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  1. lacote0_0

    p 60

    I've received P60s from 3 out of 6 annuity providers, and (for what it's worth) notices of coding for 2010/11 from the Revenue for 5 out of 6 .
  2. The eligibility for identity cards is quite limited, and I believe that applications from the general public are being refused at present. http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Governmentcitizensandrights/Identitycards/DG_174258
  3. Have you tried Carrefour (www.ooshop.com)? Our local Super U did internet shopping, but has now stopped, for lack of sufficient demand to cover the costs.
  4. Not entirely ecological. There was a row at the time of the Albertville Olympics because the construction of the cross country arena at Les Saisies involved the destruction of a bog habitat.
  5. I go to sites in the Chartreuse, Belledonne and Bauges ranges, which are equidistant, and in the Vercors, which is a little further away.
  6. I've been doing ski de fond for many years. I'm not particularly good, but the advantage over downhill skiing is that you can take your time and still enjoy it.  
  7. lacote0_0


     Would AnOther be willing to tell us more about the QROPS, possibly as a new thread?
  8. Apart from the original issue of where exactly Lyon is situated (I'm told that to a French person it's in both the Sud Est and the Est), I don't think that there are any ongoing posts which would need to be sorted if Rhone-Alpes were to be made a new section on its own.
  9. Why not the French regions, possibly with a reminder somewhere of the departements which each includes?
  10. No problems whatsoever in running a Roberts internet radio via Free.
  11. If you want to buy items in order to keep your Air Miles account current, see http://www.airmiles.co.uk/collect/collection-at-a-glance for a list of suppliers. In particular, for shipment to France at reasonable rates, try www.hmv.com or www.ebay.co.uk.
  12. [quote user="brianagain"] I think that Fred is the diminuitive of Frederique. She has written quite a few crime novels several of which are also available translated into English. [/quote] You are right, and the photo and biography make it quite clear.
  13. I recently read and enjoyed The Chalk Circle Man by Fred Vargas in translation. I don't know whether my French would be up to his other books, but I really should try.
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