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Everything posted by Boghound

  1. I was replying to the "cry-baby's" question about an exemption certificate.
  2. [quote]Apart from the fact that simple computer monitors don't use the same video system as DVD players and TV's. You would need a multimedia TFT monitor (which are more expensive) and may (because they ofte...[/quote] Yes.
  3. We had an unmarried mother in the local village a few years ago...I often see her floating past...when I'm sitting in the garden....can't understand why they didn't use proper weights like they use to years ago...perhaps thought they might get stuck in the beaks of the local waterfowl...very much into conservation around here but not unmarried mothers...although I don't know.
  4. Boghound

    Depressed dog.

    One of my hounds was off his food for a few weeks after my F-in-L fell off the perch but he soon bounced back..the hound...not the F-in-L...dogs can pick-up on bad vibes very quickly.
  5. This post should also include the "promise" of Town Gas and ADSL....mind you....we have been notified that ADSL is suppose to arrive in the last quarter of 2005 but at the price they are chargeing...who wants it!
  6. [quote]Am I the only one to have noticed that someone has posted, in the Food and Wine section, to ask what their clafoutis should look like? This really is too embarrassing for words. Why, for God's sake...[/quote] Yes but it all depends what gender he caught it off.
  7. [quote]Should i presume then that both Boghound , WJT and the majority of ordinary french people never claim any state benefits whatsoever ? You have made me so guilty (NOT !!). Without people 'breeding' as...[/quote] Just because you can claim it...really doesn't mean you have to! Oh..by the way...the amount of State Pension I can claim...isn't worth the effort of sending it.
  8. [quote]Boghound, Are you really suggesting i pay social charges and income tax for a couple of years BEFORE i claim child benefit or a rebate on the property taxes ? Are you barking mad ? (pun intended). W...[/quote] Yes. Why should I pay for you to breed and for the upkeep of your offspring.
  9. "Kirsch is virtually unknown here where the dish was invented, and in any case is FAR too expensive to be used in the quantities needed." Obviously not lived here long...move in the circles I entertain in...or live in the Vendee.
  10. [quote]As the poster will be paying tax and social charges why do you think its 'scrounging' ?[/quote] Because he has not paid a bean into the French system before he starts to claim off it...like many that come over here now for the "Better quality of Life".
  11. [quote]So what's made you opt for France when there are so many other countries you can set up home and scrounge in? M What has it got to do with you? he has every right to do so.[/quote] It would  be interesting to see the reactions of his neighbours when they find out, that he's just another scrounger...living off a country's welfare system that he has paid FA towards.
  12. [quote]I think the Shabbytat line is unfair - at least of early Habitat. We still have a Habitat Chesterfield which is over 25 years old and going strong - just ready for it's 3rd recovering, and we still us...[/quote] I'm rather curious as how a Chesterfield can still be going strong and yet ready for it's third covering.
  13. [quote]Le vrai clafoutis du Limousin (dont le nom vient du mot patois clafi, "rempli", sous-entendu "de cerises") exige, "de savoureuses petites cerises noires que l'on ne trouve qu'en Limousin". Et "pour at...[/quote] Eeeee Lass...it dunni mather wot gibberish yer be tolken in...it still be tarted up Yorkshire pudd with fruit.
  14. I think my "cuisiner" might have something to say about the origin.....though my dentist seems to be all for it. 
  15. It looks like a Yorkshire pudding with fruit in and tastes like one but sweet! Excellent for repairing stone walls..another example of the British tasting over glamorised French peasant cuisine.
  16. [quote]Boggy, perhaps that is how I feel. After all when I lived and voted in the UK I never once gave any thought to French politics and how they would affect me and now I live in France, havn't been to the...[/quote] Hey Val...I agree with you...it's just I seem to hanker for a "fix" of news more then ever these days....must be an age thing.
  17. Hey Miki..I thought, they were the Monster Raving Loony Party.
  18. [quote]No concern of ours,more interested in what goes on here in France that affects our day to day living and futures.[/quote] What a terrible insular attitude Val...reminds me of the Palm Beach Post...daily broadsheet...but only has a quarter of a page for World affairs
  19. The Monster Raving Loony Party...now there is a party with the right idea...have a look at their manifesto...EXCELLENT...now..if only The Tories would follow suit
  20. But Dick...I thought Volvos could tackle anything...or perhaps it depends on the driver.
  21. Clinique Veterinaire D'Aunis 94 rue des Carrieres 85400 Lucon 02 51 27 90 98 Going from Lucon towards HyperU...go over roundabout with HyperU on your left...at X-roads..vet is on left corner. Receptionist does not speak English well...if at all!!!!
  22. Ausgezeichnete....Don't vergessen, daß wir noch die Meister sind und alles Francophiles wird auf Auftrag vom "Bunker in Slough" geschossen
  23. [quote]I'd be careful - I read that as two separate sections. In the end the only answer is to contact the DVLA and ask - they do respond to emails (given a bit of time). I realise the French authorities may...[/quote] You really should stick to commenting on replies where you actually have first hand knowledge Dick..Ron is correct..you do not have to change to a French one, even if you have lived here for many years...you have to change if you commit an offence that requires the reduction of points...French insurance companies would have a copy of your licence anyway when you first applied for cover...this is one area where they cannot weasel out from.
  24. Gite required in/around Ste Hermine/Lucon in Vendee...last week in July & first in August for French couple with two "lap dogs".
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