.ebay.co.uk.
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